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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. "i think they figure they have to act appalled and scoff in silence cause they either dont even know anyone that has those two colors, or cant figure out why anyone would want to mix them and make a new color that wouldnt be noticably "vintage".... either way i applaud it all...." in response to fr8o talking about how no one was interested in mixing jungle with pastel aqua. it wasnt my first, i had been here for a year at that point, but it was the oldest listed. i had 199 pages of posts.
  2. seeking


    somday im gonna have a bike... someday...
  3. seeking


    i got bored yesterday and decided to take apart the piece of shit bike i found on the side of the street (or stole from a bum, depending who you ask)... well, leave it up to beardo and his apartment to not have a pair of pliers, wire cutters or even a hammer, just the following: 1. 3 ended skate tool 1. screwdriver 1. utility knife 1. 3 in 1 oil. 1. half assembled skateboard ok, so surprisingly the skate tool worked on alot of the bolts. the screw driver was able to unscrew, pry or mangle, quite a few things. since i didnt have a hammer, the skateboard was used to beat the shit out of the old break/shifter levers, handle bars, seat, cranks until they either broke, were crushed, or chipped the shit out of the board. some attempts were more successful than others. the utility knife proved basically useless. it wouldnt cut through the cables and seemed to only function well as a sharp object to accidentaly step on with my bare feet. the 3-1 oil wasnt nearly as good as some WD-40, but i mean, it was that or smuckers stawberry jelly. yeah, i went with the oil too. anyway, now i have the majority of the bike taken apart, but since i cant cut any of the cables, the bike isnt so much 'apart' as it is just hanging from a bunch of wires, being difficult to move around. ok, thats all. just thought you guys might be interested in the shit i have to go through in order to get a working bike around here.
  4. seeking


    attempted to learn skip-stopping the other night. failed.
  5. seeking


    1 -- Lance Armstrong's ranking among world cyclists in 1996 before he was diagnosed with testicular cancer that spread to his lungs and brain. 3 -- Children he has with wife Kristin. Son Luke, and twin daughters, Isabelle and Grace. All children were conceived through In-Vitro Fertilization as Armstrong's chemotherapy left him sterile. 3 -- Consecutive Tour de France titles won by Armstrong, tying him with Greg LeMond for the most wins by an American in the 2,250-mile race. 4 -- Percent body fat Armstrong carries. Shaquille O'Neal has 16 percent. 5 -- Months after his cancer was diagnosed that Armstrong began training again. 16 -- Age Armstrong became a professional triathlete. 20 -- Percent chance that doctors gave Armstrong to recover from advanced testicular cancer in 1996. 32 -- Armstrong's resting heart rate. The average resting heart rate for a man is 70 beats per minute. 33 -- Percent larger that Armstong's heart is compared to the heart size of an average man. 85 -- Armstrong's VO2 Max rating, which measures the amount of oxygen the lungs can consume during exercise. An average healthy male might rate a 40. 2,046 -- Number of miles in the 2002 Tour de France. Shortened this year in the hopes of lessening Armstrong's advantage. 6,500 -- Average number of daily calories burned by Tour de France riders over the three weeks of the race. Active people might burn 3,500 daily. 3,000,000 -- Amount in grant money for cancer programs and research distributed by the Lance Armstrong Foundation since its inception in 1997. taken from sports illustrated..
  6. seeking


    thanks, but im just scrapping the whole thing. i might use the frame, probably everything else will get replaced. hell, i might not use it at all. thats fine, it'll be fun to throw off the roof. books; fun in oh so many ways.
  7. seeking


    i just picked up a schwin 'le tour' from the side of the road. the rims are bent, the tires are off the rims, the chain is pretty much rusted solid, the handle bars look like fucking antlers with all type of shit sticking up off them. nothing a nice coat of rusto flat black, a pair of pliers, some duct tape and wd40 cant fix...
  8. seeking


    dibs, i need to get off my lazy ass and make you a package. with almost 30 freights last month alone, i got plenty of flics i should send your way. but thats a side note, forget it. ill hit you up when i decide what exactly i want to get into. i know i want a very simple, completely stripped down road bike, cause there are no mountains in the rugged terrain of down town philladelphia. i just cant decide if i wanna go fixie, or if i want a break or two on there... the andventerous side of me thinks a fixie is gonna be a hell of alot more fun, but i mean... i just dont know if i wanna be that fucking cliche. a scrubby writer, covered in tattoos with a punk rock belt who listens to hardcore all day and rides a fixie... c'mon... thats almost more than i can bare. only thing im missing is some shitty baseball hat that says 'earls finest meal worms', some tight black jeans and and a 40 of pabst in my messanger bag. any thoughts?
  9. seeking


    dibs, hesh is building me a bike... you got any rims lying around you wanna part with for cheap? i believe at one point you had a couple sets... seeks/future stonecutter oner
  10. makros, dont worry, i still have the utmost respect for women. but if you present yourself as a 'sex symbol' by posing half nude in magazines, and having lesbian love scenes in a movie that could hardly be justified by its 'artistic merrit' then as far as im concerned, me admitting that id like to have sex with you is not disrespectful. i didnt refer to her as a 'bitch' as most people would of. i know what your getting at, and part of me knows your right, but then part of me has a penis and is like 'yo'... seeking/overly analytical
  11. don't be fooled, i'd hook her up. http://www.fortunecity.co.uk/cinerama/premier/135/nevepics/R_Stone.jpg'>
  12. now that i think of it, it might have something to do with KRS-one... ring any bells?
  13. see, the thing is, i have about a 4 second sample in my head, and thats what im going on. i know it goes 'don dada, something something supercat, da don dada' something like that, and its fuckin rugged. i downloaded 'don dada' proper, and it was way too light. since i can only remember the one little part, im thinking it have just been a sample thrown in the middle of something else, i dont know. but i do know that the piano from 'bridge is over' was in there. tearz, im assuming you have a grip of old (87-94) hip hop, but if theres something your looking for in specific, lemme know. i might have it and considering i havent touched most my records in two years, theres a decent chance i might part with it.
  14. after downloading 15 different copies of this song, and never finding the one that i want, im now turning to the center of the universe for help. someone must know what im talking about. its like a remix of the song, with 'the bridge is over' thrown in. TEARZ? anyone? and if anyone wants to suggest some good dancehall shit, hook it up. im a fan of murder songs and 'im a badass' songs. songs about girls usually and anything with 'punani' in the title tend to be let downs. thats all.
  15. seeking


    oh yeah, dibs, it rains alot in the winter. sorry, i forgot to tell you. seeking/writing to you from my new ibook
  16. seeking


    man, yall are slipping... i dotn even own a bike, and still i pulled this puppy from page 3...
  17. i have a real weird thing about graff... i either want things to be totally crushed, or not at all... graff in small towns just looks stupid... some wack ass tag on the side of a dairy queen or something... blah.... but somepplace like NY, or montreal, thats totally crushed looks real dope to me. i totally respect architecture, and if not for the math involved, would love to persue it... the thing is, graff on buildings doesnt cover more than 7 feet or so, so theres still plenty of room for fresh design to flourish untouched, ya know...
  18. seeking


    i have a heart murmer also. i think everyone does... fuck all that sports drink shit... give me a bottle of vernors and im ready to rock... you know... on that bike i dont actually have. seeking/posting where he doesnt belong
  19. seeking


    bump from 2, dibs you got mail.
  20. seeking


    dude, you got a green back tire. haha.
  21. seeking


    um... i still dont have a bike...
  22. seeking


    go for it bro. bikes will always be there if shit goes bad, but chances like this dont always come around everyday. and with a higher paying job, you can ice out the rims on your fixie... stonethrower#1
  23. seeking


    god damnit dibs, you gonna make me come all the way back out there for a fucking bike ride? when is this sposed to take place? gimme a couch and you know i'll find a way to make it out...
  24. seeking


    sf is a nice place. i look forward to making it back out there. yo, and that reminds me, i ride more bikes than i remember. last year i totally fucking rode a bike all through wine country. shit was fresh. i got free wine, got to go down in the wine cellars of places an shit. it was bad ass. and besides the shit you can get for free, you can get really good deals on wine as well. we were gettign like 30-40% off. wine is the hot shit. dibs, i need a good shop out here that has used shit. any ideas?
  25. seeking


    i know all about those nights man, ive had more than my fair share of them... ending both alone and with someone else... either way it goes down, you wind up feeling shitty and wishing it was the other. so very often you feel damned either way. i guess this is life huh? fuck it... how many times do i have to ride a bike? and do i need to own one? cause if you read up a few posts, i rode a bike once last week. it was a girls bike. i think i should get double points for that fact alone. 6'3" crazy dreadlocked tattoo'd guy riding a purple 18" girls bike. if that aint a stonecutter, im atleast on some boxcutter shit. stonethrower#1
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