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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. i'm saying what i said: until you understand what makes a style what it is, and what makes it 'good', all you can hope to do is replicate what's been done with it. if you don't think it applies to you, that's fine by me.
  2. naw, i'm really into jessica alba and elisha cuthbert too, but nobody asked me about them.
  3. unless she was making an esoteric reference to a plant or river, (while simultaneously misspelling 'maybe') the word is 'influence', and i know what it means, but thank you. now, to use it in a sentence... there is a difference between influence, adaptation, and plagiarizing. until you can understand the elements that make a style what it is, you'll never be able to build off it, only bite it.
  4. all criticism is opinion. there's no reason to get upset at anything someone says to you. if they're better than you, learn from them. if they're worse than you, it doesn't matter because there are always still people better than you. there is always room to improve. riku, please tell me about 'influents'.
  5. if there are 'tons' of writers all over the world doing philly styles, but are not from philly, they are biters and suckers, period. yes, i think regional styles should stay regional. unless you're from that area, or taught by someone from that area, you shouldn't be doing it. no matter how much you like radiohead, you're not gonna start speaking with an english accent are you? why would you copy a handstyle that's foreign to you? appreciate, but don't imitate. as for NY, there is no "NY' handstyle. never was. there are people from ny with famous hands, but nothing that defines the entire city. there's no need to defend or explain yourself to me (or anyone else). just take it all for what it's worth and do with it what you want.
  6. how about this...every single thing you posted was bitten from a different style...just pick one and focus on that. also, unless you're from philly, doing philly style tags is kinda...silly.
  7. seeking


    called nike today. the sons-a-bitches discontinued the shoes i wanted. im gonna do a drive by on niketown. fuck them.
  8. seeking


    'da noo skewl' is apparently for sissies.
  9. seeking


    which part is that? doing a photo shoot with your cool graffiti paraphenalia? i always thought writing on shit was the fun part, not fronting. but then again, what do i know?
  10. seeking


    haha, dude, i was thinking the EXACT same shit. then i was like...oh wait, he's got his whole little marker collection set up, to pose with hsi 'radical' shoes and his tequila, so we get to see what a delinquent vandal he is. :rolleyes: BK, did you end up getting them eventually? i'ma try calling them tomorrow (there's a custmer service number on the site) an see what's popping. shoe's are taking 2 months to ship now. bananas.
  11. seeking


    yo, i had a shoe i designed on nikeid in dec, and saved to 'my locker'. i just pulled it up to buy last night, and it's giving me some bullshit ass 'we can only make so many pairs in one day. please try again tomorrow and we will have more available". does this mean they're nolonger making it, or just that it's temporarily on hold or something?
  12. well, his 'style' is a style justo was doing a decade ago, that was then passed down to avid and grim, and then...'borrowed' by money and eggs. it's also a style that people frequently use to mask the fact that they have absolutely no style at all. i'm not really trying to slam the kid, i'm sure he's a nice guy who's just starting out and all, but really...kids are just lazy. i'd rather see a hand like yours that isn't really original, but atleast is trying to follow in the foot steps of a handstyle, than your boy who is just trying to take the easy way out. then again, hands are my new criteria for quality in graffiti (which is actually the original way of doing it), so it makes sense that i'd notice it.
  13. do people think that wacky letters are some sort of a suitable alternative to decent handstyles? just wondering.
  14. i couldnt even tell you what graffiti from vancouver looks like. i didn't know it had it's own style.
  15. those are cool. it's nice to see work that has nothing to do with graffiti.
  16. ha, yeah and you did it right in front of a cop while on probation, right? little bit of a different scenario. if they had chased you out of the bar, they might have a case, but if they didnt grab you until hours later (im assuming you went to other bars in the area, yes?) then they've got absolutely nothing.
  17. by 'it wouldnt even go to court' i mean that the charges will be dropped and you won't even see the judge. if the story really is as you claim and you're not leaving out any huge facts, the prosecutor wouldn't waste their time, or their reputation, putting a hopeless case in front of a judge. here's what's gonna happen: you'll show up that day, your lawyer will meet with the prosecutor in the hallway, they'll talk for a minute, and you'll go home and wonder what you were so worried about. end of story. ha. they have no evidence that you did it and no witnesses. if they did, they'd have grabbed you right then. what they do have is an over-anxious bouncer who broke the law. you could hire a lawyer if you want, but honestly, any public defender should be able to get this thrown out instantly. you should talk to poop man bob about this.
  18. kursive, please post more, those are dope.
  19. hours after? yeah dude, you've got nothing to worry about. this wouldnt even go to court.
  20. dobs, did you have a marker on you? was it the same one that did the tag?
  21. for a more in depth answer, i've worked the door at several places, and unless texas is drasticaly different from the rest of america, they're fucked. legally they have the right to defend themselves, and to escourt you off their premises. if you stabbed someone in the face with a shank, i suppose they'd have the right to hold you till the cops come, but they sure as fuck do not have the right to chase you down the street and tackle you for a tag in a bathroom that they have absolutely no way of proving you did. they can't even say they saw you do it, because if that was the case, they should have grabbed you inside, not several minutes later. you've got a really good case and i'm actually surprised the cops even arrested you. this shit wouldnt stand up for a second in court. def. get a lawyer. seeking/restating everything i just said cause i think i'm so fucking smart that people should read it twice. ha.
  22. legally they have absolutely no right to be touching you like that. you should definitely get a lawyer, not only will the charges me dropped (they have no proof you did it) but you can probably get something out of it. normally i hate frivelous law suits, but fuck apes like that.
  23. i'd rather not take 15 years of hard learned history and synopsise it into a pamphlet for kids too lazy to seek out the answers on their own. ;) if cats have specific questions, feel free to ask me privately.
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