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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. seeking


    hipsters. black people who hang out with hipsters. people with the corky disease. blind vagabonds. homesless vietnamese kids who sell chewing gum to tourists. jews who believe there are diamonds sewed into the tounge. young jeezy.
  2. funny. that was painted in jersey in '03.
  3. seeking


    those shoes were ugly as fuck even before the ink.
  4. the other thread was hidden/removed by request in order to keep some writers in your area safe. it's unfortunate, but sometimes it's gotta come to that. hopefully it can be returned soon.
  5. stori's pretty much killing it.
  6. yup. they're the ones that pushed me to learn to paint as clean with stocks as i could with caps. huge inspiration. the kind of shit you really dont even understand for a good ten years. one day you do something and it just clicks, like, oh shit, i get it now.
  7. new shit? that's awesome. one of the dopest moments for me 'coming up' was hanging out with jstarr, looking through all their old black books. so many old tame outlines an shit. seeing the stuff those dudes had (stacks of black books, stacks of flicks etc) was just nuts. those dudes had style for days. they were also cool as hell. i'd met them maybe once or twice through a friend, then just started showing up at their place to watch kung fu movies and listen to them producing music. ha. i dont know why they let me kick it...probably cause i had a car would take them to get drugs, but still. just being around them taught me a ton. that's all.
  8. awesome. more stupid girl empowerment.
  9. you can call me whatever dumb shit you'd like, but the fact of the matter is you're creating shit that doesnt exist, and even if it did, wouldnt involve you. you arent me, you arent esau, you arent gram, you arent stori. you're not even friends with any of us. you dont paint with us, you dont chill with us, we dont even laugh at the same jokes on the internet. nothing. anything that may or may not exist between any of us and fbs, has nothing to do with you. obviously you'd like it to, but it just doesnt. if you dont want pluto speaking your name, take that up with him, but dont make some big ass post detailing your fantasies about some epic battle (that strangely didnt involve you going over anyone...hmmm), shit isn't gonna happen. the loaf/esau misunderstanding is squashed. the dfw stori beef is old news. pluto dissing me is comedy, nothing more. if there is any other drama, i'd be happy to mediate between the parties and put an end to that shit too. sorry, im just sick and tired of dumb shit that doesnt need to exist, simple cause cats need to feel important or involved.
  10. oral, is there any reason that you're instigating (and in a large part creating) something that has absolutely nothing to do with you? there is no real beef here. it's done. over. handled.
  11. i dont know man, i'd talk to your crew, since two of them told me you dissed me, but didn't leave your name. sounds like an internal problem to me.
  12. i just hope they leave names this time when they go over people. ;)
  13. would you prefer if it looked like it had been sitting infront of the 7th letter website all day? your my homie and all, but seriously...i dont know. sometimes i just gotta shake my head.
  14. 'im mad cause everyone calls me a biter, so i'm gonna go on the internet and try to clown the one dude who's never even spoken my name and has more spots by himself than any crew in the city'? or maybe that's just how i took it.
  15. stori is pretty much sweet as fuck. bio and nosm? ha. weird.
  16. use one shot. why do you want to paint like illustrator in the first place? illustrator is wack as shit.
  17. yeah, what the fuck are you guys thinking, trying to understand the structure of a piece?! understanding is for faggots! :rolleyes:
  18. no, some are short and squat...they're called baltimore hands. ;) abort, fuck all that, that hand is fresh.
  19. not to beat the musical metaphor to death, but think of things in relation to hip hop. regional styles are like das efx, e-40 or bone. they are absolutely unmistakenable. when you hear them, you know it's them and anyone who is not affiliated with them and tries mimicking that style will just look ridiculous. now look at someone like rakim or jay-z. they have a style of their own but it's built upon a more 'traditional' base, so it's less immediately unique. it doesn't stand out in a crowd like a black guy at an atmosphere show. make sense?
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