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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. ha. im not gonna carry around a tripod. i actually own one. a nice one. again, im just not that dedicated to photography i dont think. i already have a lot of creative outlets, this is just something to fuck with when on vacations. how much was that 10-17mm?
  2. ive spent the last 3 days on dpreview. that sites rad. i dont really need anything fancy. i used to shoot with a basic minolta SLR from the 80's. if they made something simple as fuck like that in an D-SLR, i'd be so stoked. all this extra shit they have now a days...i hate it. i dont want to re-touch my picture right in the camera, thats stupid. for a hundred years people used regular film and the 4 settings available to you, now all of a sudden thats not good enough. it annoys me. anyway, i cant see myself ever wanting or needing something like a d200. im just not that dedicated. all i want is something that will take good film-like photos. so far i really like the d40x (d40, but 10.2mp). my only 'gripe' is that it doesnt have image stabalization built into the body, only on the lenses. this is only an issue i guess because id plan to probably rock old lenses, since they're plentiful and cheap. other one im looking at is that pentax. ive always believed pentax to be sort of an 'also ran', not sure if thats true or not though. thing is, ive aquired two old pentax slr's, and probably 7 lenses, all of which i believe i can use on the D-SLR. that would be nice, although none of the lenses are amazing. also, it has stabalization built into the body. not sure how huge of a difference thats gonna make for me, but its something. basically, i want something simple. as simple as possible. thanks for the help.
  3. recently i decided i needed a digital SLR now that they're affordable. i bought a fancy magazine yesterday to read up on the current world of photography, and was reminded of just exactly how much i hate it. i used to like photography, then one day something broke inside me, and i just loathed it. it became so cliche and boring to me. im trying to let go of that, but im not sure i can. unfortunately the only way ill really know is if i invest the money, but im hesitant to drop loot on something i feel like ill get sick of in 11 minutes. it's so hard to decide. thats my story about photography. goodnight. ps, anyone have any experience, comments on the nikon d40x, or the pentax d100x (i think thats what its called, the new 10.2 one). oh, and is the d80 worth the extra gwop over a d40x? thank you.
  4. if you had a freight spot and someone got busted there, it would be considered 'hot', and you might stay away from it for a while, right? i mean, that's common sense, yes? if a writer was going through a current case, would you continue to post their work, knowing that it was just making it potentially worse for that person? no, you wouldn't. correct me if im confusing it with another city, but didn't portland pd go on the news and publicly admit that they are gathering info on writers off of this very site? so wouldnt that basically make posting of someone else work almost like straight up mailing photos to the cops, telling them exactly who they should start looking out for? while this is true of any city, and any thread, when you know for a fact that the cops are watching this one, why would you want to help them do their job? the people in the streets know who is up, and the ones who don't, don't matter so fuck 'em. i admit it is somewhat of a contradiction here, but special circumstances require special actions. all joker is doing is asking you to think before you post something that might potentially get someone else in trouble. dude is looking out for yall, even if [some of] yall don't care.
  5. everytime i see an eggs piece/bite, i'm reminded of how much of a faggot that kid is. bump for old dibs.
  6. not every city is as small as portland, with a police department that's already publicly stated they're gathering info about writers from this very site. unlike joker, i dont care if you think im a dick. use your fucking heads, or we'll do the thinking for you (and remove the threads).
  7. just everyone from europe always complains about the cost of supplies...do you guys not have rackable art stores there? someone a while ago kept insisting that he had to paint on pizza boxes, because he couldnt afford canvases. over here, you can get an 18x24 canvas for about $11. i'm not big on racking in general, i usually think its not worth it, but when it comes to art supplies, they're basically giving them away here. its honestly easier to steal paints than it is to stand in line and pay for them. you guys need to get with the program.
  8. my canvases arent that impressive to look at, and definitely not in small photo form on the internet. all my stuff deals with a lot of subtle texture and color variation, and to be honest, im not sure if i even like the genre anymore (let alone my paultry contributions to it). im starting to try to actually work with subject matter, and painting *gasp* 'things'. ha. we'll see how it goes. i might be doing a show in august. if i do, i'll post some, no breath holding though. the hand wasnt awful at all, it was very subtle and in a world of cliche images and applications, you again did it about as well as one ever possibly could, which is why it still bums me out that you do it. ha. i know we know nothing of eachother, but i do respect what you're doing, or rather the sincerity that i feel you do it with. i just cant say enough that i wish you'd venture out a little more. do things that arent hip hop, or graffiti. dont use spray paint or markers. try something that isnt so easily within your comfort zone. anyone else, i wouldnt even bother to say anything, but for whatever reason, i think you could be accomplishing so much more. to be honest, part of my interest in this is that you paint the things that i would, but refuse to just on principal. ive always liked pwer lines, telephone poles, all that, but i realized years ago that its not just me (or us) its every art school student who wants to make some irrelivent point about urban landscapes and the juxtoposition of man vs nature blah blah etc etc. its such an easy sell, which makes it also an easy buy. im just so jaded that i cant allow myself to do it. instead i sit around frustrated trying to come up with something that hasnt been done before 80000 times. when i cant, i check in here and blast you for not making the things i want to be making myself, but arent. ha. its an imperfect solution, but it makes me feel better. ;)
  9. JUST, god damnit, i liked that till i saw the hand in the background. you're gonna be dope as soon as you forget that graffiti exists. i just started a canvas tonight. first one in forever. there is no graffiti involved, because graffiti is gay.
  10. good ridance. now they just need to tear packard down too.
  11. seeking


    why does one team member decide 'i want to win'? and why would he decide that half way through the race? seems like the kinda thing you'd know before you even went out there. congratulations for your tearm, sorry about your leg.
  12. jesus christ.... there is an entire section on this site called 'metal heads'. it's a section devoted to freights. people take pictures of what they find rolling through their area, then they post them. the entire point is to post things from all over the country, found in one area. this is necesary because freights do not stay in one place. you are welcome to go there and start a thread filled with these images. people might even say shit like 'good job'. however, this section is called 'brick slayers' and contains regional threads (such as this one) that exists to post pictures from one specific area, or one specific writer. this is necessary because walls do not move. no one is going to come into the 'detroit' thread in order to find out what a writer from seattle is doing. that would be like selling dump trucks at quiznos. sure, someone might buy one, but it's not very likely. you seem to be under the impression that you can just do whatever the fuck you want and people shold accept you, because you so desperately want to be 'down'. this is not how graffiti works. graffiti isnt special ed art class (no matter how frequently it seems to resemble it). you do not get respect just for showing up, you get respect for showing up with something people want to see. so far you're showing up with stale chips and body odor. no one wants that.
  13. seriously, some people are just straight up retarded.
  14. isaac, dont take the internet so seriously bro, it will give you ulcers.
  15. seeking


    ive got a fancy japanese frame, it's all lugged and sweet. oh wait, i mean, i got a shitty taiwanese frame, it's all seem welded and ugly. ive also got spray painted wheels and a seat that's worth more than my frame. but it's a track frame, so people don't think im a poser riding a conversion. and i took all the decals off, so people think its some sick custom shit. the electrical tape helps to make it look even more custom. i dont have any spoke cards though, cause i dont ride in alleycats. i'm pretty much above all that shit.
  16. seeking


    i dont mind the walk, it's just that 1pm, and 8pm arent really prime bombing times, which makes it much less worth the effort.
  17. seeking


    writing on shit is way better anyway. if it wasnt a half an hour walk to work (or a 7 minute ride) id walk everyday.
  18. seeking


    its not the riding of a fixed gear bike (mine is) its the notion of a 'fixed gear culture' and 'fixed gear communities' and 'fixed gear message boards'. imagine if there were a bunch of people who put up stickers, and they felt that anything that wasnt a sticker wasnt 'pure', and they complained constantly about the co-opting of sticker culture by the outside world, and they talked about nothing but stickers all day, everyday, and how they could change the world with stickers. they'd try talking their girlfriends into doing stickers, they'd drool over foreign stickers and remind you that all stickers at one time, used to be stickers, thus stickers are the original sticker. they claimed a particular style of dress as 'sticker clothes', and you could pick out a 'sticker' person in any crowded bar, just with a single look... basically, imagine someone intolerably annoying and self rightesous. i know a comparison can be made to graff in general, but its faulty. graff would be 'bikes', not a particular style of bike that felt it was so seperate and exclusive from the rest of bike-dom.
  19. seeking


    i decided today that fixed gear kids are bar none, the biggest faggots in the universe. they make your standard hipster kid look like a million bucks in comparison. jokers bike looks like a nascar robocop and his floors look like glass. much nicer than all my stuff.
  20. kartoonkilla, why the fuck are you telling people im giving you their information?! ive never even talked to you, know abslutely nothing about you, and sure as fuck wouldnt snitch to you about anyone. keep my name out of your mouth. if anyone has been contacted by dude and he dropped my name, consider it complete bullshit.
  21. im not expecting people to be nice and i dont care if people argue on topic, but bullshit threats and nameless shit talking is boring.
  22. im really bored of watching people talking shit. from now on, any posting in all caps will be deleted. any threats will be deleted. any bullshit will be deleted. if it continues, this thread (and any other detroit thread) will deleted. thank you.
  23. i write. seriously bro, this thread has enough toy shit in it from the 'writers' of the city, it does not need to be polluted even further with your attempts to learn how to do graffiti. why dont you want to post in paper chase? you think you're above that or something? you will find a lot more usefull help over there. please do not post any more pictures in this thread. thank you.
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