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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. i assume you were talking to me, so i'll reply as if that's the case. i wont deny having a hardline stance on a lot of things, but im not a 'hater', and to imply that simply speaks to your own ignorance. i have legitimate, rational arguments for most everything, and for the things i dont, i always state it as personal opinion. there is no 'right or wrong' in the world of graffiti canvases, there is just preference. i prefer to not see it on canvas. to me, it's like seeing a lion locked inside a tiny cage. its demasculated and sad. many people seem to share this opinion. those who do not usually either suck or are attempting to make money. the few others who fit into neither catagory...well...i dont know, i never really meet those people. in either event, to imply that i'm not pushing the bar in my own art because i don't like graffiti on canvases is just retarded to the point of not warranting any further response.
  2. first thing i ever did in metal. its got a green cathode light inside, that glows out through the 'tears' at the bottom. the hole was made with a plasma torch, so it has a real rough sort of feel, like a comet tour through it or something. patina is gun metaling and intentional oxidation. this is about two and a half feet tall, a foot wide, and an inch thick. the red line is actually red glass. theres a light inside the piece that makes it glow. black is a mix of gun metaling, griffin and nero, some crazy ink i brought back from italy. ive got a few other pieces i like a whole lot more, but im not sure where my pictures are of them. i really need to get back into metal, i kinda feel like im better/more focused wiht that, than i am with anything else i do.
  3. saying that barnett newman would have 'progressed' to where i'm at is ridiculous. ha. i am 100% irrelivent, barnett newman changed the history of art. i appreciate it, but lets be realistic. i started to write out exactly what the paintings are about, but decided i'll save it till after i've put up the newer ones. the reason i love work like this so much, is because of the vast expanse it offers, not because it tells a 'story' like most work. i dont want others stories, i want their emotions. i get more emotion from the way two colors come together, than from almost any image you could conjure. Poesia, it is indeed hard as fuck. you're esentially painting something with no begining, no end, and only a 'feeling' of completion. that 'feeling' of course is always convoluted with worries about 'did i do too much' 'did i do too little' 'is this the way it's supposed to be' 'can i stop now?' etc. i have no formal art training, and other than girlfriends, no one ever even sees my shit. i talk about it as if its worthless, because i cant imagine anyone caring about it. that doesnt bother me, i do it just for the challenge of each one, but i appreciate knowing that someone else likes the same thing. makes me feel a little less insane for slaving over something that i stick in the corner after im finished with it, and never touch again. ive got some sculptures i did several years ago. i'll try to find pictures. they were basically metal versions of my paintings.
  4. these are all from 03 and were posted a long time ago in the canvas thread). the last one was never finished. all are pretty bad pictures that dont show nearly the detail (subtles is maybe a better word). ive got 3 or 4 paintings that im almost done with, but im being lazy about getting good pics of them. they're all along the same lines as these though, so if you just want to imagine some different color combos, they all look the same. blacks and reds, whites, tans and browns.
  5. i wouldnt say sever any more than hence, rime, zes, everyone in awr, half of canada, or anyone else who's using a tech/whispy style these days. not the most super original thing ive ever seen, but its done real well, so i've got no real qualms. really my only 'thing' with it, is just that it further illustrates how boring 'graffiti' on a canvas is to me. those pieces are dope, but being locked onto a canvas like that... it just insantly turns me off. apex, those are fucking awful in every single way. i wont bother to say something nice, because there is nothing nice to be said. you have no clue what you're doing and it shows overwelmingly. just, thicker, more emotional lines. make the lines part of the image, not merely black stripes that seperate color. also, go back and use some variation in the fields of color, so they dont look quite so flat. even just a little bit on the hills so show shadow and shit. if you did that with prismas (which is what it appears) just use the same color and layer it in areas, or maybe a 10% grey.
  6. interesting. how big are the prints?
  7. SB, those are pretty dope, im impressed. poesia, what are the last two done with? are all the lines a result of photo/scanning, or are they in the pieces themselves? i never noticed this thread before. ive been working on a few new paintings, all 'abstract' stuff (for lack of a better term). ill try to get em up soon.
  8. if everyone would stop arguing about nothing, id appreciate that. thanks.
  9. are we talking about eggs again? cause he still gets my vote.
  10. if you want an overly intellectual perspective... since there are very few established writers to help out the younger generation, these kids dont understand the process of evolution, they see (and emulate) the final results, not the steps one takes to get there. because of this, they come out the box with notable styles that are very rarely original. rio is hardly the only one guilty of this. entire crews here have pretty much made their name by stealing styles. its just sort of the way it is unfortunately. at one point i was just as guilty as anyone else.
  11. hahaha. there does seem to be quite a shift in styles going on with some folks. cant say im the biggest fan.
  12. enigmatic, no offense, but dude is right. that shit is awful. you should not be taking advantage of your relatives like that. the door itself is rad. id strip off the shit that was done to it, and just hang the door. not that what he did is particularly bad, but the door is particularly fresh. 9 times out of ten, when people add their 'art' to found objects, said objects where better before the additions.
  13. ask KOH, he knows a lot more about watercolor than me. i use a combination of this shitty windsor newton set that i got, and some dr. ph. martins. that stuff is the jam, but its a little pricey.
  14. congrats just. and im stoked about the new painting. the title alone is sick. i very rarely fuck with water colors, and i paint actual subject matter even less frequently, but i did both today. i also have a few paintings in my usualy 'style' that ive been working on the last couple months. one is completed, two more are in some various stages. ill try to get pics one of these days.
  15. changing it to 1400 fixed it. thanks a ton. that shit has been bothering me for fucking ever.
  16. it also seems to affect myspace and ebay as well. super fucking annoying. none of the other wireless signals that i can (sometimes) get suffer from this. i had problems with all these sites on the old router as well.
  17. tried upnp, it didnt fix it. whats the other option? also, again, im on a mac, not sure if that changes anything. oh, and should i turn upnp back on? will having it off adversly affect other stuffs? oh, oh, if you somehow sneak aids into this advice you're giving me, i will be most displeased.
  18. no sarcasm. netgear. where would i find the upnp at? on the routerhomepage thing?
  19. sooooooooooo, guess who has a question... at work we have a laptop that runs off an ethernet cord. i can connect to hotmail fine through that. today i bought a wireless router so i can connect with my laptop (macbook). i can not get into hotmail either through entourage, or directly through the hotmail.com page. we had an older router that gave me the same problem, but i was hoping with the new one, that it would somehow fix the situation. i can connect to gmail fine, even through entourage, it's just hotmail. is there some sort of port setting or something i need to change? also, it only happens here at work. on any other wireless signal i dont have the problem. any ideas?
  20. that http://www.dacypha.com shit looks like a gay graffiti font from word.
  21. what kind of camera is it? as far as i know, all of them have a white balance (WB) setting. find it and experiment with the different settings in different conditions. it makes a HUGE difference in the feel of pictures.
  22. castro, for one, your white balance is off in that one. you should probably have it set for indoor/flourescent light. also, decay's pictures were comprised of very different subject matter than the one you're tryingto mess with. his were very spares and mostly white, yours was filled with tons of diffeent objects and colors.
  23. now they're just gonna say you're a dickrider. you might want to hold a stuffed animal or something, it will soften the blow. sometimes its not always possible to point out both the good and the bad. sometimes only bad exists. when both do exist however, both koh and myself have been quick to point them out (as with koh's critique of stagnat waters work, and my ongoing discussions with just). sadly some people are just too remedial to have any redeamable quality to discuss. like koh said, they're all gung ho to make a 'canvas', with no reguard for what goes on it. apparently these people should be coddled, right? there are two different kinds of teachers, and two ways of looking at art. one that is concerned with helping people to look at things differently and improve, and one that wants to tongue peoples assholes and rub their backs. ive never had a backrub that helped my art. ever. spade, koh knows pin ups better than you. i dont care what references you looked at, if you described them, he could probably tell you the artist, the year they were created and the model they were painted from. i stand up for him not because we're 'moderators' but because were friends and crew mates, and more to the point, because his original intention was to help you with a very informed critique. if he'd jerked you off for 5 minutes about how awesome your balloon animals were, perhaps youd have replied differently. its unfortunate that your ego would be so fragile as to require such useless pandering in order to convey such a simple idea.
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