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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Avesism

  1. Wow, that sounds disgusting.
  2. So what's the taste like?
  3. I'm petitioning to make 'medical' marijuana talk allowed in here, just like the states who are loosening their laws and legalizing medical marijuana.
  4. Been cranking this all week. It's too good from beginning to end.
  5. Pardon my lack of patience in not wanting to weed through 632 pages to find a possibly answer, but if anyone knows what the best free anti spyware/virus protection for a windows machine is and where to find it online, it would be superly duperly appreciated.
  6. No Carlos and Melinda Gates foundation?
  7. Been on pho for years due to the particularly high southeast Asian population in my hometown. Good stuff. Props issued.
  8. http://menwholooklikeoldlesbians.blogspot.com/
  9. Earl, music played with rock instruments in a non-traditional rock song format would be the closest definition I could come up with, as I'm not super polished on it, myself. However, I saw tortoise live @ the roseland ballroom a grip ago w/beardo. They were unexpectedly one of the best live acts I've seen.
  10. Avesism


    I'm going to try to get the info from him. If not, I'm going to get dude to donate $5 and get himself a couple invites one of which I'll get and give to someone who is going to appreciate it. I've gotten a ratio increase of .16 within 24 hours from seeding these freeleeches. IMO Everything (sans the psytrance) that I've listened to so far is good music, but I've got a fairly "open ear."
  11. Avesism


    Thanks for the info. I just talked to dude. The freeleeches are helping him get out of the red big time and he should be good by morning. Then, he said he's not going to use the account anymore because it's too much of a pain in the ass. Now that demonoid is back, he could care less to figure this shit out. Basically dude was a waste of an invite after hounding the shit out of me for one. This Sam Cooke live is great, too.
  12. Avesism


    Good question, Compton. I've got one invite out there where the kid is coming dangerously close to getting kicked off. I've been on his ass (pause) like crazy to get his shit to something that isn't going to get him booted and in turn me booted. I don't know whether or not I will get kicked off because of his incompetence, but i don't want to find out, either. This Xerexes- Christmas box from these fl's is really dope, by the way.
  13. Avesism


    Bingo. Again, anyone on there having ratio problems really should hop on these freeleeches. The site isn't hard to figure out if you already have an idea on how to torrent properly. It just takes patience.
  14. Avesism


    teef, yeah It is a pain in the ass. I got lucky and swapped someone a demomoid invite for one a while back. The two invites that I got I gave to two friends- one who knows how to properly torrent and one who doesn't. One is doing fine on What, while the other is already on ratio watch. pornbooth, jump on all those freeleeches and seed them for a week. by the end of the week you'll have enough extra ratio to go house downloading whatever you want. I got mine up to 2.5 by using the freeleeches like that. After I've seeded this new crop for long enough, I don't think I'll have to worry about even having to seed ever again. (even though I will)
  15. Avesism


    Anyone else on there in here? There's a nice crop of Xmas freeleech staff picks on there that run the sonic spectrum. I'm snagging all for listening and ratio. The place is too good.
  16. "I wasn't referring to you anyway. Most people who talk shit about bands like the Dead or Phish have never really listened to them, their opinion is based strictly off of hearsay and maybe a couple of encounters with the fan base. I usually give stuff a chance before I make up my mind to write it off. It's only fair."
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