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Everything posted by dowmagik

  1. god damn yall are like a secret society or some shit.
  2. random bs phone pics wake up, roll over. get ready for breakfast. weak hat collection weed branch tug o war with homies pit dope go ducks joining in on the fun let this piece of shit sleep on my floor
  3. word. i had just eatin at fish fry, and saw the sausages cookin...couldnt turn it down. glutton oner
  4. i dont think the price has been released yet, i cant find a whole lot of info about the bike...
  5. i like that cb1100 more than any other bikes that honda has out right now. woooord.
  6. some cat was selling sausage hot dogs with cream cheese on cap hill last time i was up. fuckin fantastic!!
  7. you guys are bastards. i think its fuckin rad this goofball found 12oz while looking for forums relating to authors... lighten up folks
  8. good to hear life isnt sucking ass for once bro. why today is also awesome: taco bell volcano tacos jar of free weed scored blazers tickets for tomorrows game 2$ pints of hoppy goodness
  9. i dont have the balls to even try to ride a busa...
  10. plus size model for abercrombie
  11. because a thong is a piece of underwear that a woman wears
  12. dowmagik


    leave trannies out of it
  13. dowmagik


    it aint gay if you push the same crew
  14. it is for the obama cookie, i swapped the labels, which is why the monkey cookie i posted had "president obama" under it.
  15. good lookin on chopcult.com just got done rubbin one out to the brits n flatheads
  16. last 3 days in pics.. cleaned out portland apt, said goodbye to nice kitchen little brother smoking drugs took lil dude out for laughing planet burritos MmMmMmM roommate bought me some four lokos n we hit the range ended up sneaking onto the course and getting shit faced until the sun went down. my glasses got broke,and im now fuckin blind, but it was fun. big mac sauce + double cheeseburder = the nig mac roomie cant hang with the nig macs n puked outside the karaoke spot i sung land down under, by men at work, which was very well received fucked roomie up at pool roomie sung tiny dancer took homegirl to my fav dessert shop - i thought i would be clever n do a lil switcheroo... /no racism helped buddy move some paint meal fit for a king
  17. I'm regretting not going to ED, but, DM3 is doin a show here in a couple weeks....so all is good.
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