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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. We'll get there little by little. We're already seeing vast improvements as you and a few others have noticed. Equally important is to attract younger users like @Ray40 and others that can make up the new generation on here.
  2. Wonder what we can do to really get ahold of people? Tagging them should trigger an email but that only works if the email is valid. Feel like designing up a template we can use so I can post on Instagram to get people’s attention on there. Some sort of crowd sourced member finder. Any ideas?
  3. No pictures yet, but big plans for this years garden. Just picked up two plum trees to add to the dozen or so fruit trees I bought last year. Also bought another couple raspberries to go with what we had. Been buying seeds from Baker Creek which has been great: https://www.rareseeds.com We’ve allowed the best stuff we’ve grown to go to seed, then replanted the following year. So this will be the third year of doing that so now we’re left with the strongest, best genetics to keep going with. Maybe obvious, but one bit of advice is to make sure you understand what growing zone you’re in specifically (Google it) and buy what’s appropriate for that zone. Based on zone and the instructions that come with your seeds, if you just follow the instructions for both, you’ll have good success so long as it’s quality seeds. If something does well, allow it to go to seed and then save them (again Google the specifics on how to do this, but it’s pretty easy).
  4. Still available for a little longer for those of you that haven’t jumped on it.
  5. Thank you for supporting. Hopefully, they sell well and I can keep doing them. For those that aren’t in a spot to buy, helping spread the word is another great way to support. 🙏
  6. Besides the free sticker pack, I also just launched Sticker Pack Series 001 - Gusto x 12ozProphet. Not free, but way cool.
  7. Just started a thread about this, but if you're looking for some fun new stuff from 12ozProphet, I just launched Sticker Pack Series 001 - Gusto x 12ozProphet Link to shop: https://12ozprophet.com/collections/shop/products/sticker-pack-series-001-gusto-x-12ozprophet Link to thread: https://forum.12ozprophet.com/topic/96720-sticker-pack-series-001-gusto-x-12ozprophet/#comment-6531967
  8. Available now: https://12ozprophet.com/collections/shop/products/sticker-pack-series-001-gusto-x-12ozprophet The 12ozProphet x GUSTO Sticker Pack Series 001 is the first in a series of collaborations featuring one of New York City's most prestigious writers @gustonyc. Established artist, creative director, and force to be reckoned with, GUSTO has put in work and built a following from the streets to galleries to social media and back. We're excited to to be getting down with the NYC heavyweight on this new series of limited edition sticker packs. Stickers are premium quality, heavy-weight and oversized, the highlight of the pack is a booming Gusto burner crowning the 12ozProphet box logo. Four additional stickers are part of this set and all feature extra aggressive adhesive and super glossy laminate coating. Like all things 12ozProphet, it's the best of the best and printed by our sister company, @12ozcollective. Be sure to follow Gusto on Instagram at @gustonyc, as well as online at https://gustoizm.com/ and https://gusto.nyc. You can also follow 12ozProphet on Instagram at @12ozprophet.
  9. Something I've been cooking up in the shadows. Technical outerwear brand you guys will find out about soon.
  10. we tried that years ago and just too much work for the margins involved with that business. Too many other companies focused on doing it and felt like a race to the bottom with everyone undercutting everyone else. Just added a more packs to the shop, so you get another chance at it.
  11. Thought it was gone. Maybe im wrong but yeah because of that government crackdown and MSM coverage of AI x TS shit floating around the interwebz I thought it got hidden to protect the sanctity of the forum and avoid big brother scrutiny.
  12. Thanks man! Those sticker packs just launched... https://12ozprophet.com/collections/shop/products/sticker-pack-series-001-gusto-x-12ozprophet Also, just posted this thread where we're giving away free stickers while supplies last.
  13. Hey guys, we're running a small promotion compliments of SWAE and 12ozProphet. Free stickers and free USA shipping. Free stickers and $3 shipping anywhere in them world outside the USA. Go to the link below and checkout with coupon code SWAE12 https://12ozprophet.com/collections/shop/products/12ozprophet-x-swae-promo-sticker-pack Please do me a solid and tell your friends that might be interested. Also, dropping a post in here or on social media and mentioning @12ozprophet on Instagram as well as the forum would be appreciated. 1 pack per person, while supplies last...
  14. Since the Taylor Swift thread is gone, here’s a new one to fill its place. Need the oontz’ help in establishing and launching a new term: Artificial Retardedness. The dumb ass, younger brother of Artificial Intelligence that smells like corn nuts, says inappropriate shit, wears sneakers secured by Velcro and shrugs stupidly at obvious mistakes with human anatomy, including additional fingers and backward bending joints. An idiot savant in hyper realism.
  15. This is probably a good time to hit @Mercerabout or check the Jekyll Island group for threads on the subject. Thor or get I. Touch with my son, who knows more than I do at this point.
  16. LOLOL! I know he’s young, but under 20? Looks like he’s been by recently but haven’t see any posts. Is he still active?
  17. Thank you for all the kind words. I appreciate it. Ha! I never thought to add contact information for anyone interested, but yeah for anyone looking for details on services or questions… Email info@12ozcollective dot com. You should get a response in no more than 1 work day (usually sooner). If not, message me. But yeah, we do stickers for anyone interested. 100 piece minimum.
  18. Are you aware of the 12ozProphet Beta App? Hopefully that'll help you swing through more regularly.
  19. Bumping my own topic with this fun little video we did for a new writer series sticker pack project. Just posted in the screenprinting facility thread, but you guys are the first to know. 12ozProphet_Stickers.mov
  20. Sharing with you guys first... Gusto for 12ozProphet Sticker Packs soon. Birth of a fun new series... 12ozProphet_Stickers.mov
  21. Feel like merging this into a new thread on inflation. Curious what people are paying for a gallon of milk (regular and organic), a dozen eggs (standard and free range) as well as local prices per pound for NY Strip and Ribeye?
  22. Banana republic has been slow in the making, but has certainly accelerated with each election cycle. Wondering which will be the first state to just opt out and do their own thing. Seems like it would be Texas, but I think California and Colorado could also be contenders. But yeah, the clown show in politics as a whole wasn’t quite as overt 20+ years ago.
  23. Haven’t see her I quite a while. Actually I think she got turned off by discussions back around the 2016 elections I believe. Hopefully, this place is a little more dialed since those days and the rough patch we had about two years ago so maybe someone can reach out and have @%$#@! drop back by. Good to see you pass through again @DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER Hope you stick around and jump back in.
  24. seeking is on Instagram. He alternates between posting shit about beavers or the suffering in Gaza. He dropped by not too long ago. Talking to him, he thinks we ran out of stuff to talk about on the forum, but hopefully he comes by again and sees we’ll never run out of stuff to shit post, LOL or argue about. cc: @seeking
  25. suggest you move your light to 3 or 9 o’clock so it won’t interfere if you’re ever in a situation where you have to rest your hold. Happens more often than you’d guess. Also, rub some lube over the lens. You’re going to get a ton of crap on it since it’s right there in your muzzle blast. Couple mags worth and it’ll be close to worthless as far as light goes, but if you have lube you can quickly wipe the grime off. Without lube you’ll probably have to use a tool to scrape it clean. Not a 100% sure off your photo but looks like your optic is bridging the gap between your receiver and rail. If so, back everything up because it should always set just to the edge of the receiver or it’ll lose zero far quicker. Optics never ride on your rail since it’s free floated and not nearly as ridged a placement as mounting to the receiver. Rear iron definitely looks like it should be a little further back. Pretty great setup otherwise. Running something very similar on one of my AR’s. Gets heavy though with the magnifier but figured you could quick release it off if needed.
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