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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. DM me or better yet, email info@12ozprophet.com with as much info as you remember and your account will be recovered.
  2. Yeah, no doubt the world won't end. At least not from this particular batch of stupidity.
  3. @Mercer there's plenty of precedent as to what happens in a financial collapse. Your comment, "I honestly don't think it will devolve into violent apocalyptic chaos" has already been proven as recently as the collapse in Argentina in the 1990s. What's happening in Brazil right now comes pretty close to a collapse. Tons of violence to go around including lots of murder and mayhem. To think America might be different is foolish and commonly referred to as perception bias when people ignore what happening around them. Not calling you a fool in any way, simply stating that you don't have to wonder or guess, just look at other examples. Not many had shit to say when Obama discussed the idea of Government backed 401k's during the State of The Union a while back. It was shopped under the guise of the Government trying to protect your wealth from volatility in the markets from the partial collapse in 2008. Reality is that they've completely stolen all money from Social Security and need a new pot to raid. It'll start as optional and eventually become mandatory because at this point, other countries aren't even willing to buy US Debt. Only reason shit is holding together is because through globalization, most of the world has a strong vested interest in us maintaining or their economy collapses along with ours. I'm not saying it'll be Mad Max crazy, but watching the shit happening in places like Furgusen, Berkely, etc you can already see things happening. It's somewhat isolated, but its absolutely building and there are absolutely heavy pressures that are trying to make it happen. I don't have a crystal ball or am privvy to any deep secrets, but I don't think you need much of either to hazard a guess that just before a complete collapse you'll see a massive power move to for the last grab of whats left. I suspect we're seeing the beginning of this now. When the Government was running the charade about the debt ceiling, you saw what happened when EBT cards weren't refilled. There was news of some Walmarts being so trashed they literally tore them down rather than repairing damage. What happens when you have literally 55%+ of the country dependent on handouts to live and those stop happening over night? Especially after years of all of us being conditioned to hate each other for whatever reason (sex, sexual orientation, skin color, class)? Personally I have little doubt we'll see another civil war in this country. It'll be more surprising to me if it actually doesn't happen. As far as the economy, its actually fairly simple to extrapolate what will happen and likely when it'll happen. We know how much the government brings in via taxes because that's public info. Likewise, we know what they spend (for the most part) because that is also public info. They stopped reporting liabilities during the Clinton Administration, but we can pretty extrapolate that liability since there's many years of data to pull the growth curve from. I forget the exact year now, but it was in the 2020s where we reach the pint that the largest line item on the Federal Budget is no longer military spending (DoD), but rather the interest payment on our debt (not even the debt itself). Now, try and scale that down to the human level so you can wrap your head around it... What happens when the interest payments on your personal debt become the largest bill out of all the shit you pay for each month, surpassing the rent or mortgage on your home which is the largest item for most people? How long do you suppose you can sustain that without pulling new money from elsewhere or defaulting on the debt? The scenario I read was based off data from Government accounting (public info) and based upon conservative estimates without taking into consideration large new expenditures like war or any national disaster. Dude, its not fringe economists predicting an economic collapse anymore, but rather a mathematical certainty that just about every economists admits to these days. Only grey area is what will happen when a first world economy collapses bring down the entire world economy. Now that being said, has anyone noticed how China and several other countries are buying up gold at significant rates. There are even many rumors / conspiracies or perhaps evidence depending on your POV, that China is positioning to revert to a gold backed monetary system that would be a power play to move OPEC from the petro dollar into something more stable, like metals backed currency. That would make the entire world trade in China's currency while immediately crashing the US economy. You can also look into the BRICKS agreement which was an alliance between several countries to no longer trade in US Dollars, but rather BRICKS, which was a credit system agreed to between members. Lastly, you can also look into how China and Japan now have an agreement to trade with each other directly without using Dollars at all which is a major precedent made more significant because they represent the number 2 and number 3 largest foreign economies behind the USA, which I believe might have already slipped to the number 2 spot or is about to. Crazy shit man. Meanwhile all of us over here are arguing with each other over women's bathrooms, Nazi's and whether or not Black Lives Matter more than anyone else's. Literally, we're watching a strategy (Divide and Conquer), thought up in the 5th Century BC being carried out flawlessly here in the USA. While we sit around arguing about a 'resurgence in white pride', you literally have scum bags like George Soros bank rolling both sides of that argument. (Cliff notes on Soro's is he survived WW2 being a liason between the Nazi's and Jews, pocketing millions of dollars in the process. He's also banned from going to England because he almost collapsed the UK banking system single handedly. Some people will call him a financier or a hedge fund magnate but he made his fortune from the Nazi's and then componded it exponentially by betting against individual economies and then using his fortune and political connections to destabilize them). Again, its all public knowledge if you dig deep enough to get past all the mainstream media (that he and his colleagues own 90% of) and all the websites sanitized through his alliances with certain key people in tech, which we all know has been consolidated down to a handful of companies for the most part. Anyhow, sounds crazy until you start putting aside perception bias and turn off the news. On that note, I very much recommend anyone that gives a shit or at least is interested in what I'm saying to listen to this Podcast on Dichotomy. It's about an hour long and very straight forward. It is not at all subjective as the person presents a logical argument that is backed up by facts you can look up and verify for yourself. Spoiler: Once you listen to it, you'll understand the game being played and likely no longer read or watch the news. Link: http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/the-great-lie-of-dichotomy On a personal note, I'd like to disclaim that for those that don't know and are wondering... I'm not some crazy conspiracy theorist or doomsday prepper. I'm not living in some fuckin bunker stocking up canned food and MRE's. I believe in living the best quality life I can and to mitigate hard times as best as I can so long as it doesn't come at the expense of living a happy, healthy, quality life. That being said, I did recently move to the mountains of NW Montana, am working to setup organic and self sufficient home gardening and farming of livestock and have enough guns and ammo to make the nightly news cycle in most major cities. I made this move (recently) because I found myself thinking if I wont the lotto, I'd buy a fresh ass ranch. I truly enjoy shooting (precision and tactical shooting especially) and spent 15 years living in NYC and browsing the aisles at Dean and Deluca grocery because even during my best years I could barely afford it. I'm 100% hedging my bets that shit will continue on its path and eventually fall apart completely, but I'm living a quality life first and foremost. Here's some photographic proof of it. If you want more evidence, follow my personal Insta at https://instagram.com/allenbenedikt
  4. Thanks, yeah... If anyone is truly interested in economics, I suggest this book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/047052670X/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Honestly its so simple, a 6th grader can easily wrap their heads around. Once you start to unravel the secrets, you quickly begin to see that its purposefully made complicated as there's a handful of people making a shit ton of money off it and the last thing they want is for the masses to see what a scam it is or how much of it is dependent on duping the average person to maintain a very fucked up system. Example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keynesian_economics is basically the answer you get that essentially boils down to a debt based economy. That ironically, the success is tied to the predictable and exponential growth of debt as a measuring stick for how 'healthy' the economy is. On a related note, our currency, is a promissory note... Its not actually a container of value, but rather an increment of debt... Many years ago, an elite group of bankers and industry tycoons got together and decided that rather that have true currency backed by precious metal, that instead they'd issue promissory notes that are increments of debt. Metals backed currency meant at any time, you could go to the bank and exchange your paper currency for a set amount of precious metal. Later it meant that this new private group would instead change some wording on the currency and restructure the game so that each note meant you were borrowing the amount from them and agree to pay it back with whatever interest they set via the Federal Reserve (misnomer as it is privately owned and not a branch of Government). This group can print up as much of it as they want at anytime, with essentially no oversight and little accountability as they are protected from Government audit and all of us by default agree to pay this back, plus interest. Since interest is built in by default and the only acceptable method to pay it back is more of the same currency, it's obviously impossible to ever pay this debt back (due to the interest accumulated). In order to service this debt at all, you need more of the currency (and thus more debt), in a never ending cycle of exponential debt. Because we don't service this debt directly, nobody really thinks about it. Meanwhile the banks are money at a certain interest rate and in turn, loaning it to you at a higher interest rate, which in turn trickles into all aspects of our lives and drives the cost of all monetary transactions up. Every single time you make a credit card purchase, new money enters the system out of thin air which inflates the system further, without even the trouble of printing up a promissory note. When you follow it to its absolute conclusion, essentially the Federal Reserve is bleeding a small percentage of value from every single transaction, every single time one takes place. You can obviously see how its a doomed system as eventually you reach a point of unsustainablity where its no longer possible to service the debt. Likewise, you also run into issues with rigging the game. Think about a game of monopoly where the player gets to be the bank and at anytime can draw from the bank or print more money. Every other player is eventually doomed to loose. In real life the Federal Reserve will change rules such as reducing the interest rate to zero so that they can keep the charade going, or buy bad debt with money they can print up (or these days add as a line item on a spreadsheet) and when things pickup, sell it back to us (new debt) so that the whole thing continues a little while longer. All the while, we'll sit and scream at China for manipulating their currency to make them more competitive in the global markets, while we're the undisputed champion in money manipulation. Yet behind closed doors, china will buy our debt with their own manipulated money pumping new energy into our market so the game can continue on a little longer. It doesn't become notable until a country calls in its tab and requests payment. When this happens, payment is done in the transfer of gold bars. If you dig deep enough through news, you can sometimes find articles that go into all kinds of complicated detail about how a payment wasn't able to be made or is being delayed.
  5. I skipped to the end, so forgive me if this is basically a dead thread. Gold and silver (precious metals) aren't really investments. Rather they're a hedge. To explain... The Federal Reserve purposely debases our currency each year. They call is inflation, which (simplified) is the direct result of the economy expanding as a result of more debt being created. They try and target something in the range of 3 - 4%, but most people that actually pay attention understand it's generally more in the range of 7 - 8%. That means any money you have saved is losing its purchasing power by the inverse amount of the inflation, compounded yearly. Those of you old enough to have been aware in the 1980s can probably remember how when your mom went grocery shopping and bought $100 of groceries, this would generally take yup the entire trunk and most of the back seat of her car. Now $100 in groceries is more like 2 - 3 plastic bags you can probably carry in one hand. Note this isn't some sort of conspiracy... Alan Greenspan actually testified before Congress at one point and explained that the Federal Reserve is doing this according to plan. Our economy is entirely based upon a methodical and predictable expansion. That expansion is based upon debt. In other words, for it to actually function, there needs to be an exponential growth in debt each year or the economy stagnates. Where precious metals come in can be a little hard to wrap you head around, but (simplified), its a container for wealth. Wealth is almost universally exchanged for currency, which is why it is almost denominated as such. If you convert the value of something into another vessel such as precious metals, you'll note that the cost of things really hasn't changed significantly for most of recorded history. For example, if you look at the cost of a barrel of crude oil, valued out in ounces of silver (and not US Dollars), you'll see that in the 1960's it would have cost about the same as today, if you were to again value it in ounces of silver. The only thing that has changed is the purchasing power of the dollar as applied to it. To wrap your head around that example, back in the early 1960s a gallon of gas was about a quarter. A quarter in those days was made of 90% silver. That 90% silver (junk silver coin) today is worth about $3.25 (check eBay or wherever)... A gallon of gas, give or take is worth about $3.25 today. You can run examples like this all day long... What a house cost in the 1960s versus that exact house today. As well as other commodities such as bushels of wheat, tons of copper, etc... All of them will roughly come out costing the same in relation to each other as they do today, IF you change the valuation of it into something other then the dollar (or any other currency). So whether that be paying for a house in ounces of gold or in barrels of crude oil, the only significant change is the purchasing power of the dollar and not the value of the item in relation to any other vessel for holding wealth. So to loop back to the beginning... You invest money to make money and then convert your savings into something like silver so that the wealth is preserved. Most other stores of wealth work exactly the same way... Property for example. If you can afford a middle of the road home and you purchase it... As long as the denomination of its value is in US Dollars, selling it in the future will give you far more dollars, but those extra dollars at that time, will basically have the same purchasing power as today, ie: be enough to buy another middle of the road home. If instead, you put that money in the bank and saved it, you'd lose the 7 - 8% purchasing power, compounded over time for however long it is. So using the same example, that house in the 1960s that was $35,000 but today is worth $350,000 means that had you saved the money instead, today you could only afford to pay for 10% of that house because the purchasing power has been reduced as a result of the inflation (or debasement of the currency). So in other words, your silver wont necessarily return more (once you smooth out the peaks and valleys that are most often artificially manipulated) in the future, but rather ensure that your accumulated wealth stored in silver is stolen slowly from you through the bullshit tricks the Fed plays to slowly steal your wealth. Make sense now?
  6. *leopard print part is just a towel I had laying on it.
  7. Not the least obvious pack on the planet, but I like it... Friend over at LBT/LBX just sent it over.
  8. Getting back on topic. Current load out...
  9. Yeah, safety precautions are always wise. I usually wear gloves to shoot anyways, more because I'm worried about hot loads and figure the gloves might save a finger or three if some bad shit happened. Likewise, got kind of used to it after running drills where you have to stop and drop prone in a hurry. In regards to Govt, yeah... I definitely feel you, but without going into detail, these aren't grunts going to shitty military or VA doctors. More like extreme athlete types that go full throttle all the time. One guy in particular I was talking to about skin cancer so I got a lot of detailed info about his recent medical check and it was a private doctor. Few others I talked to about fitness and diet and definitely got the impression that they scrutinize details in regards to health. In any case, just my opinion for whatever its worth. Ultimately everyone has to make up their own mind about it. In regards to paint, I remember when MTN started scenting their paint so it smelled like vanilla or whatever. Seemed so crazy that they'd try to make it smell good, when instinct tells me you want to make it smell as bad as possible so people are immediately turned off to breathing fumes.
  10. Not saying he's full of shit, but as mentioned, I know professional shooters. Guys that probably shoot 300 days out of 365. Guys that on the days I've shot with them on will go through 800 - 1000 rounds per day and will often shoot suppressed just because they can (which results in a lot more blow back). Likewise, these are guys that are checked regularly as part of the job (often as part of deployments) and I've never heard a single one say anything about lead poisoning or take any action to limit shooting or how they shoot. Guess there can always be exceptions, but if it makes you feel better, just get checked out every 3 months and see if you note any elevated lead in your blood. Again, my guess is that with jacketed rounds, the lead is encased until it hits a target. Suppose if you're super worried you can send your BCG off to a lab for analysis and see if there's much else other than carbon fouling on it. If there's a bunch of lead on that, then yeah I'd imagine some might be getting in your face or on your hands as well.
  11. Well, an important point to note is that the Amendments in our Bill of Rights builds is constructed so that each subsequent right builds off the previous. They're ordered from most important (and broad) to more specific and granular. So even in that era, there was a concept of due process and recourse. As such, taking away any right or property required that action to take place. The issue now, with the "No Fly List" for example is there is no due process. You can be placed on the last at the whim of a government individual without notification or due process, and once you're on it, there is no reasonable recourse to be removed from it. In the case of lets say, a restraining order... You ask a judge to place a restraint on an individuals freedom and have to state your case and cite evidence. If a restraining order is issued, you have the right to contest it before the judge and appeal it before a jury. Make sense? Yes, in fact there were already repeating weapons, but obviously not automatic or even semi automatic. That being said, if you take the time to read through the arguments of the time that led to the legislation, as well as the context of what the arguments and legislation were drafted from, its pretty clear what the intent was. In fact, they essentially state it outright. The second amendment was drafted to protect against enemies foreign and domestic, with particular emphasis on curtailing our own government considering we had just finally won our freedom. The people of the era we're very aggressively / jealously looking to protect that new found freedom and at the time, few even wanted a centralized government. It sounds odd in this day and age, but imagine the idea of never having taxes and then suddenly a group comes out of nowhere and starts claiming you owe a cut of your hard work to them. Our charter included a prohibition against a standing army for that specific reason: to ensure the government could never be powerful enough to infringe on the rights of the people, but most especially for people from another place to impose their will on a population that they didn't live and work amongst (and therefore remain directly accountable to). Once we as a people realized we couldn't really grow and prosper without cooperation amongst the states, we decided to setup a charter to organize ourselves into a sort of co-op of sorts. This was the Articles of Confederation, which ultimately failed because it limited government to such an extent that it couldn't function. Once that collapsed, they went back to the drawing board and start drafting a new version which became our Constitution. Understand the mindset, however, in that they were doing all they could to ensure that the government would be restrained and would always be subject to the will of the people, with the exception of the rights specified in our Bill of Rights, which supersedes everything else. In any case, if you study it, the exceptions that allow for our army (but not a standing army), clearly state that the people are to be afforded the same access to weaponry as that of the common soldier. The purpose of that was to level the playing field should the army turn against the people, and the way in which its phrased (as well as the context of the argument) was that they had no idea what the future held, but were in fact well aware that there would be technological progress in weapons of war as well as war strategy. In fact, the Revolutionary War was actually won through a paradigm shift inn war strategy to something that would later be looked as as guerrilla warfare. Likewise, they would be well aware of exponential improvement in weapons of war as they had largely lived through an era where it went from sword fighting to black powder based muskets to the start of bullets and rifling. So they may not have envisioned an AR-15, but they were very specific that whatever was issued to the general army, wouldn't be kept from the people. Crazy as it sounds today, you could actually be fined and imprisoned if you didn't maintain a serviceable weapon and a state of readiness (which largely meant that you were good to go at any moment and we're proficient). Before any cry babies start throwing out the idea of flame throwers and nuclear missiles, the legislation makes specific mention to the general army. Flame throwers and nuclear missiles are both specialized hardware / munitions and not wielded by the average soldier. Again, the purpose was to be able to give the general army something to think twice about should they ever be commanded to go against the people. If you study history, you'll see in essentially every example of genocide that it's occurred to a disarmed or recently disarmed populace. Granted, the founding fathers didn't have Adolf Hitler and his disarmament of the Jews in the 1930's as a reference, but they did have a clear understanding of this idea and the first shot of the Revolutionary War was in response to English soldiers confiscating guns.
  12. Not sure I'd trust that source. NPR has been steadily anti 2A so wouldn't be surprised if its just another attempt to show things in a bad light. Like I said, I know dudes that shoot just about every day, often suppressed so you really get a face full of hot gas and have yet to hear of any issues. Aren't you mostly firing jacketed rounds anyways?
  13. Guessing there's a few Class 3's on that wall. Can't see the markings on that lower at the bottom of the first column, but willing to bet it's a pre ban Colt full auto lower from the looks of it. If so, that's about $16k just with that one.
  14. Many new bullets aren't made with leads anymore. The EPA under Obama basically killed off the last of the lead smelters that were producing actual lead bullets from what I understand. But that said, you can always shoot steel or tungsten core if you're worried about it. Personally I've never worried about it. I know dudes (instructors) that literally shoot thousands of rounds a week across years and have yet to hear of any lead poisoning. Suggest you just wash your hands and face after shooting and you're good. Keep in mind tire dudes are actually shaping and touching lead directly all day when balancing tires and I haven't heard much about that being an issue either. But I'm no doctor.
  15. Nuts... Wish 300BLK was cheaper to shoot.
  16. @One Man Banned good round man, I can see these causing internal debate in some of the weaker dudes out there after a few too many beers. LOL
  17. Anyone with a clean record can own a full auto weapon.It's class 3, the same as suppressors and SBR's, so you need a $200 tax stamp to purchase one. That said, its limited to pre ban weapons, which means manufactured and registered before 1986. Obviously not available in every state, but definitely most of them. Reference: https://www.nraila.org/articles/19990729/fully-automatic-firearms
  18. Sick... MP5 is a pricey firearm to own, especially in full auto. Bought a Sig MPX that I wanted to buy a stamp an SBR to just to get that sub compact feel. Yea, post pics.
  19. Ha! Sorry, that was one of the developers testing with my account. Assume its just a random image and obviously should have been deleted after the test.
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