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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. <img src="https://cdn.evbuc.com/eventlogos/58775617/coffee2ac2a9balintradufotolia.com50456107xs.jpg" />
  2. https://cdn.evbuc.com/eventlogos/58775617/coffee2ac2a9balintradufotolia.com50456107xs.jpg
  3. https://cdn.evbuc.com/eventlogos/58775617/coffee2ac2a9balintradufotolia.com50456107xs.jpg
  4. Feel like its high time we start a few Photoshop battle threads. Sorry for dropping off (again) guys... Just moved out of state and between packing, moving, unpacking and trying to set the interwebz back up, I've fallen behind. Anyhow, slowly but surely getting back into a routine.
  5. Thanks... yeah, all my stuff arrived in one piece for the most part. Now just getting it unpacked and sorted out.
  6. DM me if you want help restoring or merging your old account.
  7. Hey guys, sorry for falling off after Christmas. Just moved and still in the process of unpacking and setting up the interwebz at the new crib. Once the dust settles, the plan to is to finally fuckin finish the new site so we can get that thing launched already. Anyhow, brb and if you need anything that's critical, feel free to DM or @ me so I get a notification and can respond in a timely manner.
  8. If you google it, you'll find some references to how this was a social experiment conducted at a tech conference sponsored by the NSA. Goal was to see if they could put the most ludicrous shit ever onto the social networks / blogosphere and see if they could get it to gain traction. Interesting (scary) stuff.
  9. Yeah, why not. Let's see if we can kick start some or start new ones. "Make 12oz Great Again"
  10. So how often do people make it out to shoot? You guys generally hit indoor ranges, outdoor or you lucky enough to be able to roam the country side?
  11. Anyone having any issues with posting images from their phones? Should be working fine so just asking the community at large.
  12. Kills me to see those old ads where you could literally order a retired machine gun out if the back of a magazine for like $30. I'm on the border of being old enough to remember the pre ban era. Wonder how many dudes came up huge from that. Considering an HK MP5 is really only something like a $1200 gun yet a pre ban class 3 version will set you back like $30,000 used in good condition. I don't have any antiques, but my dad has a S&W .38 revolver that's among the very first made. I think its WW1 era or so, but don't recall. Oldest thing I have is a Sig .45 I bought just out of high school which happens to be one of the old German versions before they started making them here. Have been wanting to pick up a Mosin Nagant for a while, but haven't done so yet. That's another firearm I've slipped on. Seems like not long ago they we're $150 - $300 even in beautiful barely used condition. Now seeing them push up above $1000. On a related topic, once I get over the hump of moving, was planning to stock up on ammo now that prices are back to something resembling reasonable. Maybe I'll finally get my son a 22LR now that you can actually find ammo for it again.
  13. think that lack of trigger guard would have me nervous as well, even it is double action. can you imagine really trying to stick that in your pocket? kinda crazy.
  14. Can't imagine how hard it must be to hold onto that little thing and get the site picture back on target after that first shot.
  15. I actually have an iPhone app that does that. Plenty of them out there ands assume plenty on Android as well.
  16. Okay, makes sense... Thanks for the honest feedback. We've discussed an idea called 'thread seeding' for a long time. Basically we develop a list of what we expect to be really compelling content and then assign it to a person to research. Then that person spends however long gathering as many images as possible (at least 300+) as well as any relevant interviews or articles. So basically rather than searching google, you sort of have the best of various google searches consolidated all into one thread for easy viewing. The hope being that it lays a foundation for people to add to it and discuss. Anyone interested in collaborating on something like this? Also, keep in mind that we will start emailing people regularly. I already have a mass mail server and campaign software ready to go. No doubt lots of the list is bad, perhaps half or even more, but the list is something like 300,000 deep. Please we have 54,000 IG followers and more so I do think once we get word out, it'll spread pretty quick. But like you guys said, we need to make sure there's plenty of good shit to look at once people stop by or it'll be incrementally harder to get them to come by again. Was also planning to run a regular series of contests, both on the forum and on social, once we relaunch and once the dust settles from my move.
  17. Yeah, what he said... That Kimber looks sweet. That being said, with the way most people dress, do you really need something that compact for a daily carry? Honestly, most days I'd have no problem with a Glock 17, though sitting down kind of sucks. And on a related note, anybody else seeing the news that they're working on legislation for National reciprocity? I'm generally very much the type of person that feels you should leave big decisions to the states, but after so many years of seeing gun rights being eroding, can't say I'm all that upset. Likewise, pretty excited to also see that they might throw that ear safety bill on Trump's desk next year that would take suppressors off the NFA list.
  18. Salient Arms International was just having a sale on barrels. Definitely can vouch for the quality of their stuff, but yeah can be pricey. Believe they work over M&P's but I've been more a Glock guy so you'll need to check. But if they do, would be a great excuse to get one of their barrels.
  19. I'm going to bump this back up. Lately we've seen a few OG members pop back up. Was especially psyched to see @Tesseract pop back through. Also, recently helped @-sudz- recover his account though haven't seem him pop back through yet. No doubt shit remains a bit slow, which hopefully starts picking up once we launch the new forum (DM me if you want to test the new theme), but wondering if we might be able to sort of engineer a bit of critical mass? Wondering how many people on here currently are in touch with other 12oz members in real life or on social networks? Wondering if there's enough of us on here to reach out and convince 3 - 5 OG members to hop back on and talk shit, if it might be enough to generate enough momentum to accelerate things? Thoughts on this or another strategy we can test out before we officially relaunch and start blasting out emails and promoting across the 12oz social channels?
  20. Wow, three likes on my last post! Think that might be a personal record. In that spirit, here's a few more...
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