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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Nope, its a commercial theme that we've paid extra to unbrand and then have customized it further. Working with a developer now to rework the mobile version, which got butchered a bit after we dialed the desktop version. Still works, but has some issues and is far from optimized from a presentation POV.
  2. One of my favorites! Wait, you mean you posted or that's you in the picture?
  3. @SukiSukiNow really appreciate the efforts with that. Thank you!
  4. @CALIgula Sorry man, those shirts were never printed larger than XL. But yeah, really looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. Always wanted to just focus on product, but in those early years it was impossible to pay the bills off it. Hoping that as the world has grown larger that maybe there's enough people that will appreciate what we put into our releases, whether they be t-shirts or books. Anyhow, trying man... Also, the @name thing... You need to type it exactly. After 4 or 5 characters it'll start auto filling, but once its exact, that triggers the notification to whoever you're directing it towards.
  5. @MaksCorenWylt Probably paranoid for good reason...
  6. Tattoo thread got lost in one of the stupid technical meltdowns. Super bummed as that was the last thread holding some of the OG crew together. Pretty much after that got lost, it was the last step in tanking what enthusiasm was left. Feel free to start another though. Hyena posted a comment today on our IG, so he's definitely around. Thinking when we switch to the new forum and get the site relaunched that we'll sort out a 12oz reunion of some sort and see who we can pull back in.
  7. Ha! just posted some hits in the Great Moments thread. Unsure if we should start alienating the few girls left on here right off the bat, LOL!
  8. LOL Having been mostly in NYC these last years, I'm used to not even bringing it up. Got excited when I saw this thread though. Shooting is like a zen thing for me. Usually have to worry about 10 million things, so its nice to have something that forces me to tune it all out and focus on something else for a bit.
  9. Who remembers the wet t-shirt and ass contests? Blast from the past...
  10. Ha! Actually meant 'where you at' in terms of why you weren't in the thread. Firstly, thank you for your service. hadn't known you were a vet. And sorry to hear about the suicidal thoughts, I know how often that hits people, especially our veterans. What branch, if you don't mind my asking? I'm not sure in a real situation there would be much practical difference in terms of fatigue. Would assume your adrenalin in pumping pretty hard and there's probably a lot more pressing shit to be concerned with. Can't imagine in most instances a fire fight continuing long enough for that happen. If there is a need for that much sustained fire, I'd like to think you could get behind some cover. That said, I've tried lots of ways. The classes I take are basically all military or LEO. I've shot along side Delta, Recon Marines, as well as some CIA guys and have tried different techniques and have heard just about every pro / con argument around those techniques. Indeed a lot of military lean towards a magwell grip, but I get more sway with that and can't drive my gun and follow up as well with accurate fire. I'm still working to improve (between NYC and CA I can't get out nearly as often as I'd like), but have seen when running drills, my most accurate fire and quickest times result from that extended hold, especially when driving between multiple targets that aren't all bunched up. To your point, if all's you're doing is standing there putting rounds on a single target, especially at distance, you will definitely fatigue. In that second to last shot just above the backpack flick, we were on a mountain top drilling steel targets at 100 meters... believe there were 10 targets about 15 meters apart and drill was that you had to hear the hit before moving on. You had to fire standing and best time after hitting all 10 won (reloads and rest we're allowed, but obviously wrecked your time). Bitch of it was that it was also shooting down into a valley about 75 meters lower. I think in that exact shot we we're shooting the next row at 250m which was across the valley and mid way up the next peak at about level to where we were. Anyhow, it was tough and definitely required more arm / shoulder strength than I had, but then again it was also end of an 8 hour day at about 8000 ft of altitude. Though you can't see it, I'm using a 2 point sling pulled tight that also gives a bit of relief for that hold. Anyhow, suggest giving it a try especially if you have a shot timer. Easy enough to prove / disprove and settle on what works best for you. And yeah, I typically run my guns pretty slick, but obviously depends on context. For that night class, we had to run white light and IR. Pretty nuts being in the dark with a dozen IR lasers sweeping down range.
  11. Welcome back @platapie and @the_gooch Hit me up if you're interested in test driving the new forum. Can use some beta testers.
  12. @Milk Grenades Thanks for pooping in, wondering the best way of coordinating a reunion? Obviously we can put it on blast on the @12ozprophet insta, but any other ideas to get OG heads back in?
  13. Getting the new forum / site ready for launch!
  14. On a side note, if anyone wants to beta test the new theme or even just view the forums with the new theme, PM me or email info@12ozprophet.com and we'll modify your account. It actually works a good bit better than the default theme and has no major bugs that we're aware of.
  15. Working on it! In the meantime, please help us get there by spreading the news to OG members, as well as to the youngins. :thumbsup:
  16. Please email us at info@12ozprophet.com or DM me. Just need to get confirmation of which you want me to switch to.
  17. We recently posted a screen shot of the OG 12oz Forum on our Instagram (@12ozprophet) and it got me thinking we should see if we can rally as many OG heads as possible up for a reunion when the new forum launches. Only reason shit sucks now is because nobody is around, which obviously self perpetuates itself. Wondering if we got a sizable number of old members back on for a minute, if we might be able to establish the critical mass to tip shit back over and get thing popping again? Any suggestions or ideas? Likewise, if you're still in touch with old members via email, Instagram or whatever, that could help the process out. Wondering if you guys wouldn't mind putting together a roll call of 12ozProphet members you're still in touch with below. If you have a link to their IG or Twitter handle, even better. Anyhow, figured I'd give this a shot through community outreach before digging into all the old email accounts and starting to announce all over our Instagram. Also, for the record, we can cover any member account. If you know anyone locked out, just email us at info@12ozprophet.com and one of us will help sort it out right away.
  18. Okay, going to chime in here for a sec... On topic first, think the hardest I've personally ever laughed was over the original Kaws Chomper thread. Definitely some photoshop geniuses working in that thread. Also, who remembers the Russian Mailorder Bride thread we had going? Believe it grew to include Asian Brides as well, but yeah... A crew of 12oz heads trolling mailorder bride sites and posting the hits. I recall some conversation about actually some of them being written letters to and even some people plotting seriously about figuring out how to fly a couple girls out. Think that was around 2001 - 02 or so. The thread sort of degraded once it got to the point of discussing being pen pals with hot chicks that were in prison. (Side note: I still occasionally get emails from lawyers asking us to remove certain threads that have pictures or information regarding people locked up. Super random, but last one was like 3 months ago). So that out of the way, I wanted to take a minute to thank all you guys... First for the fact that you've stuck it out during 12oz's dark days and also because it's obvious you mother fuckers still care or threads like this wouldn't exist. I've recently started briefing in some of the mods to this fact, but will now start talking about it publicly... 12ozProphet is going back to it's roots in that we're killing off the blogs, the third party news, the advertising and all that. We were best known for our original content, stuff like doing one of Twist's earliest interviews, the first interview Os Gemeos ever did and discovering / publishing talent years before they became household names (Kaws, Shepard Fairey, Dalek, etc). By cutting out the news and blogs, it free's up time and resources to make the forum a priority and also puts us in a place to start focusing on our own thing. Original content will be a part of how we release product. Though over the years we hear a lot of compliments about the forum and what it used to be, but more than anything people were always such fans of the zine, the books and even regularly bring up why we never continued with the t-shirts or followed up with the Nike collab stuff we did. Reality is that to earn a living we've operated behind the scenes as an agency. Through that, we've been involved with some really cool stuff and have done really well. Problem is that it all came at the expense of what we loved most, which is 12ozProphet and the products we had once been putting out. Though I've been mostly MIA for years now, I've been maintaining a steady effort to keep this website going, squashing bugs, researching new methods to keeping it alive, as well as planning on how I might be able to focus on 12ozProphet full time. To be honest, I'm not there yet, but I am working towards it. We've recently launched our agency website (check it out to see what we've been so distracted with) - http://collective.12ozprophet.com - and I'm probably no more than a few weeks away from relaunching the main 12ozProphet website. The forum is getting a major upgrade (we've been closely reviewing and investigating a bugs / suggestion list from the mods) and as far as the rest... It's going to simply focus on 12ozProphet; what we do, how we do it, friends & family strictly. No more third party news, no more blogs (though that content is being preserved as read only). Later in the year we're working to get an online shop back up and in the meantime, I'm taking literally years worth of ideas and notes and translating them into designs and concepts for products that we'll start releasing shortly after. So, anyways, apologies for taking this thread off topic. Seems I've broken my own rule so maybe I'll split this off into its own thread. For now, however, just wanted to say thanks for years worth of laughs and support and wanted to let you know that me and the team are working hard to try and ensure that 12ozProphet's best years are ahead of us. Oh yeah, Draw Ball... That shit was epic!
  19. And now for some handgun... Custom special release Salient Arms International x Costa Ludus Glock 17 Gen3 with RMR and match grade, threaded barrel. Actually bought this one off Chris.
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