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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. misteraven


    I’ve been steady trashing my APC Dunk Hi’s which has been another favorite. Comfortable and match almost anything. Wish I had more pairs. *not my photos...
  2. Yeah, journals are super helpful so you can refer back to what worked and what didn’t. Even basic shit like trying to remember what exactly you planted, when and where. No, didn’t do it myself. No time really and it’s just too much money worth of equipment for where I’m at. Not to mention even knowing what to do throughout. We cut a sharecrop deal with someone and did a 40/60 split on the crop. Reality is that working the land (properly) improves it. Helps build fertility and keep out noxious weeds like Canadian thistle, which has been creeping in. We already have fairly cheap property tax due to being zoned for agriculture, but if you meet the income requirements for active agriculture, your obligation the following year is 50% less.
  3. Been hot and dry so the fields dried out early. Ready for sale.
  4. Also keep in mind that cops are people. Like most people you’ve probably worked with, about half are mediocre at best. With PC department quotas, often you have people that really should not have been put in the position. Then you have poor training more often than you’d really believe, coupled with high stress. Makes for a really bad combination. Ive learned fro personal experience that the ability to process stress and react well is an ability similar to athletic prowess. Some people are born talent, some really work hard and become better than most, the vast majority will never compete at an advanced level, let alone go pro.
  5. @6Penniesgreat suggestions even if it’s not required. I’d also suggest having your paperwork ready and sitting on the dash in front of the steering wheel before they reach your window. If you have your stuff in a clear plastic envelope (sold at any office supply shop for like $2), this becomes easy. Likewise having your DL in one of those sleeves for holding cards and having your CCW conveniently located in the same sleeve... that way when they walk up, you’ve already shuffled and pulled your docs and have them sitting there. Leave your hands on the wheel at 10 and 2 and wait for them to request your paperwork. Then ask if it’s okay to reach for it off the dash. Grab it all one handed while your other hand stays on the wheel. Soonds extreme, but keeps my in mind dude is likely more stressed than you are when walking up after all the shit they see (and hear about), my thought that anything you can do to diffuse the situation is in everyone’s best interest, but especially yours. Honestly it’s not tough and suspect they’ll appreciate it, along with the aforementioned honestly, and likely lead to you getting a pass even if you did something stupid and deserve a ticket.
  6. Thing is, it’s already clear the person has no respect for laws from jump street, so making one thing illegal and another not, is just silly and a waste of time. It’s a complex issue that most often becomes emotionally charged. If the goal is to affect change, the protocol should be to look at facts based in evidence rather than emotional arguments.
  7. *Though that Nintendo custom build should not be illegal in my opinion, I do think it’s irresponsible. Only a dickhead would waste their time on a build like that.
  8. Thing is that crimes aren’t really committed with custom guns. You are correct regarding concealment which is likely the reason that the overwhelming majority of gun crime are pistols. If you look into it, it’s usually cheap shitty guns.
  9. Yeah, the non free states of the USA, have a bunch of stupid laws on the books that make no real sense. When you look at actual data as to what guns are used for the vast majority of crimes or bother to understand calibers and ballistics, you’ll realize quickly that the rap you see coming from those opposed, generally fall far from reality. Probably a whole other topic, but even at the federal level in the USA, you need a $200 tax stamp to own a “short barreled rifle”. Thats defined Ned as a rifle with total barrel length under 16 inches. So most barrels have a 14.5 inch barrel that has a muzzle brake or compensator that’s either pinned or welded to bring the entire legnth to 16+ inches. Other option is you can remove the stock and then it becomes a “pistol”, though shouldering it puts you in violation anyways. Super stupid all around. Though, have to say that AR pistols are fun and look cool, but you lose a lot of power with the short barrel. It really needs a typical carbine length to allow the pressure to build enough to reach the velocity that caliber was intended for. But then again, plenty of pistol caliber options that would be great at SBR length, as well as subsonic rifle calibers like 300BLK that actually work best at SBR length barrels like 10 inches.
  10. Welcome back brother.

  11. Cut alfalfa field with canola in the distance. At this point, it’s already been turned so in a few days it’ll get gathered and processed into bales. posted this in the skateboard thread with some other shots, but just a reminder that it isn’t all just farming and wildlife.
  12. @fat ralphythanks man. Lot of time, energy and expense, but hearing that helps justify it all. Still dialing it in (mostly performance and stability), but it’s pretty solid. Now to spread the word and promote and really depending on all you guys to do that. Especially hitting up old members. (Any old account can be recovered).
  13. @diggitymind re posting the photos?
  14. Still wish I could find the Jesus potato emoji we had.
  15. Took my son to his first day of skate camp. Broke his arm after week one last year, so happy to see him get back up and keep at it. Here’s the vista... @diggitywhere you at?
  16. Yeah, it is fairly light. It looks slim cause it’s a slightly longer barrel so the proportions are off from what you’re used to seeing.
  17. @SukiSukiNowActually, yeah... January 15, 2012! Tell them to pop through or to email if they need help recovering that account.
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