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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Feeling like the apocalypse out this way with thousands of acres on fire. The following are not my photos, but its all really close by. Last photo is basically the view I have.
  2. Interesting read. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just looking for shit like this to back my own position or if it really as common as I'm thinking.
  3. Kinda what we were already talking about... You can browse the web privately, use crypto and take a bunch of other precautions, but soon enough it won't really matter. In much the same way Facebook and Google use a pixel to trace all upstream / downstream traffic and see enough of your online movement and footprint to fill in the gaps, soon enough they'll be able to do the same in the real world. You can still *hide* but reality is that the algorithms will quickly evolve to a level of sophistication to no doubt flag people that aren't following the expected thresh hold for participation. George Orwell couldn't have even imagined how far and fucked up reality would become when he was drafting 1984.
  4. Big data meets Big Brother as China moves to rate its citizens The Chinese government plans to launch its Social Credit System in 2020. The aim? To judge the trustworthiness – or otherwise – of its 1.3 billion residents. https://www.wired.co.uk/article/chinese-government-social-credit-score-privacy-invasion -------------------------- Inside Cuomo’s plan to have your face scanned at NYC toll plazas Facial-recognition cameras at bridge and tunnel toll plazas across the city are already scanning drivers’ visages and feeding them into databases to catch suspected criminals, Gov. Andrew Cuomo revealed Friday. https://nypost.com/2018/07/20/inside-cuomos-plan-to-have-your-face-scanned-at-nyc-toll-plazas/
  5. No pesticides at all. Has a big issue with flea Beatles last year but none at all this year. Often there’s a decent enough solution that literally spraying poison on the stuff you’re eating. If you’re willing to do that, you might as well just shop at the supermarket and save yourself the hassle. Lady bugs work great as a pest deterrent so long as you create a good environment for them so they stick around. They sell them at a lot of places and basically you put them in a fridge all day to put them into a semi dormant state, the release them just after dusk in your garden. So long as there’s lots of shade and moisture, they’ll usually stick around and feast on all the eggs and larvae left by other bugs. They won’t harm your plants at all. Lots of other solutions like this that work well, including planting certain flowers and herbs that either serve to deter pests naturally or attract them away from the stuff you’re growing for food.
  6. Sorry, had to... https://12ozprophet.com/collections/shop/products/12ozprophet-bic-clic-pen
  7. Super weird watching that old aspect ratio. Wouldn't think it would bother me, but it actually does. I hate to see it stretched, but also hate seeing it letter boxed off the sides. Started rewatching X-Files and gave up becuase I felt like I was watching TV through the peep hole of a door. That said, looks like you're also a rock star when not riding bike?
  8. To block subdomains, you need to setup a local DNS server like https://www.linux.com/learn/intro-to-linux/2018/2/dns-and-dhcp-dnsmasq Thought you could add wildcards to the hosts file to cover subdomains, but apparently not. That said, its apparently not too tough to run Dnsmasq and with that you could add wildcards. I think it would be near impossible to cover all sudomains manually for a lot of these types of sites. Probably easier to reroute whatever IP block they have.
  9. Cool. Yeah, will revisit that idea.
  10. Fuck that man... @Dirty_habiTis all about the tuner cars too, so hit him up. That said, Gas here is in the $2.75 - $2.99 range
  11. And all of those were Ebbets field?
  12. Thanks. Might give them another look. You recall the price range these were selling at? Assume all we're likely in the $40 - $50 range?
  13. Not sure man, she's regularly attached from all angles. Can't see why she'd bother staging something like that when all she has to do is wait. Plenty of info out there about how a Soros funded parent company helped bus BLM members to various protests that also happened to have professionally printed protest signs. Same thing happened back in the occupy days as well.
  14. This isn't legit vintage surplus though is it? Pretty fresh either way, but just asking.
  15. So started getting deeper into camo patterns and military surplus and come to realize how hard it's starting to get to find vietnam era or older. In fact, even the chocolate chip stuff from the first gulf war isn't as available as it was. I recall a time when they used to practically give away the woodland camo BDU stuff and now its getting dumb expensive. Been looking for a couple camo grail pieces, including whatever I can get in either medium / long or large long pants in golden tiger stripe and ERDL tropical. Even standard ERDL in my size would be good. Anyhow, would love to get unissued surplus, but now I'm starting to see even heavily warn shit going for as high as $300, which seems insane to me. Again, I remember when you could cop at $5 - $15. Anyone have any good sources, online or local, for authentic military issue surplus? Feel free to post your camo grails below. If its not legit camo, it better be double, extra heavy hitting. golden tiger stripe reference ERDL tropical reference
  16. mind linking me to a few or posting images? curious what they did within the limits of the custom program.
  17. Laying in bed, watching deer wander by my window as the do their morning migration from the woods out into the pasture. Browsing 12oz on Aloha, which has worked out pretty well so far. Contemplating all the freakin work I still have to get through.
  18. I ordered an Ebbets hat and looked into their custom program. Very expensive, but was willing to try it since MOQ's are low. Problem I had with it is that there is very little you can actually customize on it so it's hardly different than just buying one off their website.
  19. Yesterday... Hickory smoked brisket. this was about 3 hours into a 7 hour smoke.
  20. Shocker! So much for government by the people for the people when the political class have their exceptions and privileges. Or that authorities might abuse the information that they collect, rather than maintain use for *lawful* purposes as intended (never mind that *lawful* is a fluid term and what might be lawful today, could very well be unlawful tomorrow, though I suspect that the databases wouldn't be purged to allow a fresh start since the rules have changed). Keep that in mind when you hear the debate come up surrounding allowing for a gun registration database and how that might be a very bad idea.
  21. Thanks man! Yeah, still dialing in a few things, but seems pretty solid and feedback from everyone seems pretty positive so looks like we're on the right track. In regards to the old photo meta, that's a good question... I'm unsure if it's applied retroactively. Going to assume its all pretty safe since we're talking about old data, but will need to add this to the mile long, follow up list.
  22. I think this was a key element in what lost HRC the election. BO masterfully used tools like social media and analytics in his campaign and I think HRC (true to form) came at it from an arrogant position and the wild card presented by Trump was just the perfect storm of a situation to throw the DNC's data way off. I think they ignored all the obvious warning signs because they saw their data work so well when it can to getting BO into office. It's ironic (and disconcerting) that the DNC doesn't seem to have learned it's lessons from that experience and are largely doing the same thing that led to the dynamic that got Trump elected. Also find it amazing that the media has the balls to tout polling numbers still after the embarrassment of how completely wrong all the polls were throughout the last election cycle. Very much goes to show how entrenched the status quo is and how easy it is to remain so when people seem to be content in continuing to either stay distracted or buy into the narrative they've chosen to follow.
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