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  1. agreed. like it or not people have been reading the series for 10 years. if some little prick tried to ruin the ending for me cause he thought it was funny i'd smash his video camera over his face. fucking assholes.
  2. rehab is about replacing one habit with another. in most cases, the other habit is god whorship. if you're not down with god, pick something (like chess, for example) and throw yourself into it. if you're going to be addicted, you may as well choose your addiction.
  3. sounds like depression to me: <em>Psychology A psychiatric disorder characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, loss of appetite, anhedonia, feelings of extreme sadness, guilt, helplessness and hopelessness, and thoughts of death. Also called clinical depression.</em>
  4. bob dylan worked in "the great north woods" (banff, in the canadian rockies) for a while, so he probably had some lumberjack contacts/friends/etc. knowing that, the whole verse makes perfect sense to me.
  5. newsweek covers this month.. stolen image, so if it doesn't work, check out the newsweek site. the pic is on the left side. their slogan, 'Our Voices. Your voices. Every Day.", should read 'Our Voices. Every Day. If we hear yours, we're calling the cops, terrorist.'.
  6. they are comparing the most prolific and influential song writer who has ever lived to a punk kid who writes chick-rock? that is the saddest thing i've ever heard. i saw bright eyes once and i far from impressed. now, i down right hate them. dylan saves.
  7. Taken from some BBC article.. While his documentaries were undoubtedly sensational and highly entertaining, his aim was also to enlighten viewers about the animals he interacted with, their behaviour when threatened, and their means of defence. He was willing to "tease" or provoke animals so that viewers could see what happens when a crocodile or snake goes into attack mode. Irwin's tragic death can be regarded as a poignant reminder of the fact that this kind of work involves severe risks.
  8. that thing is a piece of shit. it shows no promise, creativity, or talent. it's like a newbie who thinks a tag need to be in quotes, have a halo, and be underlined. he's trying to emulate what he thinks a piece should be and is failing miserably. a piece isn't a piece without arrows and chrome! i'm surprised he doesn't have any bubbles. twat.
  9. i was hit by a car while riding my bike. something ripped through my lip and inside my mouth. well over 100 stitches, but no lost teeth! i was hit in the face with a plate (of all things) and had to get a few stitches in my eyebrow. another time a speaker fell on my head. the corner fucked me up and i had to get a few stitches just above my hair line.
  10. here's a summary of the israeli-palestinian conflict. History's legacy created divisive issues between Palestinians and Israelis. Judea, home of the Jews in ancient times, was conquered by the Romans and renamed Palestine. Palestine was later conquered and inhabited by Arabs for over a thousand years. The Zionist movement arose to restore the Jews to Israel, largely ignoring the existing Arab population. Following the Balfour Declaration in 1917, Palestine was granted to Britain as a League of Nations mandate to build a national home for the Jewish people. The Arabs resented the Jews coming in to take their land. Led by Grand Mufti Hajj Amin El Husseini, they rioted repeatedly and later revolted, creating a history of enmity between Jews and Arabs in Palestine. Britain stopped Jewish immigration to Palestine. Following the Holocaust, in which 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis, pressure on Britain increased to allow Jewish immigration to Palestine. In 1947, the UN partitioned the land into Arab and Jewish states. The Arabs did not accept the partition and war broke out. The Jews won a decisive victory, expanded their state and created several hundred thousand Palestinian refugees. The Arab states refused to recognize Israel or make peace with it. Wars broke out in 1956, 1967, 1973 and 1982, and there were many terror raids and Israeli reprisals. Each side believes different versions of the same history. Each side views the conflict as wholly the fault of the other and expects an apology. Israel has occupied the West bank and Gaza Strip (about 2,200 square miles) since the 1967 6-day war, and has built settlements with a population of about 220,000, mostly in the West Bank. Palestinians demand withdrawal from all of the land conquered in the 1967 and evacuation of the settlements. Israel continued to expand settlements throughout the peace process that began in 1993 and continues to do so today. In the final status negotiations at Camp David and Taba, Israel offered to turn over 97% of the land in the West Bank and all of Gaza, as well as Arab sections of Jerusalem. This offer was turned down by the Palestinians. continue reading at http://www.mideastweb.org/nutshell.htm
  11. i came across an accident on sunday where two of the four people in the car died. the last thing on my mind was stealing from them. i keep thinking about the people i couldn't help and know i'd feel like a real piece of shit if i stole from them. it would haunt me. fuck that.
  12. Re: Great Pictures~ looks like niagra falls at night. they shine colored spotlights on it for the tourists.
  13. that's incorrect. the third part is a-ok. 1 does not equal 2, so where did this proof go wrong? you're right, ab=a^2 is only true if a=b. however, leaving them as seperate variables does not account for the error. there's something else..
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