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swordfish meatloaf

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jus say when. i can cprobably ome thru with bottles.


But...you'd have to come to North Oakland. Can you handle it?


As long as it's in the next couple weeks we can do it. We might be getting evicted soon. Oh, and you can't make fun of my hippie compound if I'm hosting it. We're a fun lot, we are. Honest. You'll see.


I can contact some people, so if you dig up Rushawn let's make it happen.


edit- Never mind, I see Rushawn now. Come through, it's about time we met.

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Hella tequila though verg... im not feeling it. How's the lot? ya'll hiring? :)


no tequila?? BLASPHEMOUS! i just picked these up today!






the lot is coo. just pretty slow. units are going out, but not much are coming in. our location aint hiring, but our Serramonte store just fired 6 niggas, so they might be lookiing pretty soon.

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But...you'd have to come to North Oakland. Can you handle it?


As long as it's in the next couple weeks we can do it. We might be getting evicted soon. Oh, and you can't make fun of my hippie compound if I'm hosting it. We're a fun lot, we are. Honest. You'll see.


I can contact some people, so if you dig up Rushawn let's make it happen.


edit- Never mind, I see Rushawn now. Come through, it's about time we met.


north oakland aint too bad. as long as my car aint gettin broken into and dont hear gunfire, then i should be good. i dunno bout not making fun of a hippie compound tho. jk


so wait a minute... you tryna set up a 3-way man-date:confused: /no homo?



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I'm good tthat's faaaaaarrrr... you hear they are trying to turn the bottom of carlos bee into a bar walk area?


i have nooooo idea bout that. thats the 1st i heard of it. all i know is that Cal-Trans bought that property off us and is using it as their HQ till the construction is done.

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Ruby Room still open??


Maybe... I did door there for 2 nights... Second night i fell asleep and got fired.


Good for graff tags, bad for everything else. Oakland is alright if you got your own shit to do.


Theres a good fried chicken sandwich somewhere in there.

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thanks for the information folks and keep it coming. the hood thing does not bother me. ive lived in the hood most of my life and realize its not much different anywhere else aside from population. excited about the taco trucks though. the southside of milwaukee has tons of them and ive always been a fan. also would love to catch a giants game. if yall niggas get a BBQ function together this fall or something holler.

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the hood thing shouldnt bother you. every city has its good an bad. if you doing grimey shit then expect the consequences. if you hanging out with people that do grimey shit, be prepared to be guilty by association. if you have a reason for people to fuck with you, then expect it. all these murders goin in are mostly people in the dope/gang game. steer clear of that and you should be good.


oakland's food game is another story. you want ethiopian food, hit up north/west oakland. latin food, hit up east oakland. taco trucks are good, but when people start opening up the taco houses in random parts of the neighborhood then hit those up when u get a chance cuz they usually just stay open for a few months, then get shut down. asian food, hit up chinatown, anything in between, go to downtown oakland.


and if you cant find it in oakland, you can probably hit up the next city over, San Leandro has Drake's brewery behind walmart that be doin' events on the 1st fridays of each month. http://drinkdrakes.com/site/?page_id=24


if you wanna ho to the beach you can hit up S.F. which is like 20 min's away from oakland, or Santa Cruz which is bout an hour south.


either way, you cant lose here.

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My favorite part of my brief Oaktown appearance was the taco truck and fucking up that hipster party. I like that black folk really don't give a fuck about pigment challenged people tagging up their hood.

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My favorite part of my brief Oaktown appearance was the taco truck and fucking up that hipster party. I like that black folk really don't give a fuck about pigment challenged people tagging up their hood.


What about hitting the curb going 30+ mph? That was kind of funny.

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