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Ms rowdy the boys up so they get off their ass.


Lets go bombing...


Take spots get shot live to laugh about it later.


Fuck everybodys graff ,,,, i.m the shit!


Who wants the official battle 2011??? Bring guns and knives. Oh and maybe paint.



Nice shit years...



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Dude all u do ius steal flicks u fucking clown. I dont even understand how u have a direct link to my album when its private. Do u take any of ur own shit? ur prob some toy who hasent even put in any work or that no one has ever heard of. Fucking fag I'm water marking all of my shit from now on.

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Dude all u do ius steal flicks u fucking clown. I dont even understand how u have a direct link to my album when its private. Do u take any of ur own shit? ur prob some toy who hasent even put in any work or that no one has ever heard of. Fucking fag I'm water marking all of my shit from now on.



I do take my own flicks and I've posted them in this thread; I didnt have flicks of that haste or aves so I thought I'd post them anyways as they are pretty cool.


And seriously who the fuck cares it is a graffiti forum :lol: , its not like I am stealing your pics and publishing them in some book or zine.


they were already posted elsewhere online in 2008, so I stole them from them from there and posted them here


your the clown to be caring about someone taking your flicks without credit... welcome to 2011 its the internet. :D ;) I see people steal my pics all the time, do I care? Nope.













and for the last two, I'll give credit... http://www.drunkenfist.com

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