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Wesly Crusher's sketch of the day


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im well aware of what he was trying to get at, i was mearly making a shit head remark back...what can i say it made me giggle like a school girl


not that i was offended its something that ive gotten used too. My style is alot more "art fag" than some graffiti writers like. i dont take it personally, to quote waynes world "Good call. It's like he wants us to be liked by everyone. I mean, Led Zeppelin didn't write tunes everybody liked. They left that to the Bee Gees."


so the short answer is no


dont expect "traditional graffiti" styles to take place in this thread. it isnt that i dont enjoy traditional styles its just that that isnt me. and i'll be damned if i regurgitate the same damn letter styles that people have been pushing for decades now just to be a bit more "graffiti". not that the people who do it well are wrong to use those styles, those styles speak for them and that is how they wish to be seen.


personally i dont see myself as a writer, sure i still take part in graffiti related activities from time to time, but too me its got to the point where what you are seeing in this thread is quite simply the things i want to paint...or draw...If other people dig it im glad for it and am thankful for any and all who have shown support both in this thread and through my time in graffiti and the art culture. for those who dont like it, sorry...i guess this isnt the thread for you.

i read an interview with mode2 where he said


"question-How have things changed in the graffiti scene since you started out? Anything you miss from the “good ole days”?


mode 2-"True innovation and originality is not valued the way it used to be, which means that those responsible for pushing the envelope yet further do not get the credit they deserve, as anything really new that they have brought to the mix is seen as "just another new style that everyone's into right now". Give credit where credit is due, and this will in turn give you a better appraisal of what originality is, give it the value that it deserves, and maybe push more people to try to be original too, thus making way for a much richer and diverse culture than what we have out there.


True, there are some people who still remain at the forefront with new ideas, technique, and direction; but behind them is this massive rumbling behemoth of "also appearing", who are just content with being down, and doing what everybody else is doing; like kicking a football about in the park, or sitting and getting drunk or stoned on the park-bench with some friends."


now im not trying to say im an originator...infact far from. But that quote does sum up my mind frame pretty well.


anyhow...i hope this answers any questions to anyone else out there who shares the thoughts that have been expressed.



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i spent all day doing life drawing studies...so im running a bit behind on my sketch for the day since im not posting my studies since noone would care to see those here...but im like half through my sketch of the day now, i still got 9 hours to finish XD


just an update for anyone who is getting used to the sketches being up first thing of the day

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i hate this picture


i had this great idea to do supermans city as my piece, i dotted the I with the daily planet globe...got buildings growing out of the letters...even kicked in some roads...but it needs about 8 hours more time sitting and trying to polish shit out and fix the broke ass background...and yeah i just dont got it in me to do it right now...besides i just went and bought up 2 new art books that im going to dive into


so yeah...enjoy a fun concept gone very very wrong

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maybe you can redo that idea once it sits for a few months, since your doing a sketch a day, its not like you can't revisit ideas and shit. just a thought. i like the premise, but its my least favorite so far. wish i had it in me to do a sketch a day, I'd definitly like to try, but not with you doing the same thing, my thread would be laughed out compared to yours. rofl.

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i dont know if i will ever go back to that particular concept. to be honest i never really was that into superman DC comics was never really my shit. i just thought the daily planet reference to the daily sketch thing was a fun thing to play with it just wasnt my day. and it really doesnt help that i decided to halo it(or forcefield or whatever you youngins are calling it these days) half way through and call it done. but yeah im sure the city pieces will show up more often just...in a more thought out and natural way not as an afterthought when i had finished the pieces sketch

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art is subjective, there are many different avenues i can choose to go down when i start working on a peice....and infact almost never do i have an idea of where it will end. however cracking the outlines at the end is almost more than anything an homage to graffiti style more than a needed detail to the piece, there was a time when i wouldnt halo my work and i was feeling it gave a solid natural look to it, but then after a while i began to use them again to tie my pieces together with the rest of the people on the wall (usually just clone) it started out that way, just being a detail to root my piece to the walls with other people, and has now grown into something that i look at much like a signature to a painting when i crack that halo its me telling myself im done. its the puncuation on the visual statement that im trying to say. I know this is an abstract thought line and only shows how much of an art fag i really am but it is true




familiarize yourselves with this guy before i post day 10 later tonight



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