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Seriously, get a camera, why do you kids also feel the need to tell us where you live? None of us care, just post flicks


Kid? I'm flattered. I have a camera; just didn't have it on me at the time. Hum, should I erase the title of the thread as well? Will you sleep eaiser at night. :)

ALSO, why do kids feel the need to go into a thread that is directed tword BENCHING and not posting a post that refers to MY initial post? I just don't get it.


Get that post count!!!


Will do papa.

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Nah, it's cool dude is benching and posting, keep it up. However, when you see a new thread come up you get a little hyped to check out yours & other people's shit & then it's a little bit of a letdown to see crummy flix. Keep posting though, we can't all be A-Funk.

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next time post more than 7 flix, and use a real camera...


that big5 and wink is a nice catch though.


Next time read the previous posts' before posting. Please?


I know what you mean John; I've got some locals back where I'm from and they wanted to see what's up with benching in Wyoming. Eager much? ha.


Like I stated in the 1st post; I live blocks away from the lines. Flicks everyday.

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stop the bitching atleast he's benching and contributing..somebodys always gotta cry and complain about something. plus he said he will be updating this anyways..and for the guy complaining about him stating where he lives, I actually think its cool to know where flicks are coming from. stop hating on the dude.

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