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80's-90's MEMORIES

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it was covers like these that totally lured my 5 year old innocent soul in

then crushed and spat upon any vision i had of a real game

look at the art work on the cover, then plug in the cartridge and complete heart break

god look at that cat mouse game. WTF.



and earl just so you know right now, this second,

there are doves crying everywhere...

i just mailed that link to my older sister.

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I didn't have that, but my friend had one of those that was a pinball game.


For some obvious reason, it reminded me of these:









Speaking of stupid shit that kept you entertained:







I want to get one of those now and starting holding cash games at my house. Everyone has to customize their own team, cash advance, tournament style, winner takes all, 10 minute games. I think I'm on to something.

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damn earl i dont remember pin wheel.

but my earliest memories of TV were of this petterass


and this dude. mom use to take me the library and watch the short cartoons





both of these things predate the 80's but my childhood nonetheless



holy shit simon!

dude stop fucking with me.

i didnt click the second youtube right away cause the hotlink was dead. then pow. they played simon too weird i posted the crayon shit before i saw the simon bit. also going in an email to my sister lol

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Never saw Caveman, but I always wanted one of these:




Mom never would get me one.


Croc --Nickelodeon used to show Pinwheel back in the day when the channel first started. I grew up on Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Green Jeans as well.


Does anyone remember the name of the illustrator who used to draw fish and other marine life? He used to come on Saturday mornings really early before all the national cartoons would start. It might have been a New England thing though. He was an old guy with white hair, and his set was all nautical themed.

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Here's some other commercials that I remember.




Chow Daddy:









When we first got cable, there was only a handful of channels compared to now. Actually, there was only 10 channels compared to now. But it was still the era of the Super Stations. We started getting WPIX from NYC, and I used to love Crazy Eddie commercials.





and now out takes.


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