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The Eagles are fucking Gangstarr.


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Re: Eagles are fucking gangster.


Dao is right about this one. I saw a documentry about it only last month or so. The first whales evolved from some fish hunting wolves from around the Mongolia region. It all has something to do with the ear structure. Wolves and whales are the only animals with the same ear bone or something along those lines. It was actually very interesting.

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Re: Eagles are fucking gangster.






"The traditional theory of cetacean evolution was that whales were related to the mesonychids, an extinct order of carnivorous ungulates (hoofed animals), which looked rather like wolves with hooves"



D'OH!!! :dunce:


However, hippos' anthracothere ancestors do not appear in the fossil record until millions of years after Pakicetus, the first known whale ancestor.


The recent discovery of Pakicetus, the earliest proto-whale (see below) supports the molecular data. The skeletons of Pakicetus demonstrate that whales did not derive directly from mesonychids. Instead, they are a form of artiodactyl (another type of ungulate) that began to take to the water after the artiodactyl family split from the mesonychids. In other words, the proto-whales were early artiodactyls that retained aspects of their mesonychid ancestry

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Re: Eagles are fucking gangster.


you really are fascinated by eagles.


its ashame it took you 32 years to figure out something you liked other than biazzare sex parties with hook hangers.










Pretty much everybody on here remembers that thread.

And they remember that thread being a "WTF" about some shit that I stumbled into on holloween of last year.


So what exactly is your point?







































































































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Re: Eagles are fucking gangster.


Dao is right about this one. I saw a documentry about it only last month or so. The first whales evolved from some fish hunting wolves from around the Mongolia region. It all has something to do with the ear structure. Wolves and whales are the only animals with the same ear bone or something along those lines. It was actually very interesting.





:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Eagles are fucking gangster.




:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I was aware of whales evolving from land animals that hung around the shore. I just thought it was funny you said whales came from "dogs".



































:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Eagles are fucking gangster.


I was aware of whales evolving from land animals that hung around the shore. I just thought it was funny you said whales came from "dogs".








whales were related to the mesonychids, an extinct order of carnivorous ungulates (hoofed animals), which looked rather like wolves with hooves"

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Re: Eagles are fucking gangster.





This is all basic ass shit that everybody was taught in fucking 6th grade when I was a kid.

Now some of yall are acting like it's recent science. While others are trying to clown the shit, then after you look the shit up you try and play it like you were just playing.


Sounds like your teachers spent more time teaching you kids how to surf the web, and not enough time teaching you basic fucking knowledge.

No wonder you kids have no common sense.

No wonder these Christian/Republican/Sarah Palin motherfuckers are so successful in lying to you people.

Some of you kids would actually believe that the Earth was flat, and laugh in the face of somebody telling you that the moon is not made of cheese.

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Re: Eagles are fucking gangster.


"however more recent molecular phylogeny data suggest that whales are more closely related to the artiodactyls, specifically the hippopotamus."




"The skeletons of Pakicetus demonstrate that whales did not derive directly from mesonychids."


Just thought I'd bump this.

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Re: Eagles are fucking gangster.


Just thought I'd bump this.







Just thought I'd bump this. :rolleyes:




D'OH!!! :dunce:


However, hippos' anthracothere ancestors do not appear in the fossil record until millions of years after Pakicetus, the first known whale ancestor.


The recent discovery of Pakicetus, the earliest proto-whale (see below) supports the molecular data. The skeletons of Pakicetus demonstrate that whales did not derive directly from mesonychids. Instead, they are a form of artiodactyl (another type of ungulate) that began to take to the water after the artiodactyl family split from the mesonychids. In other words, the proto-whales were early artiodactyls that retained aspects of their mesonychid ancestry

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