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Can /b/ also do something about the monopoly AT&T has on iPhones?

Basically, the iPhone being superior to all other mobile devices, is stuck with the worst mobile network know to man.

It's a crime against humanity, the free market, and the internet.


What's NOT fair is when your ISP decides to block certain sites without any warning or explanation.


As far as the iPhone, you know what the terms are when you sign the contract. The question is "Do I hate AT&T more than I want an iPhone?"

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The question is, which carriers offer GSM format and will work for unlocked iPhones.

The only reason AT&T has a foothold in mobile is the iPhone, hopefully another carrier (a good one) supports this device.



Your best bet is to take it up with Apple, they actually seem to pay attention to what the consumers want (sometimes). On the other hand, AT&T doesn't give a shit about its customers...have you ever tried to deal with their CSRs? It's fucking insane.

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Updated info:

-Sporadic reports of former BellSouth Customers being blocked are coming in. The majority of forner BellSouth customers are currently NOT BLOCKED. The majority of former SBC Global Customers are.

-Tier 2 support (the non Indian guys) have confirmed that there is a block, have refused to comment further, other than the fact that they decided to contact NetAsset (4chan's hosting company) regarding it. Current rumormill is that it ISN'T CP- AT&T DSL customers have viruses that DDoS 4chan, using a TON of bandwidth. Bandwidth costs money for AT&T too.


Old info below.


-Most AT&T DSL (largest ISP in the US, 15.5% of US Internet users) customers ARE currently not able to access img.4chan.org (/b/ & /r9k/)

-There are a few AT&T DSL users that are NOT affected. Kansas, Florida, and Ohio are where we've gotten those reports. AT&T is a megacorp made from the smaller pieces it was broken down into in the 80s- different equipment and such.

-AT&T Mobility (Cell Phones) and AT&T Uverse customers ARE NOT AFFECTED.

-It IS NOT a DNS issue. Affected people have tried OpenDNS with no success.

-It IS very visible on a traceroute. It drops within the AT&T network.

-It DOES NOT affect AT&Ts Tier 1 backbone (major bandwidth backbone in US).

-It DOES NOT affect other servers on 4chan.

-People HAVE called customer service (allegedly) and confirmed a block, but agents have denied further info.


Stay tuned for future details. AT&T picked the wrong community to block.





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You sure about that?


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shai hulud* , ese , MrChupacabra , Hymen_BusterKiller , SystemFailure , El Mamerro , bigblueviolence , watson , Mercer2789 , `Melinoe , Cart_Monkey , keylikesfood , Dark eyes kid , grim540 , KimJungIlla , Mainframe , gnarwalker , ILOTSMYBRAIN

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Well if this does pan out as I predict it will, then yes a bit frightening that a bunch of pasty dungeon trolls could pull it off but, it will certainly show other Fatcats to back the fuck off.



You really don't know what anon consists of if you think it's pasty basement dwellers.

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Its fucked up that they censoring shit but I couldnt give less of shit about this 4chan bullshit. Sorry Casek, no one gives a fuck around here.



Doggy, you know I don't either. But I am here. I am here for the /b/rothers.

You should be, too. You owe it to them. After all, you steal images from them all the time.




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If their stock drops it will be the opposite of fear, fuck censorship.

It will restore faith in the public standing up for themselves against corporate censorship..


Yeah, when i said frightening i meant in general. In terms of people banding together being able to deal damage even financially, from the internet.

Of course retaliation against the violation of our rights would restore faith in people. People need to remember that these big companies, really work for us.

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Any image I use is ripped off of google searches. The only thing that 4chan has done for me is fill my internets with virgins ranting about boxxy and mudkipz. Get that shit out of here. Id rather align myself with goons than b/tards.



Haha yeah, but you're not r33t enough for goons. I'm not either.

They wear sunglasses and have a Camaro parked outside.

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Im just saying. I dont frequent either board, but the handful of goons ive come across beat the horde of faggots coming out of the chans. If AT&T sticks to their guns, all that shit will just move somewhere else. Im all for the fight to stop these fuckers from censoring, because once they let one go down, why not another, etc. etc.

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