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Bonsai Trees

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damn ou had some good flick there all those where amazing the bougainvillea is looking goood along with the red ceders and white pine, your privet is looking good but i would def prune up the bottom shoots before they get to thick..oh and about the fliks ill get them they already started to chang up..

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privet/ligustrum. really really really tough to kill and grows fast as hell. they're all over our property and i just dug up a bunch of starters and went for it. you can find cheap boxwoods at lowe's or home depot probably. (like 7 to 10 dollars for a decent sized something you could cut back and start on) you could get something like that this winter and get it growing happily then chop it into style in the spring. depends on what you like and where you're at.

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fresh shit, cutty...is that a mimosa tree in there?

nice greenery/foliage. looks like you've got some cool different acers in the bunch. what is that thing with the little red berries?

i like the looks of that azalea too. i'm supposed to be getting one out of my friend's yard this spring that's like fifteen years old. should be cool. that one looks like it has good potential.


more flicks when i can. i got up today and every one of my trees was coated in frost. sweet.

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its a chocolate mimosa good eye you know whats up.




cotoneaster heres a few fliks of some pro BONSAI wish mine lookt like that







when ever you get the azalea put some fliks up, fifteen years, prob going to have some nice looking bark and shape to it..


Ive got to of them there the smaller leaves with red flowers i can think of the exact name cus its a Japanese name but they look clean when there flowering


the mimosa used to have dark red and brown leaves but i kept it in the shade alot, and it didnt keep its color as good on the new foliage just like japanese maples do, if they have to much shade they wont get the color as strong, so half day full sun is best durring the morning sun


just a little something

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  • 2 weeks later...

i was reading about that..how they'll lose their colors unless you give them more shade. crazy. i got a few regular old mimosas going this past spring. one of them is actually dwarfed already. i'll be interested to see what's up with it this coming year.


my latest experiment. helped my dad cut down a tree this week that took a nice sized limb off a dogwood. i don't know if any of these will root, but i figured fuck it and took a shot. hopefully it'll pay off.


the straight shooter









a few weeks ago my little brother comes in from a fishing trip with two little spruces about two feet tall that somebody just left out of one gallon pots by the river. awesome. i'll try to get some flicks soon. they're all planted in the garden for the winter at this point.

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when i did it to a lion head maple once i did the same thing but i cut the base at a 45 degree angle pealed back the first layer of bark of at the bottom then i split it in the middle a bit that way the powder got every where.. good luck man there looking good. dog woods are good looking trees ive got like 7 of them in 5 gallon pots but there not bonsai there like 6 feet tall, got them on clearance at a nursery for 5 dollars each when the cost like 150 or so. i fucking took all they had it was a fat come up got a whole bunch of other shit to for cheap all the people there where fucking pissed of just muggin me as i took all the good shit away, they where nothing but old people just looking at the only person under 50 taking all the goods


do you have those on a display you made

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that's hot! all the good nurseries around here know what they have and charge for it. have you ever heard of a toriki scraper? kind of the same deal, except you air layer trees with it. supposedly saves you years on having convincing looking roots/nebari. you just scrape a big section of bark away at the angle you want and peat moss, etc...cut it out later on and BAM.


i'll get a flick when i get those spruce and show it, but yeah that's a little bench i made. a couple of strips ripped off a 2x4 with some blocks of 2x6 on the ends for forms. makes a nice dispaly and keeps the porch from rotting. word up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

doesn't look like any of those dogwood cuttings are going to go. oh well. you don't fight the good fight because it's easy.


here's one that i rescued last year. clipped it back for the spring season a little early, and it snowed a day or two later. nice..



let's see the wintry/spring flicks. i know y'all got 'em. i'll try to get some more flicks up in here soon.

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been clearing the privet patch. right now it's mostly small sized pretty well-developed stuff though, which is pretty cool. took a few flicks after the snow today of last week's harvest. check it..



i like both sides of this thing. we'll see what happens when the foliage straightens out a little.



not the greatest flick of this angle, but fuck it.







this was with that other one that looks similar. within about two feet. good stuff.





that's it for now. i'll be pulling up all the medium and larger stuff over the summer. gonna be a fun year for trees..


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  • 2 weeks later...

different tree...huge flick. shows the focus nice, though. or lack thereof.




i've already taken that second branch up on the right off. it just wasn't doing it.




alright, now that i've got that figure out i need some sleep. i'll bring some good flicks back later this week.

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