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im slowly turning into a fat slob


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Then again I do like to fart in a crowded elevator from time to time.


I don't get to ride in a lot of elevators and my diet usually keeps me from the random farts but I CANNOT PREACH MORE FERVENTLY ABOUT THE "YOU AND TWO" SITUATION IN AN ELEVATOR!


This is where you totally rip one but before it fully manifests you look at the person next to you AND the other person (eye contact is CRITICAL!) and fully push that noise off on the other guy...


really I love this, when I have to see my lawyers or accountants, or (God foebid, go to court) I try to eat a bushel of green onions raw before I head in... or beans... also, I dig Andy Merril...


but my FAVORITE FAVORITE is when it's just you and another person and then you fart but, unspokenly, blame it on them.... I think that may be my favorite joke in the whole world... does that make me shallow?

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I try to keep in as good shape as i can, but thankfully i dont put on much weight becasue of my job, I look foward to the next fem months of my life i excpect there to be alot of eating, smoking weed and yelling at people due to loosing the remote control.

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That video is ridiculous, but damn Haya, I have been there myself with being slack and turning into a slob. But nowI have been hitting the gym 3 or 4 days a week and I feel great. It doesn't take long to turn things around, maybe a month at most especially if you have only been slacking a month or 6.

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You just need to make the time to train.





I've probably gained 25-35 pounds in the last 5-6 years.

Which isn't awesome, but it isn't as bad as it could be--all things considered.

Those things would include the fact that I drank heavily, ate many meals that revolved around gravy, never really "exercise" outside of riding my bike and doing manual labor, snack attack always, was a super huge weed head for most of that time and spent most evenings on the couch playing video games, and eat to the point of feeling as if I could vomit most every meal.


I'm not so much worried about losing weight as I am about just getting healthy and fit.

The last 6 months I have walked/rode a bike everywhere I go and stopped drinking about four months ago.

I've also gone through spurts of attempting to start eating healthy again, but sometimes I just get lazy and eat what is easy.

I have yet to see any change, but I notice when I eat better...I feel better.



As long as I can ride my bike or go on hikes without feeling as if I am about to die, I am good.

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