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Witness pup Boxer get hit by a Mercedes.


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AHHH so cute!!!! she doesnt have her ears docked!!! THATS MY FAVORITE!!! Gah I miss my puppy...Seriously though I don't know if you guys are down to adopt her if her family doesn't pick her up but Boxers are the most loving dogs with the most personality of any dog I have ever owned. I've had two and as soon as I move some where that allows me to have pets... I will have my third.


I think she may be purebred her face doesn't show any signs of any other breed. Alot of times you'll see it in the snout and ears.

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My first boxer was tough got hit by the same truck twice. He ran across the street to our neighbors house got hit by a box truck coming to a stop at the stop sign. Got up bolted back to my neighbors the guy in the truck got out like OMG IM SO SORRY! Looked at the front of his truck and nothing was there got back in started to drive away and then here comes my dog back from the neighbors bolting across the street and BAM! same box truck ran over to me and was fine. I was freaking out the guy gave me his # incase there were problems.



My Roxie had cancer and had bumps everywhere she never showed any signs of slowing down till the very end which hurt the most you could see she was havnig problems but she was still running around like a puppy. The vet said she was very stoic but if there these huge bumps and tumors on the outside then they were def. on the inside. Everyone said how good of a dog she was and people I know who hated dogs like HATED more than I hate you people, loved her around and commented on how she was the only dog they could stand.


Fatalz boxers are wicked smart and mischievous and like to play tricks on you. Everyone was always amazed on how good Roxie took direction and how well we had trained her. Truth is we really never trained her at all she was just smart.

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Its a good thing you did Fatalist.


Strangely enough a friend and I rescued a boxer who was left to die in a gutter. We took the dog to a vet and they in turn took it to a boxer rescue. Had it been possible to take it home I would have.

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