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Ever wonder where your beliefs stand?


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i really don;t understand how anyone with any self respect could possibly be authoritarian, what is it about some far removed faceless government official telling you what to do that makes you feel so comforted?


They probably subscribe to a Hobbesian type view that human beings are bad by nature because we all act on a self serving basis, life without State is nasty, brutish and short, and that we need to give ourselves away to a strong central government to protect us from ourselves.


I don't agree with it at all, but that's likely what they're thinking.

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astrology accurately explains many things.


Im not sure how this would really affect your political persuasion.


some people are naturally unlucky.


Apparently your more right wing if you agree with this.


these days openness about sex has gone too far.


This question is very open ended.



I would be interested if anyone can find a better test online. I think its a cool ithing that anyone who has access to the internet, but not alot of political knoledge, can more specificly identify their political position.


It would be interesting if this became popular on facebook for example.

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