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My self esteem is low so help me raise it aka it don't take much to get me naked

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


I don't know what website you guys are frequenting but 12oz is 95% guys and I don't think any decent chick is going to become a regular user and openly want to show their tits or post pics of them with dildos. 12oz is not really a co-ed forum.

You want more girls around here we need to have more girlie faggot topics, the shit chicks talk about will attract more ladies. Do we want 12oz cluttered with shitty topics-(do we give a fuck who's the cutest American Idol, or when the Hills is coming back) or do we let the OZ be our home away from home-a place where the guys can chill.

I prefer a men's club vibe around here and if there is going to be any discussions about ladies posting nudez let's leave the pictures to the pros. I don't give a shit about seeing some newb old awkward chick holding a dildo, I'd rather see some hardcore porn chick that knows what she's doing.


On a side question did cheezy foot ever become a 12oz member, why did her pics get pulled?









































































































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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


I'm assuming that you never get pussy, dao..because I cannot think of one dumb bitch that would fuck a retard like yourself..


unless you don't talk, at all, ever, in real life. that would be your only sure-fire way of getting someone to like you.

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


he's already made his ideas clear.


there's no need to insult our intelligence by having to post pictures to what's already been said. I'm sure all of the ladies here can put 2 & 2 together.

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


if you dont want to do a cooter contest...


then you can post yourself in lingerie....



































holding a fried chicken drumstick in one hand...


and a box of churches chicken in the other hand!


wonk saggin

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


I'm assuming that you never get pussy, dao..because I cannot think of one dumb bitch that would fuck a retard like yourself..


unless you don't talk, at all, ever, in real life. that would be your only sure-fire way of getting someone to like you.


I lost count somewhere around 60 before settleing down with wifey.

And I got them all by being honest and to the point. Including wifey. Who happened to be a virgin when I met her.


You're just bitter due to a lack of dick in your diet.

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


Guess what?



Consider this "brainstorming" session over.


I really did want to try to start some fun contest, but I don't really need the lame-ass internet jabs :rolleyes: towards me..


So.. You can all thank DAO.


Do what you guys want.. but I won't be partaking in any future picture threads, or mentioning it ever again.



And if I have it my way, I'll make sure that majority of the girls follow suit.

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


i have it






3) Who can sculpt the best penis from a cucumber - Have each girl take a knife and cucumber and see who can sculpt the best penis wins! Sure to get a lot of laughs. /NO HOMO


best idea ever

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


Guess what?



Consider this "brainstorming" session over.


I really did want to try to start some fun contest, but I don't really need the lame-ass internet jabs :rolleyes: towards me..


So.. You can all thank DAO.


Do what you guys want.. but I won't be partaking in any future picture threads, or mentioning it ever again.



And if I have it my way, I'll make sure that majority of the girls follow suit.






I made a thread asking a bunch

of dudes for ideas for a

fun contest for the ladies of 12oz....




And all the dudes wanted to

look at our vaginas...




If I wanted their opinons

on the matter I would have asked...




Oh... wait...









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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


Guess what?



Consider this "brainstorming" session over.


I really did want to try to start some fun contest, but I don't really need the lame-ass internet jabs :rolleyes: towards me..


So.. You can all thank DAO.


Do what you guys want.. but I won't be partaking in any future picture threads, or mentioning it ever again.



And if I have it my way, I'll make sure that majority of the girls follow suit.


see the problem with you, and i think alot of people share your problem btw, is that you think theres some kind of community here but theres not. soooooo suuuckkk maay diiick

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


there are some communities here, they're just generally small because 99% of this site consists of retards, guys who brag about how they fucked some girl from a bar that 30 other dudes have ran up in this year, and dudes who think acting tough over the internet is really cool. Go back into the young girls thread and post more pictures of 15 year old girls so the site gets shut down and you end up fucking over raven, like i wouldnt doubt is going to happen sometime soon if people don't stop being fucking idiots.

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