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Anyone ever done mescaline??


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did it night before last(friday) and was tripping for 14 hours, was absoloutely disgusting, like being in hell for 14 hours, the most intense shit ive ever experienced, is this stuff legal in the u.s?? because im shocked that it is in ireland,

i would plead with anyone never to do it its horrifying.

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I met some Irishmen at a bar the other night in the city. They were from Dublin.


It was very hard understanding their lingo. They did a pretty good American impression, though.


Haha. I met a few guys /nh at some bar in the city from Dublin a few months back. I found myself having to go over what they said to me once or twice before I could figure it out. They were cool peoples though, good night.


BTW I've never done mescaline, know a bunch of guys that have though, most of them are of the older generation.

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I had a great time.


The last time I did it, I fell asleep on my front porch while watching God And His Infinite Love And Light Orchestra play all the hits.


I woke up at seven in the morning, and it turns out the temperature had dipped into the thirties. All I was wearing was a sweater and Dickies, and I didn't even get sick.


That stuff is legal in Ireland? I had no idea.

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I don't do drugs.

Much less drugs that hippies do to form a spiritual bond with Mother Nature.


The last time I was around people who were hallucinating on drugs..I saw a dude eat shit.


Acid made him eat his own poop.

Not cool.


i'm not a hippie. but uh, the guy that ate his own poo, he had problems before the acid.

thinking that eating his own shit was probably an ok thing to do was probably in the back of his mind before that. acid gave him the excuse.


now, with your new knowledge, you can seek this lamer out and punch him in the throat.



and steal his birkenstocks.

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I had a great time.


The last time I did it, I fell asleep on my front porch while watching God And His Infinite Love And Light Orchestra play all the hits.


I woke up at seven in the morning, and it turns out the temperature had dipped into the thirties. All I was wearing was a sweater and Dickies, and I didn't even get sick.


That stuff is legal in Ireland? I had no idea.


me and a girl named andy watched a giant rock monster from never ending story once.

it was awesome. then she told me that microdots always made her feel like a wet noodle.

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Yeah, it's probably the only hallucinogenic I ever took that I had a good time on.


I think I had a good time on acid a few times, but if I wasn't high I would have been having fun anyways. A lot of it just seemed complicated and strange, and any enlightenment or insight I got out of LSD was usually gone by the next day.


Mushrooms were always a bad idea. One night I lit fires in garbage cans. Another time I smashed a few dozen mailboxes. The last time I took mushrooms i took a LOT, then I blacked out and fell about ten feet out of a tree....and that made it official. No more tripping for me.

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Yeah, it's probably the only hallucinogenic I ever took that I had a good time on.


I think I had a good time on acid a few times, but if I wasn't high I would have been having fun anyways. A lot of it just seemed complicated and strange, and any enlightenment or insight I got out of LSD was usually gone by the next day.


Mushrooms were always a bad idea. One night I lit fires in garbage cans. Another time I smashed a few dozen mailboxes. The last time I took mushrooms i took a LOT, then I blacked out and fell about ten feet out of a tree....and that made it official. No more tripping for me.




they have coyote spirit.

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sex on acid is really weird. i felt like i was fucking "orange jello"


for some reason the whole time i was fucking her all i could think about was orange jello.


to this day it still confuses me.

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What BF said makes sense. The last time I did acid, I thought it made perfect sense to get naked and climb under a kitchen sink with a butcher knife.


Why not? I wasn't going to hurt anybody, I was just doing my thing, grooving and feeling good...then all of the sudden a bunch of people were freaking out and calling my friends and saying that I was going insane and waving knives around. A lot of other stuff happened that night, but that was the standout event.


I never ate poo, though.

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I've done enough drugs to where I don't really care about them anymore. Most of them seem self-indulgent and decadent, not to mention a waste of time and money.


Except beer. That's an entirely different story.

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i stopped doing hallucinogens in high school. i rarely have time to devote a whole day to being mind fucked.



the only shit i touch now is alcohol, buds, and the occasional a-1 yola, but when i do coke i never do more than a few lines because i hate being on tweaker status.

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mescaline i'm sure is banned in every country and real mescaline isn't around much if at all. you probably were given a synthetic mescaline analog or just plain old LSD. dealers call the former mescaline because most people don't know what 2CE or DOM are and the later mescaline because it sounds more exotic than acid which equals more demand and hopefully a higher price. was it a gelatin capsule with white powder inside? if so, probably a synthetic mescaline analogue or other "research chemical" which may or may not have been banned yet in your country. my guess is you took 2 2CI tabs about roughly 15 mg each. a lot of 2CI is around now, especially in the UK. it has a steep response curve. 1 cap is pretty chill but 2 pills is a heavy trip.


this is nothing new. "mescaline" pills that were really lsd, pcp or occasionally other things were around a lot in the late 60's, 70's and early 80's.


i'd like to hear a little more detail about what you expericenced. what exactly about it didn't you like? heavy nausea?

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damn, you guys are all about abusing some sacred planets.


I don't know, I mean I haven't tried Earth or Jupiter. I have done some Saturn back in my college days. And I'll never fuck with Neptune again. Ever.



Sorry man....

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