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mini-goat appreciation thread

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i don't believe any of it, i am NOT a satanist (i just use 666 because i'm fucking metal or something)

i'm an atheist, when i die i'm dead.


i've just been around enough christianity and metal in my life to have read both sides of that story.


lots of satanists are atheists or agnostic.

satanism is essentially following self indulgence and pleasure. this is levayan satanism.

there is also theistic satanism, which i don't know very much about.

devil worship is something totally different.

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Fist 666


Theistic Satanism is the "True Devil Worship" where Levay is thinking of one's self and indulgence. Theistic Satanism is actually the worship of the devil as a living entity. Levay was more of an actor and preformed rituals as a show. Most theistics follow the works of the Temple of Set or some Gnostic Satanism that believes in Pagan dogma as well as Luciferian.


R@ndom knows...been studying under a demonologist for years

but i dont think I will ever become one. He tells me that once they know you you never stop seeing them.

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Fist 666


Theistic Satanism is the "True Devil Worship" where Levay is thinking of one's self and indulgence. Theistic Satanism is actually the worship of the devil as a living entity. Levay was more of an actor and preformed rituals as a show. Most theistics follow the works of the Temple of Set or some Gnostic Satanism that believes in Pagan dogma as well as Luciferian.


R@ndom knows...been studying under a demonologist for years

but i dont think I will ever become one. He tells me that once they know you you never stop seeing them.




k, thats what i thought.

levay was a tool. the only reason i really know about him is i bought his books when i was in junior high/high school to piss off my parents.


how'd you get involved studying it on a serious note like that?

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There's some guy who walks goats in my neighborhood. I thought they were Great Danes the first time I saw them, then when i got closer I saw that they were shaggy and had horns. So, I petted them for a bit. Very nice goats, not like the asshole goats I grew up with that would chase me and stand in front of the door when I had to get inside (it's hard to move a full grown goat when you're six).


I like goat cheese. I don't think I'd ever eat a goat, though.

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