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if the people in charge told you the storm was dying down dont worry. we dont have to leave.

im pretty sure you would stay.


a state of fucking emergency


i said if it was me, id have found a way to leave the fucking town. if thats not what you wouldve done, then you wouldve been left there looting kmart with the rest of them



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Other countries find it hilarious that America has ony two parties to choose from. And when someone from a third party has something to offer, every one is upset because they feel they are ruining the great two-party system. God forbid you excecise your right to choose, and actually vote for the person you think will do a better job. There is only one way to change the process, yet the sheep keep voting for the wolves, hoping it will somehow be different this time.



When you have to vote who you're going to send out to slay the wolf, are you going to let a bunch of retards choose between a variety pack of poodles, weenerdogs, chiuauas, and basset hounds?

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if the people in charge told you the storm was dying down dont worry. we dont have to leave.

im pretty sure you would stay.

and then at 6 in the morning the next day. a category three pounds your ass.

it was a mistake to put guard down. but the storm was drying. and they told them they would be safe.


were you paying attention in 2005?




He definitely wasn't.

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it was only state of emergencyy 16 horus before the storm hit.


not days you dipshit


thats false, but at this point i dont even care anymore. i wish the govt. had responded better after the fact as well, but people need to take the first step to protect themselves when the situation starts to unfold. have some knowledge of your surroundings, and dont risk your life for the sake of being a bonehead. that is all really have to say on katrina. hindsight is 20-20, but i would like to think that i would have gotten the fuck out of there, being that the whole city is at such a low elevation. and yes, if a hurricane hit there every year, i would probably leave the city every year. no sense in being stubborn and trying to fight nature ...... agree or disagree with me, thats my opinion.

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thats false, but at this point i dont even care anymore. i wish the govt. had responded better after the fact as well, but people need to take the first step to protect themselves when the situation starts to unfold. have some knowledge of your surroundings, and dont risk your life for the sake of being a bonehead. that is all really have to say on katrina. hindsight is 20-20, but i would like to think that i would have gotten the fuck out of there, being that the whole city is at such a low elevation. and yes, if a hurricane hit there every year, i would probably leave the city every year. no sense in being stubborn and trying to fight nature ...... agree or disagree with me, thats my opinion.



Real easy comming from money to talk shit on what those who have no money should and shouldn't do huh?

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i dont know what the fuck i would do.


but i just put the truth out. and thats how it went down.

i dont care about opinions.


i win


your truth is all mixed up. first the storm hits 6am after it had been dying down, then you switch to admit a 16-hour state of emergency (which is also under-shot by a good 24 hours, but whos counting) .... get your mind right, because until you unscramble your brain, you dont win shit.

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Real easy comming from money to talk shit on what those who have no money should and shouldn't do huh?


coming from money?? you got me fucked up fool. my family was never starving when i was growing up, but thats because my pops worked his ass off to keep us healthy and well-off. funny you would assume i would come from money, is that simply because i dont want to have to rely on the govt. for survival? im not born rich, i just have common fucking sense about what parts of my life i am willing to give the government complete power over (and my life is not one them). if you have no money .... go work for it. pretty complex system we got goin on here ......

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mother fucker. the state of emergency was called at 1pm the day before the storm. then it hit at 6 am the next day. whats so hard to understand?


the storm died down coming off of florida.

it got power back to a level 3 once it came into the gulf of mexico(hints the state of emergency when it was called)

16 hours later the storm hit.


god you are a fucking idiot man.



seriously dude. where you paying attention when this shit was going down? or you couldnt change the channel because the real world was on?

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your truth is all mixed up. first the storm hits 6am after it had been dying down, then you switch to admit a 16-hour state of emergency (which is also under-shot by a good 24 hours, but whos counting) .... get your mind right, because until you unscramble your brain, you dont win shit.





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coming from money?? you got me fucked up fool. my family was never starving when i was growing up, but thats because my pops worked his ass off to keep us healthy and well-off. funny you would assume i would come from money, is that simply because i dont want to have to rely on the govt. for survival? im not born rich, i just have common fucking sense about what parts of my life i am willing to give the government complete power over (and my life is not one them). if you have no money .... go work for it. pretty complex system we got goin on here ......


i think its because you said you would leave every time there was a hurricane each year

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coming from money?? you got me fucked up fool. my family was never starving when i was growing up, but thats because my pops worked his ass off to keep us healthy and WELL-OFF. funny you would assume i would come from money, is that simply because i dont want to have to rely on the govt. for survival? im not born rich, i just have enough money that me and my fam can just pic up and bounce at the drop of a dime so everybody else in the world should be able to get on my level. Cause this is the level I was born into. And if anybody else wasn't born into money then it's cause they're idiots. Or something.






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