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.:Chiptune Music Thread:.


So there's now an electronic music thread, and that has seemed to survive, so i thought i'd give this a try.


Anyone else into chiptunes?


I'm not too knowledgeable of the scene, so i would love to find some more artists from anyone else who digs these guys:



Bit Shifter

Random (can't find his homepage)


Some of my current favorite tracks:




-Overdrive! East Egg Mode

-The Final Conflict

-Society of Nonconformists

-The Battle Continues


Bit Shifter:


-Activation Theme

-Hexadecimal Genome

-The Information Chase




-Sitges Savepoint

-Spontaneous Devotion




Ok, i found myself basically linking to every track i have of each person, so i tried to limit it as best i could.


Hope this thread stays alive.

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Guest shai_hulud

I have something like 36,000 chiptunes on my PC. They're awesome. I have all kinds- Atari, C64, and Amiga. I definitely like the .sid tunes better, they sound more raw. My favorite is called "Yellow Rain", but I have never found it anywhere else.


The HVSC site seems to be down, but go to http://www.chiptunes.org and look around.


A good player for PCs is the DeliPlayer (it plays almost ANY soundfile, but it's a memory hog)- http://www.deliplayer.com


Good call, mindvapors. It's been a while since I messed with these.

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Great, i was beginning to think i was all alone. Thanks for the link, i'll check it out.


And i've heard some good ones from keygens. I remember once hearing one that was a cover of a track i liked a lot from San Francisco Rush 2 for the N64, how random is that? I never did find it again though, =\

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Guest shai_hulud

Google "demoscene" and see what comes up. That's where you'll find cracktros at.

http://www.textfiles.com has some good links, as well.


That's another good source for .sids as well. There was a .rar i got that had about 19,000 chiptunes in it. I think it was off of the HVSC archive, but that's down right now.


Don't sleep on DeliPlayer, it plays everything. It also can play .sids in PAL format. I'm trying to remember the Atari file format...I think it was .asf. Those were okay, I think they were 16-bit so they sounded more like SNES.


I want to get some MIDI files too. Or make them, then run them through some analog synth emulator.

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Something i've been meaning to do is research old PC game music. I heard something recently that reminded me of Wolfenstein 3D, and then i realized that all PC games back then had these same sounds, especially this certain synthesized gong-type wang.


http://www.chiptune.com/ is pretty cool. Too bad i can't figure out how to find the tunes.


http://plopbox.net/ is a neat little jukebox.


And moogle, that sounds sweet if you could find that track, or at least the name so i could look for it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i used to be really into the demo scene and reverse-engineering, i was down with a buncha cats but i mostly worked with keygen/cracking groups to produce rls's


i wish i had all of my chipdisks i used to have but that hard drive is failed. im sure they are on the internet tho


http://www.pouet.net is the biggest demo scene site, check it out

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Whoa, thats pretty cool. If I listened to that everyday I'd probably end up thinking I was living inside an NES game.


Haha, while driving to New York once, I had RushJet1 blasting, and these two motorcycles came from behind us and split to both sides of us, got in front, then cut through spaces between semi-trailers, and my friend who was driving was like "Ok, this is just fucking weird. I'm starting to see shit in like pixels." Those bikes did remind me of Road Rash.




mega man 2 is a hell of a soundtrack


Word to that! But if you think that is good, you should definitiely check out Megaman X's soundtrack. SO fucking metal. If you can't get your hands on it, let me know and i'll upload it for you.

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p.s. look for zabutoms stuff... one of my favorites


What's up r00t? Long time no see.


BTW, if anyone stumbles across a .sid called "Yellow Rain" (I think I mentioned it somewhere in this thread) PM me.

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