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Israelis mean serious business

Poesia [ ] T

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James Miller was a Welsh filmmaker producing a documentary on the lives of Palestinian and Israeli children affected by the ongoing conflict. He was murdered during the filming of this scene. His film was posthumously released as the documentary "Death in Gaza."


The context of this scene is that the Israel Defense Forces are bulldozing nearby Palestinian homes, under which it claims are tunnels to smuggle weapons from Egypt. The bulldozers are accompanied by Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs) equipped with night vision equipment. The film crew is wearing bulletproof vests and helmets.


In this scene, an APC has parked itself 100 meters away from the house without announcing any intentions. The rest of the scene is self-explanatory.


On May 9 2003, one week after Miller's death, the IDF announced that any foreign national wishing to enter Gaza will need to sign waivers absolving the IDF of any wrongdoing if they are killed or injured by Israeli forces. [[link] es/israel.palestine/update.html]


The shooter has been identified by the IDF only as Lt. Haib, a Bedouin Arab. The Israeli Advocate General recommended he be disciplined for his actions, but he was acquitted by a commanding officer.


To date, no one has been held accountable for his death.







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Stupid journalist.. there would have been the same result in Irak our in any other part of the world that is in war.. How are the israelis soldier supposed to know that they are not fake journalists human bombs? They shot a warning.


And the British showing how bad is Israel is really hypocritical.. Do you remember which "smart" empire promised to the two parts a country in the same place??

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Stupid journalist.. there would have been the same result in Irak our in any other part of the world that is in war.. How are the israelis soldier supposed to know that they are not fake journalists human bombs? They shot a warning.


And the British showing how bad is Israel is really hypocritical.. Do you remember which "smart" empire promised to the two parts a country in the same place??


because journalists reporting in warzones usually wear "press" vests to wear over their bulletproof vests to identify themselves to both sides of the conflict. either way, unless they saw the dude about to attack them (which he clearly wasnt) they shouldnt have fired. israel acts like they have carte blanche to attack whoever the fuck they want, last year in during their invasion of lebanon they blew up a recognised UN bunker, not to mention the thousands of civillians that they have killed.

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so what. people today are fucking stupid. its a war. people shoot guns. other people shoot back. thats how it works. if you go into a warzone you will probably get shot at.

do strippers file sexual assault charges when guys stare at their tits?


do you know why? because they are fucking strippers.

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The soldier in question was Bedouin not Jewish so you get a, "Fuck You" and a negaprops.


One of my best friends who was in the Israeli Army told me a story that illustrates this pretty well. He was posted in Gaza 5yrs ago, the area he was guarding was a very dangerous area but his job on this particular day was to make sure no one walked into an area where there was a operation taking place. During the operation the fight got out of hand and it attracted the attention of some British reporters. He warned them not to go near the incident and attempted to restrain them but on man ran through. Not five minutes later the guy came running back. He called for an ambulance, apparently he got shot in the ass by a Palestinian. In my opinion he was lucky a couple inches higher and he might have been bleeding to death.


This is war. Don't act like just bc you're a reporter people will care. That BBC reporter Johnston got kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists last year and he was pro-Palestinian, I doubt they cared, he was lucky he even was released. Where ever you're reporting Rowanda, Bosnia, The Congo, Israel, where ever, dont be stupid, and keep your shit straight.


Sucks the dude was killed, but I have trouble feeling bad.

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i mean.. the guy goes at night in a war zone... what was he expecting?? that the soldiers will go out their tank and meet him?? and for all the collateral damages in this situation it's because of the guerilla type war.. i'm not saying it's ok .. but it's almost inevitable.. the situation is fucked up.. nobody wins


if there is a gang street battle are you going to meet the guys with your white flag?

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Reporters have an inclination to be desensitized to the danger that they capture on film and paper as a profession..


This often leads to foolish actions like walking up to tanks.. And this idea of "immunity" is a ridiculous one.. you can in fact put more lives in danger by having to be careful of one or even a dozen particular "special cases" who chose to put themselves in the middle of it all..


It is disruptive, illogical and dangerous to not respect the situation you're in and expect some kind of glass bubble around you.. And as years go on, reporters have become more and more like this..


What happened to picking a nice corner to OBSERVE from? That's what reporting is.. telling what you observe.. no need to get in the mix.. You don't see reporters wandering around the football pitch or running with the rugby player to "catch the story".. that they see as ridiculous.. so why not the above exhibited actions...?




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Stupid journalist.. there would have been the same result in Irak our in any other part of the world that is in war.. How are the israelis soldier supposed to know that they are not fake journalists human bombs? They shot a warning.


And the British showing how bad is Israel is really hypocritical.. Do you remember which "smart" empire promised to the two parts a country in the same place??




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because journalists reporting in warzones usually wear "press" vests to wear over their bulletproof vests to identify themselves to both sides of the conflict. either way, unless they saw the dude about to attack them (which he clearly wasnt) they shouldnt have fired. israel acts like they have carte blanche to attack whoever the fuck they want, last year in during their invasion of lebanon they blew up a recognised UN bunker, not to mention the thousands of civillians that they have killed.


I'm surprised we didn't nuke the shit out of them when they attacked one of our ships back in the day.

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so what. people today are fucking stupid. its a war. people shoot guns. other people shoot back. thats how it works. if you go into a warzone you will probably get shot at.

do strippers file sexual assault charges when guys stare at their tits?


do you know why? because they are fucking strippers.



Hey fucktard, try reading the fucking article next time.


It wasn't in a war zone.


They just came to bulldoze some peoples homes and shot niggas as soon as they identified that they were british journalists.


You fucking idiot.


Go hang yourself.


You're fucking stupid as shit.

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The soldier in question was Bedouin not Jewish so you get a, "Fuck You" and a negaprops.


One of my best friends who was in the Israeli Army told me a story that illustrates this pretty well. He was posted in Gaza 5yrs ago, the area he was guarding was a very dangerous area but his job on this particular day was to make sure no one walked into an area where there was a operation taking place. During the operation the fight got out of hand and it attracted the attention of some British reporters. He warned them not to go near the incident and attempted to restrain them but on man ran through. Not five minutes later the guy came running back. He called for an ambulance, apparently he got shot in the ass by a Palestinian. In my opinion he was lucky a couple inches higher and he might have been bleeding to death.


This is war. Don't act like just bc you're a reporter people will care. That BBC reporter Johnston got kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists last year and he was pro-Palestinian, I doubt they cared, he was lucky he even was released. Where ever you're reporting Rowanda, Bosnia, The Congo, Israel, where ever, dont be stupid, and keep your shit straight.


Sucks the dude was killed, but I have trouble feeling bad.




Yo Hymie...


They shot dude immediately after they identified themselves as journalists.

While they were wearing their press uniforms.

While they were waving a white flag and shouting in English with british accents.




I hope you get your head blown off when you go over there.


I really do.

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Maybe they didn't hear him because they were listening to their Ipod.


And what happened today ? Two "braves" palestinians blew up themselves in a supermarket .


Hopefully they went to Egypt to buy some foods and medics...


DAO you have no idea about what your talking about




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Maybe they didn't hear him because they were listening to their Ipod.


And what happened today ? Two "braves" palestinians blew up themselves in a supermarket .


Hopefully they went to Egypt to buy some foods and medics...


DAO you have no idea about what your talking about




Nah B, I think I have an idea about what I'm talking about.

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I'm a have to say fuck them jewish "NIGGAS"

if you rolled up on my house with a bulldozer

shooting at old white ladies that could be my moms

It would make me want to run up on you with a chest full of explosives.


"anybody who talks like..."

man shut the fuck with your busted ass wanna be doogie howser bullshit.

trying to fucking be the barometer of intelligence on 12 oz and shit.

fucking dyke.

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and for all you motherfuckers that can't argue like civilized people

(all this ad hominem is bullshit)

fuck you

I doubt most of the people voicing their opinions hold masters degrees

in either Israeli or Palestinian history much less sociology degrees.

so whatever.

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One.. I'm not Jewish, but if I were, it'd be a lot better than being a herb

Two.. eatso, in 2posts you proved yourself to be another drop in the piss bucket.

Three.. a degree does'nt make someone.. though I have 2 of them.. experience does.. have you been to Gaza? ...I have.


Muslims get 1/3rd of the nations on earth, a 1/5 of the earths land mass.. and it's a religion thats a re-dux of christianity..which is only a redux of Judaism.. yet Judaism, which you all profess to be such a world-ruling class of people, don't get a sliver of land barely the size of the smallest of US states?? smaller than any of the FYRs??.. And it is land which was dilapidated and forsaken, a land which the Jews won in a WAR of *consent* with 4 arab nations against them?.. what sense does that make?

You talk like it's feels good rooting for the underdogs... Well if that's the case you should look at the facts and see who's the real underdogs of the past 5 centuries..

You're all in the Muslims corners.. great.. go read the quran and see whose corner they're in.

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