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Lets Have a Serious Conversation

Poesia [ ] T

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back in the day channel zero was peppered with threads where people would go back and forth for pages about whatever the topic was, but then they created crossfire and untitled and most of that discussion went over there and we're left with just the silliness. i liked the blend of serious and not serious topics myself.


I agree with you, but if you recall what sucked was that some people would actually try to have some discourse but than someone would come along and...well, like post a picture of serious cat.


Written in Crossfire, about why Crossfire fails...

The conversations can get nuts and filled with extreme views sometimes, making it hard to take seriously or keep up. I rarely am going to write paragraph after paragraph to try to support my idea against someone whose points of view are so off the meter that we aren't even talking the same language. I like coming in here still, I just don't post a much...
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what do you think attracts us to the opposite sex

aside from physical features?


I think pheromones still count as part of physical attraction.


As far as psychological attraction goes, we are attracted to people who have qualities we admire, especially when they are qualities we ourselves do not possess.

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You think we are more attracted to like people or opposites in order to compliment ourselves. Our do we not pay attention and end up waking in bed one day like this is not the person for me. Trace back and were you even paying attention to anything for the first 6 months other than her fat ass or huge rack?

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Guest shai_hulud
too sick to fall a sleep, this shit is keeping me awake


You can't fade the garlic, ginger and lemon juice- preferably all fresh, but do what you can with what you got- combo heated up in a cup of water. Good rule is two cloves of garlic, a piece of ginger the size of your thumb, and a lemon's worth of juice.


You'll smell funny in the morning, but it should open you up like a car door. Thank me later. In the morning, go to a health food store and ask them for some astragalus extract in glycerin suspension. They will know what you are talking about, it's a good immune booster.


Poesia, I am ALWAYS willing to have a deep conversation, since the interbutts is SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS.

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I think that sort of question has more to do with differences in personal perception throughout time.




If you are in one mode of thought, certain things will be apparent to you about whatever people you find attractive, and in other moments it will be other things.




We seek the things that fulfill our needs. Sexually, mentally physically, etc. But I am sure there is no way to have standardization of our attraction models within those parameters.

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i think we attract and are attracted to people who are most like us as much as we dont want to admit this


i remember hearing how depressed people dont like being with people who are happy or who try to cheer them up, they like being around people who confirm their own world view...

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I recently went to a watch a speaker and he talked of this subconscious attraction to our own characteristics and taught us how to use this to mirror there personality type and thus making them feel more comfortable. They dont realize why they liked you so much but they do. It was you mirroring there posture there tone of voice there movements. In the end they pick you. Sales but im going to use it in the Sales of Life.

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Here is a article on mirroring. http://ezinearticles.com/?Perfecting-the-Art-of-Mirror-and-Matching-In-the-Sales-Cycle&id=209946


But this is basics there is so much more.


I will one day learn to be a professional people reader and enable myself to ease them into handing me over whatever i need them to and thus proving that this Thread is Serious.

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So Crooked what your telling me is that 3 years ago there was one large channel zero and the attempts at serious business were thwarted by power posters like theo and myself that add only lols but very little content. Yet we are able to but choose not to engage for fear of the mob and fail pics.

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Guest shai_hulud
T;6048737']Here is a article on mirroring. http://ezinearticles.com/?Perfecting-the-Art-of-Mirror-and-Matching-In-the-Sales-Cycle&id=209946


But this is basics there is so much more.


I will one day learn to be a professional people reader and enable myself to ease them into handing me over whatever i need them to and thus proving that this Thread is Serious.


Here is another man, attempting to prove to Poesia that The Internet Is Serious Fucking Business-




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