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omar bin laden says his father is sorry for the 911 attack


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Don't you see?




The U.S. government hired an imposter to look like Omar Bin Laden and say what he said to add more credibility to the "fact" that Osama and the Taliban were behind 9/11. In fact, "Omar's" entire existence could be a digitally created virtual reality. Don't you see?


as crazy as it sounds, i wouldnt be surprised. the government will do anything

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Don't you see?




The U.S. government hired an imposter to look like Omar Bin Laden and say what he said to add more credibility to the "fact" that Osama and the Taliban were behind 9/11. In fact, "Omar's" entire existence could be a digitally created virtual reality. Don't you see?


or rather than conveniently manipulating reports to fit your own world view, you could watch the whole report, where it admits omar bin laden hasn't spoken to his father for 7 years. obviously osama ain't sorry if they haven't spoken since before the attacks. why would the us make someone up just to say that they know osama is sorry, even though osama hasn't spoken to this person in seven years.


my personal opinion is that this is a little self-serving for omar. it must suck to be a bin laden, sort of like having the last name of hitler. if he becomes an 'ambassador of peace', then all of a sudden he isn't shunned by the world anymore, and can step out of osama's shadow and not follow in his legacy.


furthermore, you probably don't believe that al qaida even exists (judging by what you said about digitally creations), but i've heard whispers by 'experts' that there is a power struggle goign on between osama and zawahiri (who is believe it or not more extreme). i wonder if this has anything to do with that, but im inclined to think no.


In fact, "Omar's" entire existence could be a digitally created virtual reality


how can you say 'in fact', when you're really only speculating? that's the dumbest sentence i read today, not because of its content (which btw, is paranoid bordering on lunacy), but because you propose factuality simply because your crazy brain thought it up. that's not how the real world works.

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mayormenino: there have been digital manipulations. the last couple of bin laden tapes where he is wearing the same garb he wore in the films from four years ago or so...but they are "updated". look into the org that releases these tapes stateside. pretty interesting shit.


btw: i think this is as you said, some media for a bin laden. maybe some propaganda for some administration...somewhere.

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is the name of the organization SITES? i looked into getting a job at the place that monitor salafi web forums for statements and press releases by insurgent groups, but my lack of arabic made it impossible.


i think osama is the biggest non-factor in the war on terror. for both sides, he is a charismatic leader/target that unites criminals that would otherwise be completely fragmented. this is convenient for the us, but it is also convenient for zawahiri, because he becomes perceivedly 'more of a force to be reckoned with'?


nevertheless, as far as i can remember, the only thing zawahiri has done in the past five years beside rant on real/fake video tapes is tell zarqawi to stop lopping heads off on youtube (i can't remember if there was a zawahiri connection in madrid), but most of the terror attacks were carried out independently.


i think its worth examinig the long term consequences of repressive anti-terrorist operations (rather than viewing it as a political problem, view it as a criminal problem). with repression, in the long run, it fragments organizations (i think ive called it 'like the napster phenomenon in the past). if you keep it controlled, but be knowledgable about it, attacks become far less dramatic. (this is similar to what england did with the ira)

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This is all pretty funny, Usaamah Ibn Laaden, the world renown "sheikh" that all the Jihadis love and cherish as being the savior of Islam by "taking down the west." His son , Rico Martinez Ibn Laaden wants to make peace. His father, the ultimate posterboy for terrorism and making life difficult for muslims everywhere needs to speak for himself. Since 911, there's been a green light to marginalize muslims and make life difficult for them in the west and Ibn Boogieman has given them a reason to do so. I can't see why he decided to go on his personal Jihad. I mean...According to Islam, you don't go launching offensive jihad on people (especially non combatant citizens) without a Muslim leader giving orders to do so. That would be like soldiers in the American army deciding to launch an attack on someone without even receiving orders from the top officials. If Ibn Laaden isn't an an agent for the american agenda, then I don't know my ass from my elbow.

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bin laden sorry for 911?

Omar didnt say about 911... and cant be either because he had no role in 911.

the tape is a fake we know that, but still if you believe the tape is real he doesnt take responsibility as the master mind of the attacks...


i laughed loud when Omar said he will hide Osama because he is his father, with a smile on his face...man! that was childish from him...overall i see him as uninformed.

saying Osama must be on Afghanistan is another thing that made him look like a kid, and the way he said it.




i come to the conclusion that is either being used because of his ignorance to make it seem like the hunt for the boogieman still on.




he is part of a deception operation.

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why is the tape fake? who is "everyone" that knows the tape is fake. What is he a robot? Didn't look fake to me. Put yourself in his shoes. If you were Ibn Laadens son just living a normal life and not trekking through the mountains, what would you do? Probably accept the invitiation from abc news to do an interview so you can speak your mind, right? Sounds pretty logical to me. Why does everything need to be a conspiracy?

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I mean...According to Islam, you don't go launching offensive jihad on people (especially non combatant citizens) without a Muslim leader giving orders to do so. That would be like soldiers in the American army deciding to launch an attack on someone without even receiving orders from the top officials.



From what I remember reading, Bin Laden and Al Zawahiri waited until they received approval from a Muslim cleric/scholar before issuing the fatwa against the US in 1998.

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IF you look around on youtube theres a bunch of really shitty composite videos where they take all the random bin laden videos from the last 6 yrs and show stills of them. normally 1 video leaks of him every year a few weeks b4 sept 11ths anniversary out of coincidence. but my point is, in all of these shitty conspiracy theory videos there are still shots of him with different noses, complexions, hair, eyes, and everything. theres even videos where they play his audio clips alongside voice recognition software and u can see that the voices are different. sort of on topic, sort of off.

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Definitely TV Fakery. Omar Bin Laden doesn't exist, but is rather a CGI composite image using bin Laden's face as a reference base to sculpt the computerized model.


The same studios that created the fake planes that flew into the fake World Trade Center, are also responsible for creating Omar Bin Laden.

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ummm.......Bin laden and taliban never was behind the attacks. The Govt said the hijackers acted alone but acted to gain support from bin laden.


The govt also claimed the hijackers Id survived the 9/11 fire but a entire plane engine was burned up like a piece of paper.....I'm no rocket scientist but a id would burn up way before a plane engine right??? I can give you a glass of water and call it kool-aid but that does not mean that water is really kool-aid.


during the london bombings they said they found the bomber's id in two places ( I guess the govt forgot they already placed the guy's id to be found and accidently placed it two times). Hey I found the bomber's id.......oh really well I found it over here also....hmm thats strange but oh well the public will never wonder about it.


Or how about this one.....a building is made specifically to with stand plane hits, the metal used is to withstand excessive hit from a plane crash.........on the pamplets of the anti terrorist booklets to warn people about terrorist we will place the WTC buildings on the front cover and place cross hairs on them......the day before 9/11 we will have military (which is trained in demolitions) empty the building for several hours and not tell them why.......on 9/11 we will inform the president but he will already know whats going on and will not seem alarmed, the president continues reading to kids for 30 minutes after being told of the plane attacks......planes hit these buildings that was made to withstand plane hits.....buildings fall down in a set demolitions style after the 2 plane hits, this is the first time ever this has happened which resulted in the building falling, this has happened alot of times around the world with less quality built buildings and they never once fell.......what was that you said Building 7 did not get hit? ummmm ok then why is it falling exactly the same way then, why yes that is strange because building 7 never got touched but it is falling exactly the same way wow thats strange......what is that your saying the pentagon got hit by a jet and it only left a really small hole.....your saying the jet that hit the pentegon eveporated upon impact, now that is strange, did someone replace the jet fuel with nitrogen??.....what your saying none of the videos camera malfunctioned but yet did not catch the jet hitting the building yet many cameras was zoomed onto the location the whole time....I got a idea lets blame them pesky cave people and then we can go over there and secure all their Opium and get us a oil pipe line installed while we are over there....don't worry the americans will not figure it out and if they do we will just tell them that if they question the govt then that will show they do not support their country.

In case you did not figure it out....9/11 was a inside job.


Oh and the president race...."hmm" says kerry..."hey bush do you think the people will ever find out that me and you belong to the skull and bones group?" Says Kerry to bush....."They will not figure it out because our group is very secret Kerry, now get back to shineing my boots kerry, you know I rank higher than you in the skull and bones group" Says bush to kerry.

In case you did not figure that out....The presidental race was fixed and both Kerry and bush are from the Skull and Bones group and Bush is ranked quite higher than Kerry as well.


Thanks for tuning into "the world with the curtains pulled down"



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Juan is a idiot. I don't understand why you take someone like his opinion seriously, and why you attribute what he says to what everyone else thinks in the whole "truth movement".


There are some easy questions that if they were answered I would completely turn my opinion on what happened on 9/11 around, however 7 years after that tragic day they still haven't been answered, and probably never will.


You doubters keep your heads in the ground, it suits you guys well.


As far as this tape is concerned, who cares? Obviously this man is trying to move on his own agenda, possibly trying to make life easier for him and his family, after all they still use the BinLaden name, which is obviously hated by most if not all westerners.

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::my personal opinion is that this is a little self-serving for omar. it must suck to be a bin laden, sort of like having the last name of hitler. if he becomes an 'ambassador of peace', then all of a sudden he isn't shunned by the world anymore, and can step out of osama's shadow and not follow in his legacy. ::


speaking of Hitler....that reminds me, where is that ole pesky Grandpa of George Bush anyway........oh never heard of him? His name is "Prescott Bush" and here is alittle story about him, six days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the Trading With the Enemy Act after it had been made public that U.S. companies were doing business with the declared enemy of the United States (Hitler). On October 20, 1942, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of German banking operations in New York City. Roosevelt's Alien Property Custodian, Leo T. Crowley, signed Vesting Order Number 248 seizing Bush's property under the Trading with the Enemy Act. The order cited only the Union Banking Corporation (UBC), of which "Prescott Bush" was a director and held one share, which had connections with a Dutch bank owned by Thyssen. Oh you might think big deal Prescott Bush was a director and 1 share holder of a bank that was personally backing Hitler when we was at war with him and he was killing all them Jewish people. Well lets look at who Prescott Bush's Father in law was (this is George Bush great grandaddy).....Union Banking Corporation (UBC) (for Thyssen and Brown Brothers Harriman). The President of UBC at that time was George Herbert Walker, Bush's father-in-law. George Herbert Walker Great Grand pappy of Our current president of the United States of America.

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So when is George Bush going to offer a apology for his Grand father and Great Grand father giving money to Hitler so Hitler could kill all them Jews......I think the Jewish people are well due for a apology. Oh and George Bush owes all the Families of the people who died during 9/11 a apology.


It's about time we got that Hitler symbol off the back of our American dime as well.

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I guess I wil go ahead and give some more background into this as well.


The Klu Klux Klan:


It was founded in Polaski, Tennessee, in 1866 by 6 Confederate officers. One of them, and the first Imperial Wizard of the KKK, was a former Confederate general and Freemason, Nathan Bedford Forrest.


... Albert Pike held the office of Chief Justice of the KKK while he was simultaneously Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Masonry, in the Southern Jurisdiction...


... the KKK was known as the "Invisible Empire of the South"... in 1869 Forrest ordered the Empire to disband because of the extreme violence.


1915 was the rebirth of the KKK,


just after the film "The rebirth of a Nation" where Klansmen were romantically portrayed as heroes who had preserved the moral fiber and character of America... this time another Mason, W.J. Simmons, was the architect. By the mid-1920s they controlled some states such as Indiana from the courthouse to the statehouse. Almost all of the top officials of the revived Klan were also Masons, with a total of 5 million members, most of them Masons and white Protestants, with several Senators and Governors.


- By 1944 the KKK collapsed



How does this play into the Bush's role?? Well Both George Bush's are from the Skull and bones group (which uses Hitler's "SS" symbols as their own), Both George Bush's are free Masons. Now Remember George Bush's Grand dad and great grandad was backing Hitler during our war against Hitler. Even George Washington was a free Mason (and owned slaves).

A High ranking member of the Skull and Bones was none other than,

Benjamin Silliman Jr., the first to produce gasoline, and the first American oil company, Pennsylvania Rock Oil.


Prescott Bush used his assets ( from funding Hitler) to launch Bush family investments in the Texas energy industry.


Toby Rogers has claimed that Bush's connections to Silesian businesses (with Thyssen and Flick) make him complicit with the mining operations in Poland which used slave labor out of Oświęcim, where the Auschwitz concentration camp was later constructed.


On October 22, 1945, Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson created the Lovett Committee, chaired by Robert A. Lovett to develop a new U.S. intelligence apparatus. This resulted in the creation of the CIA, which has reputedly been an alumni association within the R.T.A., The Skull and Bones alumni organization, which owns its properties and oversees all the organization's activity, is known as the Russell Trust Association (R.T.A.), and is named after one of Bones' founding members.


Hopefully anyone reading this is now starting to get the real picture.

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Now remember Hurricane Katrina??? After reading the above which I have typed up, you should by now understand why Bush was no where to be found and why people in New orleans was left to die.


Keep in mind the back of the american Dime has a very serious Racist Hitler symbol.


In order to invade a country you must first have a reason to gain support, how do you do this, by stageing a attack and blameing the people you wish to invade. 9/11 for example.

Blame bin Laden and now we have reason to go there by force. hmmm whats over there in that country....just what is that...could it be.....Opium??


But what kind of connection to opium would bush have, why would he have a interest in Opium???


Lets go back to Skull and Bones and Yale university dealing with George Bush Sr.


"Skull and Bones is a secret fraternity at Yale University which is

restricted to a mere fifteen student members per year. The society was

formed in 1832 by General William Russell, whose shipping firm later

dominated the U.S. side of the China opium trade. Yale University was

founded by Eli Yale, who made his fortune working for the opium smuggling

British East India Company.


Skull and bones, Yale university, and opium??? hmmm.

Skull and Bones became the recruiting grounds and preserve of the most

important New England-centered families--families who also made their money

in the opium trade. These families, whose sons regularly join Skull and

Bones, include the little known, but powerful, Coffins, Sloanes, Tafts,

Bundys, Paynes, Whitneys. They are a dominant element of the U.S. 'Eastern

Establishment' to this day. The Bush family is one of a cluster of

lower-level Establishment families controlled by these interests.

( the last television news reporter to ask Bush sr

a critical question concerning the many narcotics agents who are

complaining about how bad the "drug war" was going, was promptly fired from

his job shortly after the press conference )


George Bush sr, the first U.S. diplomatic representative to the People's

Republic of China back in 1973, was a member of Skull and Bones. So were

his father, brother, son, uncle, nephew, and several cousins. Winston Lord,

the Reagan-Bush administration Ambassador to China was a member; so were

his father and several other relatives. James Lilley, the current

Ambassador to China, was a member of Skull and Bones, as was his brother.

Except during the Carter administration, every U.S. Ambassador to Beijing

since Kissinger's deal with Mao Zedong was a member of the same tiny Yale

cult. A mere coincidence?


During World War II, 'Yale in China' was a primary instrument used by the

U.S. Establishment and its Office of Strategic Services (OSS) to install

the Maoists into power. 'Yale in China' was run by OSS operative Reuben

Holden, the husband of Bush sr's cousin, and also a member of Skull and Bones.


"The Maoists made China into the world's largest opium producer.

"'Yale in China' was also closely associated with the New York-based Union

Theological Seminary, which has been a center for U.S. subversion of Asia

(literal wolves in sheeps clothing - Branton). Every prominent radical

leader operating in Korea today, for example, was trained at Union

Theological. Union Theological was dominated for twenty years by Henry

Sloane Coffin, a U.S. intelligence executive from the Sloane and Coffin

families. He was a Skull and Bones member as were a dozen of his relatives.


It should not be forgotten that Averell Harriman, the former Ambassador to

Moscow who did so much to build up the Soviet Union, was a member of Skull

and Bones. Harriman was also a business partner of Prescott Bush, Sr., the

father of Maoist enthusiast George Bush sr."


you should be starting to see how Opium fields, china, and the Bushs are coming together now. (most of the opium/skull and bones stuff is from The January 26, 1990 issue of THE NEW FEDERALIST). 17 years ago!!!

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Ok now lets move on up to our present George bush jr :)


9/11 is over, we done invaded Bin Laden's land of opium etc etc, lets see whats going on in the press for the year 2002.



Bush Will Not Stop Afghan Opium Trade

Charles R. Smith

Thursday, March 28, 2002


The Bush administration has decided not to destroy the opium crop in Afghanistan. President Bush, who previously linked the Afghan drug trade directly to terrorism, has now decided not to destroy the Afghan opium crop.


"The war in Afghanistan will be decided within the next six weeks based on whether or not the poppy crops go to market," stated a U.S. intelligence official who recently returned from Afghanistan.


The source, who requested that he not be identified, noted that the opium poppy fields are blooming and ready for harvest. U.S. forces could destroy the crops using aerial spraying techniques, but no such actions are planned.


"If the estimated 3,000 tons of opium reaches market, it will lead to a new upsurge in international terrorism and a great loss in international credibility for the Bush administration and the United States' ability to conduct war in the 21st century. America's enemies throughout the world from China to North Korea to Iran will be emboldened by this lack of strategic vision and political will," said the source.


U.N. Ban on Opium Trade


The U.S. and all its allies signed onto a worldwide ban on opium sales. In January 2002, the U.N. issued a report on the Afghan opium production, noting that allied forces needed to act quickly to destroy the 2002 opium poppy crops before the end of spring.


"The global importance of the ban on opium poppy cultivation and trafficking in Afghanistan is enormous," states the January 2002 U.N. report on drug trafficking.


"Afghanistan has been the main source of illicit opium: 70 percent of global illicit opium production in 2000 and up to 90 percent of heroin in European drug markets originated from Afghanistan," states the U.N. report.


"There are reliable indications that opium poppy cultivation has resumed since October 2001 in some areas (such as the southern provinces Uruzgan, Helmand, Nangarhar and Kandahar), following the effective implementation of the Taliban ban on cultivation in 2001, not only because of the breakdown in law and order, but also because the farmers are desperate to find a means of survival following the prolonged drought," states the U.N. report.


This Is Your CIA


Several sources inside Capitol Hill noted that the CIA opposes the destruction of the Afghan opium supply because to do so might destabilize the Pakistani government of Gen. Pervez Musharraf. According to these sources, Pakistani intelligence had threatened to overthrow President Musharraf if the crops were destroyed.


The threat to overthrow Musharraf is motivated in part by Islamic radical groups linked to the Pakistani intelligence service, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). The radical groups reportedly obtain their primary funding through opium production and trade.


"Pakistan's intelligence service is corrupt, unreliable, and we don't owe them a damn thing. The CIA has a very checkered past as far as who they choose to get in the sack with. Maybe it's time to stop being clever and do the right thing," stated another source close to the Bush administration.


"If they [the CIA] are in fact opposing the destruction of the Afghan opium trade, it'll only serve to perpetuate the belief that the CIA is an agency devoid of morals; off on their own program rather than that of our constitutionally elected government," stated the source.


"If we don't take this opportunity to destroy the opium production in Afghanistan, we are no better than the Taliban, who did nothing to stop it despite claims to the contrary," he concluded.


This Is Your CIA on Drugs


The CIA decision not to stop the Afghan opium production has been greeted silently by U.S. allies. According to intelligence sources, both the U.K. and French governments have quietly given their approval of the American policy by not acting in accordance with the U.N. global ban on opium traffic.


However, one foreign intelligence official was quick to point out that the CIA has a history of supporting international drug trafficking.


"The CIA did almost the identical thing during the Vietnam War, which had catastrophic consequences – the increase in the heroin trade in the USA beginning in the 1970s is directly attributable to the CIA. The CIA has been complicit in the global drug trade for years, so I guess they just want to carry on their favorite business," noted an allied intelligence official who works closely with U.S. law enforcement.


"The sole reason why organized crime groups and terrorists have the power that they do is all because of drug trafficking. Like the old saying, 'those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it,'" stated the official.


TV War on Terror


According to intelligence sources, a simple grant of $200 a year, no more than $20 million in total, sent to each poorly paid Afghan farmer could stop all opium production. The U.S. war in Afghanistan has already consumed an estimated $40 billion.


After spending millions of dollars on a U.S. advertising campaign that linked illegal drug sales to terrorism, the Bush administration has opted not to destroy Afghanistan's opium production over fears that such an act may destabilize Pakistan.


Clearly, ending opium production inside Afghanistan could be more effective than spending millions on TV advertising. The lack of action in Afghanistan against the drug trade shows that the Bush administration has adopted a hypocritical and flawed policy in its war on terror.


The current U.S. law enforcement tactics aimed at slick TV ads and seizing terrorist money will not stop the flow of illegal drug money flowing into the hands of Osama bin Laden. If the Bush administration is truly interested in ending terrorism, then it must start in the poppy fields of Afghanistan.

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thanks :)



Lets come ahead in time one more year.


Bush’s Opium Boom

by James Bovard, Posted: May 28 2003




Last year ( 2002) saw what is probably the single biggest one-year increase in opium production in world history. Since the Bush administration toppled the Taliban regime, opium production in Afghanistan has increased from 185 tons in 2001 to 3,700 tons in 2002 — an increase of twentyfold. Afghanistan has historically produced more than two-thirds of the world opium supply and the resurgence of Afghan production is good news for heroin addicts everywhere.


However, this is not the brightest page in the history of the Bush administration’s efforts to free America and the world from the scourge of drugs. Considering the importance that Bush places on his drug crusade, and the importance of U.S. policy towards Afghanistan, it is worth retracing the steps of this debacle.


In July 2000, Taliban leader Mullah Muhammad Omar announced that he was banning any poppy growing in Afghanistan because it was henceforth considered to be un-Islamic. The Taliban regime had previously profited from a 10 percent tax on the opium (a much lower tax rate than cigarettes face in America).


On April 16, 2001, Secretary of State Colin Powell informed the United Nations,


The United States is prepared to fund a United Nations International Drug Control Program proposal in Afghanistan to assist former poppy cultivators hard hit by the ban. However, we want to ensure that assistance benefits the farmers, not the factions, while it also curbs the Afghan drug trade. I have authorized U.S. participation in a UN-led mission to Afghanistan to assess the potential for assistance and the cooperation of local authorities.

On May 17, 2001, Powell announced a package of $43 million in humanitarian assistance for Afghanistan. The aid was delivered through UN agencies and non-governmental organizations. Powell said, “We will continue to look for ways to provide more assistance for Afghans including those farmers who have felt the impact of the ban on poppy cultivation, a decision by the Taliban we welcome.”


The New York Times noted on May 24, 2001, that the Taliban achieved the end of opium production “without the usual multimillion-dollar aid packages that finance police raids, aerial surveillance, and crop subsidies for farmers.” Abdul Hamid Akhundzada, the director of the Taliban poppy ban, explained, “We used a soft approach. When there were violations, we plowed the fields. At most, violators spent a few days in jail, until they paid for the plowing.” One farmer explained, “No one dared disobey. If they catch you, they blacken your face and march you through the bazaars with a string of poppies around your neck.”


The Taliban regime was notorious for public executions and inflicting death sentences as casually as other governments write parking tickets. The ban on opium production was enforced by the Department for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. Leonard Rogers, deputy assistant administrator from the Bureau of Humanitarian Affairs at the U.S. Agency for International Development, observed that “apparently there has been sufficient discipline inside Afghanistan ... to be successful in the poppy ban.”


On August 1, 2001, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan announced that Afghanistan had achieved “most impressive” results and “the almost total disappearance of the opium poppy in areas controlled by the Taliban.” Annan declared, “It is therefore incumbent on the international community to respond positively to this progress, or to face an equally rapid increase in production at the end of the year if farmers return to poppy cultivation.”


U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christina Rocca announced that the United States would donate $1.5 million to UN efforts to aid former poppy growers and declared, “We welcome the Taliban’s enforcement of the ban and hope it will be sustained.” Afghan farmers had lost more than a billion dollars as a result of the ban, and the planned donation from the U.S. government would not quite make them whole.


The Taliban’s opium ban was hailed as one of the greatest successes in the history of the world war on drugs. Bernard Frahi, director of the UN Drug Control Program, commented, “If this had happened in Colombia, where the U.S. is spending billions of dollars and reducing drug cultivation by maybe 5 percent, this would have gotten the Nobel Prize. But because it’s the Taliban, there’s a different reaction.”


On September 2, 2001, Mullah Omar announced that Afghan farmers would be prohibited from growing poppies for a second straight year, proving that the previous year’s ban was not a one-time fluke. (Some American officials believed that the Taliban had banned poppy growing solely in order to boost the value of the surplus opium stocks being held in Afghanistan.)


And then al-Qaeda terrorists struck on September 11. The Taliban had been sheltering al-Qaeda for several years and the U.S. government soon made it clear that the Taliban regime would be held accountable for the actions of its guest, Osama bin Laden.


Ten days after September 11, Pino Arlacchi, executive director of the UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, was still chirping about how the Taliban’s ban “will dramatically reduce the movement of heroin from Afghanistan to the West.”




Karzai and the drug war

By the end of 2001, the Taliban regime was pretty well shattered, its top officials either captured or on the run, and the United States installed Hamid Karzai as the head of an interim government.


After Karzai announced in early 2002 that poppy growing would continue to be banned, the UN Office of Drug Control and Crime Prevention issued a press release praising him and stressing the need for more foreign aid to help the new Afghan government “establish effective law-enforcement capacities and specifically a drug-control commission in Kabul with drug-control units in key provinces.”


In April 2002, the Karzai government offered farmers up to $600 an acre not to plant opium. Many of the farmers who accepted the government proposal got defrauded. Instead of cash, they were given a government voucher that was often very difficult to redeem. In other cases, farmers acceded to government demands to destroy their crops but were never paid anything, not even a voucher. Some farmers concluded that the government was even more devious than the people who previously bought their opium. One farmer in the southern Helmand province declared, “We will never believe the government again.”


The Karzai government also promoted the ban by shooting farmers. Reuters reported that in the spring of 2002 “several dozen opium farmers were killed in a battle with government forces in the southern province of Helmand.” The British Guardian paper reported that “security forces fired on a rally of 2,000 farmers that was allegedly turning into a riot. Eight farmers were killed and 16 injured.”


In December 2002, the Karzai government sent agents around to destroy opium fields but they were forced to desist after heavy gunfire from tribesmen in some parts of the country. Tom Brown, an American agricultural expert with the Central Asia Development Group, observed, “The opium buyers are the only people encouraging these farmers to grow anything.” Lakhdar Brahimi, the UN special representative to Afghanistan, noted that, for Afghan farmers, “the poppy offers a return on investment that is 38 times that of wheat.” The Afghan government was grossly incompetent at even attempting to fill the niche that it sought to create by outlawing the drug trade.


The United Nations estimated that opium would generate $1.2 billion for Afghans in 2002 — more than the total international aid Afghans received the previous year, according to Asia Times.


Moreover, the raw comparison of the totals from the opium trade with foreign aid is misleading. The vast majority of the opium money ends up in private pockets, while much of the international aid goes for setting up new government bureaucracies and hiring enforcement agents to take the place of the Taliban.


In October 2002, UN officials warned that it would take a decade to eradicate Aghan opium production. A German diplomat in Kabul observed,


In April, British officials were confident that they could eradicate poppies in only three years, but since then they have changed their philosophy; now they are talking about ten years.

(American citizens may remember similar timetables for the achievement of a “drug-free America” — all of which are now consigned to the political graveyard.)


Is it fair to hold George W. Bush personally responsible for the biggest annual increase in opium output in history? Probably not. Unless one chooses to reason like Bush’s own drug warriors. The TV ad campaign run by Bush’s drug czar continually preaches that anyone who uses drugs is a de facto terrorist financier. If anyone who buys any drug in the United States is automatically liable for any attack by terrorists anywhere, why shouldn’t the president be held responsible for deposing perhaps the most successful drug warriors in modern world history?

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Lets take a breather here, Remember Bin Laden used to fight right next to American troops back in the day. also remember everything talked about with Opium and the skull and bones and who is with the skull and bones.


ok recap from the above article ::In July 2000, Taliban leader Mullah Muhammad Omar (The leader of the Taliban) announced that he was banning any poppy growing in Afghanistan because it was henceforth considered to be un-Islamic. The Taliban regime had previously profited from a 10 percent tax on the opium (a much lower tax rate than cigarettes face in America).


On April 16, 2001, Secretary of State Colin Powell informed the United Nations::


July 2000 talks of the ban on Poppy growing in Afghanistan by the Taliban.......interesting,


April 16, 2001, Secretary of State Colin Powell informed the United Nations....interesting because this would of been enough time to see that The taliban leader made good on his word and poppy was way down than previous years,


September 11, 2001, Trade centers go down.........interesting.


Now who is the Taliban exactly? hmmm

The Taliban are a Sunni Islamist and Pashtun nationalist movement that ruled most of Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001, when their leaders were removed from power by a cooperative military effort between the Northern Alliance, United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. they got removed in 2001??? Say what? They had just stated they was going to put a ban on Poppy growing just the year before right, and now they have been removed???


October 7, 2001, the United States, aided by the United Kingdom, Canada, and supported by a coalition of other countries including several from the NATO alliance, initiated military actions in Afghanistan, code named Operation Enduring Freedom, and bombed Taliban and Al Qaeda related camps. The stated intent of military operations was to remove the Taliban from power because of the Taliban's refusal to hand over Osama bin Laden for his involvement in the September 11 attacks. Their intent was to REMOVE Taliban from power.


Since the Bush administration toppled the Taliban regime, opium production in Afghanistan has increased from 185 tons in 2001 to 3,700 tons in 2002, Ok lets see the year after Talban leader said he was banning poppy the crop yeilded 185 ton, but the next crop season after the Taliban got removed and USA moved in it jumped to 3,700 tons...say what??

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October 14 2001 the Taliban offered to discuss handing over Osama bin Laden to a neutral country if the US halted bombing, but only if the Taliban were given evidence of Bin Ladens involvement in 9/11.The U.S. rejected this offer as an insufficient public relations ploy and continued military operations ( I remember this on cnn when it happened).


Point blank, they did not want Bin Laden, they wanted them popy fields and to get the taliban away from the poppy fields since the taliban leader had messed up and stated he was going to ban poppy growing.



Personally i see this as the Taliban was playing the role of blacks in america when blacks was in slavery picking cotton from the cotton fields for their slave masters, only this time it's picking poppies from the poppy field and the taliban decided to get rid of the poppy plants so now the slave masters are moving in to save the crops and punish the rouge slaves.

And apprently when they seen the crop yield results in 2001 they felt they had to do something and do it fast, only way to get in there without catching a war crime charge they was going to have to make it look as if America got attacked first.



Oh and 2007's opium yield in Afghanni was well over 5,744 tons ( this is how much just 5 provendences in Afghanni yielded last year).

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