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2008 MLB Season.


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Wait the red sox became everything that they hate about the yankees... so you mean vetran players, young players, a great farm system, the most diehard baseball fans in america... Oh what you just mad cause we winning...


Ok but yeah lets bet..

20 cans of montana says the sox make it to the series while your tigers don't....

And I will bet that the sox take the season series from the tigers as well they play seven games, 3 at fenway in april and 4 at detriot in may...

and manny has been nothing but great for the sox... schilling still can pitch clutch games... he is a vet who knows how to pitch in big games...


Everything they hate as far as cockiness with players, management and especially fans. I don't even want to start talking about that biased-ass Mitchell report.


You're on. Red Sox will not reach the World Series and they won't take the season series either. Manny has produced but they're constantly making reference to his behavior as well as talking about trading him. Schilling is a vet that once pitched clutch games but those days are over. The man doesn't have the stamina he once did and something tells me this that he won't pitch a full season this year.

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Everything they hate as far as cockiness with players, management and especially fans. I don't even want to start talking about that biased-ass Mitchell report.


You're on. Red Sox will not reach the World Series and they won't take the season series either. Manny has produced but they're constantly making reference to his behavior as well as talking about trading him. Schilling is a vet that once pitched clutch games but those days are over. The man doesn't have the stamina he once did and something tells me this that he won't pitch a full season this year.


So Cubsin7. if you win this bet what do you want 20 cans also? Cubs-Detroit in the series this should of happend back in 84'

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Everything they hate as far as cockiness with players, management and especially fans. I don't even want to start talking about that biased-ass Mitchell report.


You're on. Red Sox will not reach the World Series and they won't take the season series either. Manny has produced but they're constantly making reference to his behavior as well as talking about trading him. Schilling is a vet that once pitched clutch games but those days are over. The man doesn't have the stamina he once did and something tells me this that he won't pitch a full season this year.


So Cubsin7. if you win this bet what do you want 20 cans also? Cubs-Detroit in the series this should of happend back in 84'


he is not going to win the bet... its that simple... if he does I will buy him 30 cans of montana... and a bunch of caps and other shit from 4thehardway....

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Few things about the Red Sox from a fan that doesn't want to sound like a complete biased asshole. I think as far as our spending and the obnoxious/cocky fan base we can be called the new Yankees (though it hurts me to even type that) but as a lifetime Sox fan there are a few things that will always separate us. The big one being character. Its easy to root for the Sox because the team has personality. Yanks all have to cut their hair, shave their beards, and half of them are scumbags. Giambi, Arod, Clemens, all scumbags. I have a great deal of respect for players like Jeter and Matsui, but overall the team has an attitude problem. Say what you will about Manny, i'll be the first to admit that he's an idiot, but I wouldn't trade him for anything, and other than him I don't have a single problem with anyone's attitude on the team. I will not argue that our two championships in the last few years competes at all with the Yankee stats, but you can only live with team you have in the present if you're talking shit on this topic, and I feel pretty good about the team we have. I won't say we're winning the world series this year but I'm pretty sure we'll make it there and I think we have a good shot at taking it, it will be interesting to see where Santana ends up and what effect that has on things. Either way it should be an interesting season.

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Now, Cubs in 7? Hah! Try 7 lifetimes! It's 2008, you can stop by Sox park to varnish the trophy anytime...remember yous a soufsider!


Enjoy that 'trophy.' It's the last one that team of cocksuckers will ever see. Pierzynski's a douche and Ozzie talks like he's got 5 dicks in his mouth. They should really have him subtitled or dubbed when he's on TV.

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He said he will give you 30 cans and caps...... sweet deal cant wait for the season to start.


lil league sign up is this weekend my 9 year old is ready...


I'm sure i'll figure out something to do with those cans and caps! I can't wait for the season to start either. It's going to be an exciting year.


Let me know when the little league season starts. I'll stop by to check out a few games.

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Few things about the Red Sox from a fan that doesn't want to sound like a complete biased asshole. I think as far as our spending and the obnoxious/cocky fan base we can be called the new Yankees (though it hurts me to even type that) but as a lifetime Sox fan there are a few things that will always separate us. The big one being character. Its easy to root for the Sox because the team has personality. Yanks all have to cut their hair, shave their beards, and half of them are scumbags. Giambi, Arod, Clemens, all scumbags. I have a great deal of respect for players like Jeter and Matsui, but overall the team has an attitude problem. Say what you will about Manny, i'll be the first to admit that he's an idiot, but I wouldn't trade him for anything, and other than him I don't have a single problem with anyone's attitude on the team. I will not argue that our two championships in the last few years competes at all with the Yankee stats, but you can only live with team you have in the present if you're talking shit on this topic, and I feel pretty good about the team we have. I won't say we're winning the world series this year but I'm pretty sure we'll make it there and I think we have a good shot at taking it, it will be interesting to see where Santana ends up and what effect that has on things. Either way it should be an interesting season.



I honestly think that picking up santana is a bad move for the sox.I really don't think we need him, and i think giving him a long term contract is going to be a huge mistake... But shit santana is one of the best pitchers in the game right now...

I want to address something about the fan base you are talking about... I grew up right next to fenway park... I can't remember how many games i would go to and see the sox, lose... hear the crowd groan late innings when we blew a big lead... how many seasons it looked like we were going to do it, until we started to fall apart after the all star game... Shit I think one of my most memorable moments was when pedro came out and pitched 7 innings of shutout relief against the indians in 99... I mean you could hear the whole fucking city going nuts when we won that game and all through the game everytime he struck someone out...

Now as far as being a red sox fan... if you didn't suffer with us through all of that... if you didn't suffer through late inning losses, end of the season slides, game fucking 7 in 2003 (fuck you fox for cutting back to the game with the fucking homerun already over the fence and saying yankees win.....), etc, etc etc... then you are not a red sox fan.... seriously go put your fucking yankees cap back on you fucking fairweather johnson.... get off our bandwagon... and if I catch you wearing that hat trying to claim you really a sox fan i am going to smack it the fuck off your head and tax you for that shit...

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Yo Cubsin7! You going to place the bet with Spectr or what? C'mon Cubbie put you money where your mouth and "man-up"....


Yeah, i'm going to bet. And what's this about manning up? I always fufill my end of the bargain. I can't speak for you though...

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we are working out the details for the bet... they will be posted here... there is going to be one for the sox winning the series.. and one for the season series betweeen the sox and the tigers...

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Tigers' High Injury Risks

Ordonez, Sheffield, Pudge, Rogers, Bonderman, Jones, Rodney


Sox's High Injury Risks

Ortiz, Manny, Schilling, Varitek


Tigers' Youth

Granderson, Zumaya, Miner, Bazardo, Rapada, Clevlen


Sox's Youth

Lester, Buchholz, Delcarmen, Pedroia, Ellsbury, Moss, Diaz




Experience winning an actual WS title?

Do the math

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Yeah, i'm going to bet. And what's this about manning up? I always fufill my end of the bargain. I can't speak for you though...



Is that a challenge? Cuz if I remember correctly when it came to baseball I only lost to you once (maybe twice) but checkit....My Mets beating your Cubs here at home, and you watching me wash down the winnings in the form of 6 pints of the finest oat sodas! You remember that don't you?

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Now as far as being a red sox fan... if you didn't suffer with us through all of that... if you didn't suffer through late inning losses, end of the season slides, game fucking 7 in 2003 (fuck you fox for cutting back to the game with the fucking homerun already over the fence and saying yankees win.....), etc, etc etc... then you are not a red sox fan.... seriously go put your fucking yankees cap back on you fucking fairweather johnson.... get off our bandwagon... and if I catch you wearing that hat trying to claim you really a sox fan i am going to smack it the fuck off your head and tax you for that shit...

This is what I'm saying though. I'm with you one hundred percent, the red sox have broken my heart a million times, and yet every time they got close I would still get my hopes up just to have my heart broken again. Now whether I want to admit it or not we have a huge bandwagon problem and thats all I was saying. The Yankess are the biggest band wagon team in sports, and now that we are winning we can compete. Every time we play a team like tampa bay and there is almost as many sox hats in the crowd as devil rays, it makes part of me really happy and part of me really sad, because before we started winning we still had lots of fans on the road, but now its crazy. The Sox are an easy team to love and all it took was a little winning to open people's eyes to that. Sports Illustrated did an article about 10 years ago about the most loved sports team in America. They went state to state and figured out which teams in all of sports held the most ground. the Red Sox took 6 states and had the most in any teams in sports. We have always had a very large, very passionate fan base, but lately it has been getting filled with "fairweather johnsons" and it sucks. We will never be the Yankees though, and I am grateful for that.


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Zoes I don't know if I would put ortiz, or manny, in the high risk catergory for injury...

Manny has had some problems, but its just manny being manny, I mean regardless we are going to get 300, 30, 100 from him...

I definitely wouldn't put ortiz up there in high risk...


One of the things we need to do this year is get rid of J.D. drew... seriously he is a fucking overpaid bum... I really hope we drop him before the season starts... him and lugo... once we get rid of that dead weight and get someone to replace lugo... or just use cora as a everyday starter then the sox are going to be that much better... Watching drew field last year made me miss trot so fucking much... I hated having to watch balls drop that trot would have dove for and caught...

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