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2008 MLB Season.


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I can't see how Drew's 2008 could get any worse than 2007

Even if he gets hurt & Moss starts for em

My guess is he'll go .285 15 HRs 90 RBIs if healthy


I'd be very suprised if Coco doesn't get traded by April for another reliever

This Aardsma cat is somewhat of a gamble

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fuck man.. I really think the mets overpaid for santana 6 years for almost 140 million... even if he wins 20 games a season thats still more then a million a win.. thats insane.. its more then what zito got at 7 years and 126 million (which I didn't think he was worth in the first place)... of course look at what happened to zito once he went to the N.L.

I hope the same thing doesn't happen to santana in the N.L.

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I'd rather they spend $8 million on someone else

Preferably someone under the age of 40


Honestly right now I agree with you... there are still some decent options out there.. and the sox could really use a back up arm this season... Who knows maybe this will work out and somehow we will convince some team to take j.d. drew in exchange for a starter..

I personally would like to see them get arroyo back.. I was pissed off when we traded him..

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They're starting rotation is straight

in fact, that's only reason they're letting Curt take his old ass time


J.D. should be better now that he's got his 1st AL year under his belt, the experience of being on a championship team with guys he gets along with & his newborn son isn't on his death bed anymore. I'm probably in complete denial about him but the guy seems chill.

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They're starting rotation is straight

in fact, that's only reason they're letting Curt take his old ass time


J.D. should be better now that he's got his 1st AL year under his belt, the experience of being on a championship team with guys he gets along with & his newborn son isn't on his death bed anymore. I'm probably in complete denial about him but the guy seems chill.


well I am thinking that we could use someone an additional arm in the bullpen, since we are going to have to move someone out to replace schilling, as a backup in case anyone of our starters gets injured, or needs a rest.. We can get 200 + innings out of dice K and beckett, maybe wakefield if he stays healthy..

But we are looking at far below 200 out of buchholz, lester, and taravez who is now our 6 option as a starter.. I can see lester or Buchholz needing a rest during the season as it wears on them, and we stand a real possibility of losing beckett for a few games again, and wakefield for an extended period of time again this season.. so getting another starter to do long relief work, and as a back up plan isn't a bad idea..


As far as drew goes... The guy is just a fucking bum, no way around it.. maybe he needs to get back on the roids or whatever it is he was using to produce his couple average seasons.. I would take crisp of drew any day... at least with crisp we get excellent defense, and speed.. He actually wasn't all that bad of a hitter before coming to boston as well, something just happened to him once he showed up here.. Hopefully we can drop drew, and get coco out of the funk, maybe losing his starting job to ellsbury during the playoffs will be what does it to him and makes him 'hungry' to play this season..

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definately need more bullpen help


Coco & Drew for


(Arizona) Micah Owings & Justin Upton?

(Cincy) Mike Stanton & Ken Griffey Jr?

(KC) Joakim Soria & Mark Teahan?


Cannot wait for fantasy baseball


yo lets get a 12oz fantasy league going...


and as far trading both drew and coco go I think it's a mistake.. the bullpen looks pretty solid I think for the season.. I fucking love delcarmen... kid is great.... and we have one of the best 1,2 punches for closing in okijima and papelbon... actually I think in the next couple years they are going to be the best...


I really think our one weak strength is a couple bats that are dragging, crisp, lugo, drew, though I will give them each some credit for certain things they did well last season.. drew managed to get a decent number of walks.. crisp and lugo each managed to produce speed, and lugo produced quite a few bunts and him and crisp put down some sacs..


Oh and on the bedard thing... that moves seattle up a notch... probably good enough to compete decently in the west.. great move on their part.. it is also a boost to the sox, since it makes the O's easier to beat...

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yo lets get a 12oz fantasy league going...


and as far trading both drew and coco go I think it's a mistake.. the bullpen looks pretty solid I think for the season.. I fucking love delcarmen... kid is great.... and we have one of the best 1,2 punches for closing in okijima and papelbon... actually I think in the next couple years they are going to be the best...


I really think our one weak strength is a couple bats that are dragging, crisp, lugo, drew, though I will give them each some credit for certain things they did well last season.. drew managed to get a decent number of walks.. crisp and lugo each managed to produce speed, and lugo produced quite a few bunts and him and crisp put down some sacs..


Oh and on the bedard thing... that moves seattle up a notch... probably good enough to compete decently in the west.. great move on their part.. it is also a boost to the sox, since it makes the O's easier to beat...


its 420 and im in on the 12 oz. Fantasy league.

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ok I will set up a yahoo league later today... and post the info for sign up.. but I want to get an idea of how many people are into it so i know how big to make the league..

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also the league id number is 47996


I thought you could just sign up with the name.. so for those of you who have been having problems that should solve them.. sorry about that...

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