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Damn, all I meant when I said that it's a tough situation to explain is that yes, it is indeed a tough situation to explain. I think its utterly ridiculous yet also hilariously intriguing that there is a belief in some sort of underlying, directed motive behind Cap's bombing (there very well may be, but what exactly is the half-life of such a secret?). I of course don't know the guy or anybody here, but, I mean, c'mon, is this really some Dan Brown type shit? Was Cap bombing mercilessly (NOTE: SHUT UP, THIS IS NOT INCENDIARY LANGUAGE) in order to keep the identity of Jesus' second coming on Earth a secret? Or, was he one from the Brotherhood of the Cruciform Sword?




I dunno dude, I just don't know.

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You see you would be COMPLETELY WRONG

they DO OWN all of those flix as that is a flickr account of Mike White AKA Dondi's Brother

i'm sure he has worked things out with Martha and Henry as to copyrights on those photos

Peep the whole website http://www.dondiciakings.com/ which has links to that flickr account


Luca i believe is dondi's mothers name just in case you were wondering



One of those photos is MY photo, and I have the negative to prove it.


I don't really mind or anything, but seeing them put a copyright symbol on my photo is irritating.

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perhaps i came off a bit brash

so to clear matters up


Cap explains perfectly well why he went over everyone in the first Style Wars

"you go over me or any of my friends and i go over EVERYTHING you have"

not much more to it than that

back then we used to call it WAR and all is fair in love and war right?

and for the record Cap nor MPC were racist and i dont think he comes off that way in said film. many blacks and hispanics were in MPC and used to chill hard with Cap. hell when i first met Cap he was hanging with Rest & Rush (puerto rican and african american). Dose is PR, Kass is PR the list goes on and on. to say otherwise is JUST PLAIN RETARDED. people need to educated themselves before repeating things that just are not true.


remember people just cause you heard it somewhere doesn't make it a fact.
















Damn, all I meant when I said that it's a tough situation to explain is that yes, it is indeed a tough situation to explain. I think its utterly ridiculous yet also hilariously intriguing that there is a belief in some sort of underlying, directed motive behind Cap's bombing (there very well may be, but what exactly is the half-life of such a secret?). I of course don't know the guy or anybody here, but, I mean, c'mon, is this really some Dan Brown type shit? Was Cap bombing mercilessly (NOTE: SHUT UP, THIS IS NOT INCENDIARY LANGUAGE) in order to keep the identity of Jesus' second coming on Earth a secret? Or, was he one from the Brotherhood of the Cruciform Sword?




I dunno dude, I just don't know.

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very well done and not to mention i spoke with him yesterday. I know Cap since i am 16 or so and now i am 43. Cap hung out on my block in the bronxon a street corner called matilda on 238th street. most of us were puerto rican including myself and all i can say is cap is and always be a brother to me and all my freinds till this day. just to give you an idea of the graffiti artist that hung out on this corner were. Ready for this..........l

Cap pove buste sento cavs key mkay MI rush rest rook mars paws wed quik blist gin baze 4 and all of graffiti unlimited crew from yonkers. I mean i dont no any other block that had more graff then any other place. not once did i ever hear CAP say anything about a persons color. What i would like to say Henry sure did a good job making him be the bad guy. but if you watch the movie he clearly says if anyone messes with me or any of my freinds i will go over everything for life. Maybe someday he will chime in and tell you how he feels about all this.

MI:ONE M.P.C. since 1983 i think ...

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Word, damn sounds like one Hell of a corner, if its worth anything I've never really thought that Cap was a racist because yeah, Mr Chalfant through editing made it look that way but like, I dunno from what I've read or been told (I've tried my best to get informed), the first thing any work of criticism notes is that there was a whoooole lot of creative license taken in the editing process. I read in a Waxpoetics article a few years back about how the connection between breaking and writing were almost forced so that the film makers' thesis about the phenomenon of the New York youth of the time could look valid (no disrespect to the makers of the film, it's an incredible historical document, even if somewhat fictive). There were a great number of pics and commentaries that showed how, rather than graffiti being 'one of the elements of hip hop' (as lots of knuckleheads like to put it), it existed before (obviously) rapping and breaking and, as we all know, is a subculture of its own that exists powerfully and independently of any other movement. It's not hip hop, rock, punk, crust, or anything other than graffiti, and that's all it needs to be.


So yeah, I just wanted to maybe put my voice out for the younger cats (ie everyone I know/write with) who know that Cap wasn't a racist, he was just portrayed that way so that the film could have a villain. As you can probably tell, this stuff amazes me so, thanks for the flicks, the insight, and much respect to Kings Cap, MI, Ghost, Supreme, and the rest of you heavy hitting forefathers.

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very nice picture i sure wish i could speak with sento now. Its been many years since i last spoke with him he missed our 25 year reunion. hey if anyone knows how to get a hold of sento let him no MI says hello. i meet sento when i was in 5 grade in a little school called p.s.16 wow a lot of history maybe i will do a book LOL


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yeah the whole MPC being a bunch of racists was funny because like Bemflix and MI stated the crew had a nice mix of different people, and yes creative license played a big part in Style Wars especially when the need for a villain appeared. That being said there are rumblings of a MPC book being written from start to present that will open some eyes to the entire world. Maybe its 20 years too late but it will resurface a lot of emotions maybe good, maybe bad but the truth will be out there and there won't be an misinterpretations of the crew or the members or more importantly the true history of the morris park crew.


It might be the tryptophan talking but whatever..

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i feel like im dreaming to see a Sak and Shame on a freight train. Sak MBT king of the 1 Line in 1985-86. He also made a huge impact on the 2's anf 5 line. Shame125 aka Much107 Top of All (TOA) first time i seen him up was on the 6 line back in 1983. this was the first time i benched the 6 line. i caught flicks of the brim and shame and shame wrote "paint frozen". Shame also killed the 2's, 5's aswell as the 4 line between the years of 1983 to 1985. if your interested in seeing some of there work from that time period please pick up a copy of "From the Platform subway graffiti 1983-1989........ you can pre-order it at Amazon.com Thank you and your welcome. lol

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i feel like im dreaming to see a Sak and Shame on a freight train. Sak MBT king of the 1 Line in 1985-86. He also made a huge impact on the 2's anf 5 line. Shame125 aka Much107 Top of All (TOA) first time i seen him up was on the 6 line back in 1983. this was the first time i benched the 6 line. i caught flicks of the brim and shame and shame wrote "paint frozen". Shame also killed the 2's, 5's aswell as the 4 line between the years of 1983 to 1985. if your interested in seeing some of there work from that time period please pick up a copy of "From the Platform subway graffiti 1983-1989........ you can pre-order it at Amazon.com Thank you and your welcome. lol



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