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Seems like a nice book, but $50 for a small book. I'll probally get it anyway, if it was less I'd already have it.


I gotta say that $50 these days isn't too bad for a book that has the right flavour.

People pay this much to park for a day downtown so I stand by my dollar.



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thanks ghost - and all the regulars in this thread and everywhere who ordered and supported Steel Wheels. whether it was the book, or coming out to the shows or just sending props - eternal thanks to you all. more important than support of my little bit of knowledge, its a testamony to the reality that there is still a considerable interest in the history of graffiti. please support it wherever you see it.


as for the watermarking its a total dick move and a pain in the ass to do, but the photo pirating situation has gotten way out of hand on the internet. ven is really the one who got me on that shit. understanding they are just fliks, i still believe 1 all photos with historical value should be displayed in historical context - not just pirated online. and 2 the photographer should always get credit. the fraudulent branding on the iz photo is an excellent example of my point.


enough talk tho - here go some reposts from the ghost thread:














same car as the 666pack RD One...



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Seems like a nice book, but $50 for a small book. I'll probally get it anyway, if it was less I'd already have it.


page - i totally understand and agree. the one regret i have about this whole thing is that fools have to pay a grip for it. believe me, if i had a better way to do it that would have made it more affordable for everyone (including me, i had to order about 12 copies just through proofreading and whatnot) then we wouldnt even be having this discussion. However, the few publishers i stepped to in the beginning were not into it. didnt think there was enough of what people wanted to see. one well known publisher even told me it was too much like subway art. from a business standpoint, i get that and understand. if i was a publisher investing 10-15k into a book, i need to be convinced i could move ALL of them and make a profit - and the ones i approached were not convinced. maybe my pitch wasnt good enough, maybe i wasnt persistent enough, maybe i just didnt know the right people. whatever the case, i did know is there were ppl out there who DID want to see and learn about this shit. so it was with that alone that i decided to self publish with blurb. if i had a publishing deal tho, i could have made a book 3X the size - and it would cost less. the book in that photo is a very early version too btw. rest assured, there are still lots of ppl out there with extensive collections and knowledge (including yourself). hopefully, publishers will see what i have done and reconsider the idea that ALL graff books should be poorly written well designed neo fag street art books - then again, maybe, thats what the masses want to see...in the words of Ed Koch..time will tell.

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page - i totally understand and agree. the one regret i have about this whole thing is that fools have to pay a grip for it. believe me, if i had a better way to do it that would have made it more affordable for everyone (including me, i had to order about 12 copies just through proofreading and whatnot) then we wouldnt even be having this discussion. However, the few publishers i stepped to in the beginning were not into it. didnt think there was enough of what people wanted to see. one well known publisher even told me it was too much like subway art. from a business standpoint, i get that and understand. if i was a publisher investing 10-15k into a book, i need to be convinced i could move ALL of them and make a profit - and the ones i approached were not convinced. maybe my pitch wasnt good enough, maybe i wasnt persistent enough, maybe i just didnt know the right people. whatever the case, i did know is there were ppl out there who DID want to see and learn about this shit. so it was with that alone that i decided to self publish with blurb. if i had a publishing deal tho, i could have made a book 3X the size - and it would cost less. the book in that photo is a very early version too btw. rest assured, there are still lots of ppl out there with extensive collections and knowledge (including yourself). hopefully, publishers will see what i have done and reconsider the idea that ALL graff books should be poorly written well designed neo fag street art books - then again, maybe, thats what the masses want to see...in the words of Ed Koch..time will tell.



I'll be ordering a copy shortly. I'd be interested to know how many copies you printed up, or is Blurb a 100% PoD (print on demand) venture? Anyway, props and I'm looking forward to seeing it.

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money is tight, but the order is put in for this work. been interested since Zed mentioned it like 2+ years back. we all must support the right people, and self-releasing a book deserves much respect. $45 bucks is nothing for the amount of work he must've put into this. getting a real photog's point of view and recollection is invaluable and miles away from people recycling other people's images or duplicating old subway flicks and thinking it gets them fame. i'm eager to check this one out and happy that Zed's material is getting out there in a format that's built to last.

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page - i totally understand and agree. the one regret i have about this whole thing is that fools have to pay a grip for it. believe me, if i had a better way to do it that would have made it more affordable for everyone (including me, i had to order about 12 copies just through proofreading and whatnot) then we wouldnt even be having this discussion. However, the few publishers i stepped to in the beginning were not into it. didnt think there was enough of what people wanted to see. one well known publisher even told me it was too much like subway art. from a business standpoint, i get that and understand. if i was a publisher investing 10-15k into a book, i need to be convinced i could move ALL of them and make a profit - and the ones i approached were not convinced. maybe my pitch wasnt good enough, maybe i wasnt persistent enough, maybe i just didnt know the right people. whatever the case, i did know is there were ppl out there who DID want to see and learn about this shit. so it was with that alone that i decided to self publish with blurb. if i had a publishing deal tho, i could have made a book 3X the size - and it would cost less. the book in that photo is a very early version too btw. rest assured, there are still lots of ppl out there with extensive collections and knowledge (including yourself). hopefully, publishers will see what i have done and reconsider the idea that ALL graff books should be poorly written well designed neo fag street art books - then again, maybe, thats what the masses want to see...in the words of Ed Koch..time will tell.


Didn't know it was print on demand. Hopefully this book will make the publishers more receptive to your next book. I like Henry's idea of putting it on DVD. I think I'll change I'll probally pick it up, to I'll get it soon. Good to know the story.

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same - i think this rooftop is in the ghost book (maybe with the ghost sane piece), but i dont think there was a caine piece on the roof. ill have to chk the book again, but i think that reference was to a train.


vegan - of course i dont even remember. i think it was out on the R/N out in Astoria, or maybe on the 7s. but i think now it was the N/R cause in my negs it was with the Erb t2b and i know i caught that out in Astoria..

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same - i think this rooftop is in the ghost book (maybe with the ghost sane piece), but i dont think there was a caine piece on the roof. ill have to chk the book again, but i think that reference was to a train.


vegan - of course i dont even remember. i think it was out on the R/N out in Astoria, or maybe on the 7s. but i think now it was the N/R cause in my negs it was with the Erb t2b and i know i caught that out in Astoria..


My bad, this rooftop also comes out in the RIS book. I got the two mixed up. It mentions Sane and Ghost going over these pieces which had a previous Caine dedication. In the cross they wrote "89 Caine I Special Forces Part 2"......

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