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What a shitty ass way to start off a weekend.

I was born here

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Guest shai_hulud
you know in all my drunk stumbling around oakland I never once got fucked with by any thugs out there... even when i first moved down there and was out in some grimey part of east oakland.... Though we did use to play guess the gauge while drinking 40ozs on the stoop and see how long it would take the cops to drive towards the shooting...


Though I do have this uncanny abililty to get robbed and fucked with in the suburbs... The only times I have ever been robbed have been out in the burbs at gun point...


Yeah, but you're a big dude and aren't exactly white or rich looking. In Oakland, you do okay because you don't dress like you're banging. You blend in. I'm a little more pale. Some dudes like to fuck with white folks, as long as they aren't carrying guns and badges. I call those dudes "racists".


In the suburbs...I think we have the same problem. We kind of stick out a little bit more than the rest of the folks there. I caught a lot more hell where I grew up than I did in Oakland. Oakland made me grow a pair, and now I don't give a HOOT anymore. Anywhere, anytime, as long as it's one on one or even odds, I'm game.


I also don't get fucked with in the suburbs anymore, either.

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If I live in Oakland again after moving out it's only going to be in the hills.


I'm not white either, but in my situation might as well be. And the 30's in the east is alright, I used to live there in the Mac Arthur area part and it was pretty chill most of the time. Plus a lot of Latinos there so I felt a little more secure.

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Guest shai_hulud

Oh yeah, it's all good out there...as long as you aren't flying colors, that is.


I walked down Fruitvale from Macarthur to International the other day from the jobsite I was on...and all the jornaleros were saying, "No, wedo, don't do it" or something like that.


I didn't think about it, but I was wearing a blue jacket and hat (and painter's whites) all the way...I saw tons of XIV tags, but I'm obviously NOT Latin, so I figured I was all right.


It was kind of a dumb thing to do, but nobody messed with me.

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its wierd. where i live we have our crime and things like that.


but i have never been robbed at gun point or with a knife or anything like that.


when i was 12 three grown ass gangsters swooped on my skateboard from me. but thats it.


but at the same time i know a lot of people that have been robbed on my same block.


things are confusing.

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more like hard on cash and the living situation.


a gun doesnt make you hard. pulling a trigger takes some balls but not a whole lot.


if you want to do something that takes balls. man up and get a fucking job with having the


thought that you used to be a piece of shit

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more like hard on cash and the living situation.


a gun doesnt make you hard. pulling a trigger takes some balls but not a whole lot.


if you want to do something that takes balls. man up and get a fucking job with having the


thought that you used to be a piece of shit


wait since when are there jobs for people in the ghetto? other than selling the drugs that the governemt has imported into this country to oppress people... the state supports gangs controlling the ghetto... the state supports violence as a form of social control...

Look at what happened to the panthers when they tried to elevate their people inside the ghetto...

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wait since when are there jobs for people in the ghetto? other than selling the drugs that the governemt has imported into this country to oppress people... the state supports gangs controlling the ghetto... the state supports violence as a form of social control...

Look at what happened to the panthers when they tried to elevate their people inside the ghetto...


that just shows that the people would rather try to come up quick for that moment than


rather do something with themselves. when someone really wants something they go out of


thier limits to get it. everyone that wants something has a way to get it. the dudes in the


streets are either to lazy or think they are not capable. but anyone can clean up for a day


and get a job interveiw. its thier mindset that makes them think they are nothing, and they


can stay that way if they think that. these people have no brains.

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Guest shai_hulud

I lived in the ghetto for a while. There's decent folks with jobs that live there, but there's also a lot of folks that just don't have shit who come from generations of people who don't have shit.


There's not much heavy industry left in the area I lived in. That all dried up after WW2. Everything was gone by the sixties.


Back in the 40s, West Oakland was THE place to live if you were successful and Black. There were stores, clubs, churches...all the houses were nice and well-maintained, and there was a huge shipbuilding and related heavy industry based economy to support the community.


Once they built the Cypress freeway in the late 50s (the one that collapsed in 1989), that effectively cut the whole neighborhood off from the rest of the city. People moved away, stores and clubs shut down...then, they built the projects (Acorn, Center, and West Grand Blocks) after HUD realized it was easier to build high-density housing than to maintain existing single-family dwellings.


All the nice old Victorians ended up being vacant. Then, when crack took off, they turned into crack houses.


I moved to West Oakland in 1999. It was a lot better, but there were still some fucked up areas...I lived across the street from the Center projects, and that was some scary shit. Half of the windows were boarded up, and you could buy crack 24/7 out of certain apartments. They finally tore them down in 2004, and put up some new high-density housing with retail space underneath.


I don't know what West Oakland is going to turn into. It seems like they want to do something good with it, and do right by the people who have been in the community for years. But, money can be a fucked up thing, and a lot of the old houses are getting bought up and rented out for twice as much.


I hope I can move back someday. I really love West Oakland, it's one of the only places I've ever considered home.

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Guest shai_hulud
the free breakfast program the panthers had was a dope idea.

someone should bring that back for the kids.


I've talked with some of the original Panthers. It's a trip, they're all grandparents now, but they're some of the most interesting people I've ever talked to.


I lived not far from 55th and Market. That was the corner that the Panthers got the streetlight built at.


Here's a picture of the sign on the light standard.




Pretty cool.

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the police had a shoot out with the black panther party here in sacramento back in the 60's...

and the black panthers held a big demonstration here at the capitol in the 60's too.


heres a link...from a former bp..





^^very good read (in case you missed it)

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that just shows that the people would rather try to come up quick for that moment than


rather do something with themselves. when someone really wants something they go out of


thier limits to get it. everyone that wants something has a way to get it. the dudes in the


streets are either to lazy or think they are not capable. but anyone can clean up for a day


and get a job interveiw. its thier mindset that makes them think they are nothing, and they


can stay that way if they think that. these people have no brains.


I don't agree with you there. Look at every famous african american leader who was not a tool of the american government, dead; look at every african american orginazation that tried to uplift their people, destroyed, discredited, suppressed, inflitrated, outlawed, etc; look at what the american government has specifically done to the african american community in this country; look at a government who supported aparthied in south africa; look at the repression that these communities have had to face daily since the end of the civil war; slavery previous to that for hundreds of years.

Look at americas policies towards latin america and we see similar things, every time a country there tries to stop american corporations from raping it for its natural resources, stop exploiting its population to enrich the american elite, the same thing happens, violence, repression, sanction, military coups, death squads, drugs, etc... etc.. etc...


So I got to ask you why the fuck you want to work a job and support something like that, that has never done shit for you, doesn't offer you anything, and just has a history of exploiting you for everything it can, and then locking you up when its done...

Now it happens to more than just the african american population, now it is happening to all americans.... but mother fuckers are to busy watching fox news, playing xbox live, and consuming like the good little zombies that they were made into to notice...


edit: watch this movie... about the cointelpro actions of this government against the panthers...


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Guest shai_hulud

You lived in Walnut Creek, Hesh. That hardly counts as California.


Who or what exactly do we imitate? I thought everyone was trying to be like US this whole time.

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I don't agree with you there. Look at every famous african american leader who was not a tool of the american government, dead; look at every african american orginazation that tried to uplift their people, destroyed, discredited, suppressed, inflitrated, outlawed, etc; look at what the american government has specifically done to the african american community in this country; look at a government who supported aparthied in south africa; look at the repression that these communities have had to face daily since the end of the civil war; slavery previous to that for hundreds of years.

Look at americas policies towards latin america and we see similar things, every time a country there tries to stop american corporations from raping it for its natural resources, stop exploiting its population to enrich the american elite, the same thing happens, violence, repression, sanction, military coups, death squads, drugs, etc... etc.. etc...


So I got to ask you why the fuck you want to work a job and support something like that, that has never done shit for you, doesn't offer you anything, and just has a history of exploiting you for everything it can, and then locking you up when its done...

Now it happens to more than just the african american population, now it is happening to all americans.... but mother fuckers are to busy watching fox news, playing xbox live, and consuming like the good little zombies that they were made into to notice...


edit: watch this movie... about the cointelpro actions of this government against the panthers...



not all these people on the streets are "fuck the government" types of people.


they dont rob people because they were enslaved for hundreds of years


they dont rob people because amfrican american organizations failed


i agree that the racial segragation is fucked up, and when you are throwin in the gutter its


hard to get out. but why not try? these people sometimes don't even try.


and who the fuck hasnt raped africa for their gold and diamonds? england and scottland


fucked them way harder before we got there. same thing with the latin shit.


and getting a damn day job is not supporting this cause. people can make an honest living.


selling drugs is doing what the government wants us to do. so they can lock your ass up and


keep the drug dealers there in the ghetto where they want them.


and i watch the local news.

play ps3 online and im more like a mummy than a zombie

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