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What a shitty ass way to start off a weekend.

I was born here

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I wake up this morning, fully rested thinking today is going to be a good day.


I eat breakfast which consists of a bowl of Trix cereal with milk. Everything going smooth so far.


I leave the pad to go out to skate some nearby place and get robbed at gunpoint for a cell phone.


I got the line cut off just now.


Fuck, I don't even feel like going out anymore.


I feel like shit and have a ton of homework and studying ahead of me.



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Guest shai_hulud

Don't feel bad. I got robbed by two 15 YO kids in North Oakland. Both of them had guns.


If it had been one gun, I would have hardcore danced the dude into the pavement. Two guns seemed like bad odds. Also, I was drunk.


Sorry to hear that. You should try Berkeley. It's a lot more chill here. I've learned to tune out the hippies and street kids, finally. The thugs mainly fuck with each other.

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you're in oakland?

Yes. I stay in 'the deep'.


Don't feel bad. I got robbed by two 15 YO kids in North Oakland. Both of them had guns.


If it had been one gun, I would have hardcore danced the dude into the pavement. Two guns seemed like bad odds. Also, I was drunk.


Sorry to hear that. You should try Berkeley. It's a lot more chill here. I've learned to tune out the hippies and street kids, finally. The thugs mainly fuck with each other.


The same here, they were both around my age with guns. And I love Berkeley, too, moving there when I'm old enough to move out.






I don't know, I just feel like telling someone.

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Last time someone tried to rob me it was some bum nigga at the beer store trying to shake me down for a dollar on his 40.

When I told him I aint got nothing for him he tried to pull that intimidating shit.

Talking about how he just got out the pen and acting like he had a gun in his jacket.

I smacked him over the head with my bike.

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First day in California, I was in Barstow, and this bum comes up talking about he was an O.G and shit and how he needed money for food and shit, and how some niggas were trying to shake him down, and he busted the nigga with a brick.


Funniest shit ever, was he was still carrying the brick, and it was fucking huge, so I went and got him a 40 and 2$ for McDonalds.


I don't know why I typed this, but yea..

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Guest shai_hulud

^I won't take shit from one person. Well, my first reaction is to just walk away, but I've had a couple guys do the "YO, SON, YO, SON" to me. I just act like I'm a little crazier than they are, and keep steppin'. Groups, I just make noise and get folks' attention. In the hood, you'd be surprised. A lot of people will come off their porches and set kids straight..."You leave than man alone, he ain't botherin' you..." kind of shit.


Some old crackhead in West Oakland asked me if I had my hood pass one night. I just deadeyed him, and he left me alone.


Born here..when you say deep, does that mean "past the Coliseum" deep, "above Foothill" deep, or both? My friend lived at 73rd and Bancroft for a few years. That was WIIIIIILD. Also, I was driving with my friend, and she wanted to get out and ask for directions...at 98th and Ede. At midnight.


Not cool.

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Guest shai_hulud



Well, just keep low till you can move. Nothing personal, but I probably won't be coming out to your neighborhood to visit anytime soon.


I've got a million and one Oakland stories. It's easily the most intense place I've ever lived.

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Guest shai_hulud

For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of experiencing the finer areas of Oakland, 98th and Ede looks like Berlin after the Blitz. It's FUCKED UP down there. If you are out there at midinght, you're either-



-Buying crack

-Selling crack

-Smoking crack

-Selling ass

-Looking for ass to rent


-Or getting banged.


I've never seen the cops patrolling down there. They just show up on force after the shit goes down.

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you know in all my drunk stumbling around oakland I never once got fucked with by any thugs out there... even when i first moved down there and was out in some grimey part of east oakland.... Though we did use to play guess the gauge while drinking 40ozs on the stoop and see how long it would take the cops to drive towards the shooting...


Though I do have this uncanny abililty to get robbed and fucked with in the suburbs... The only times I have ever been robbed have been out in the burbs at gun point...

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Guest shai_hulud

There's also Piedmont and Rockridge. Temescal was the nicest neighborhood I ever got to live in.


Porkchop lived about five blocks west of me when I had that apartment by Macarthur BART. Her spot was pretty bad. Some young buck threatened to kill her dog, and got his ass BEAT by the OGs.


I also stayed at 35th and MLK, four blocks south of Porkchop's old apartment, in 2000-2001. 35th Street is hectic. Some dude got his head blown off right next to my old place shortly after I moved out.


The Dirty 30's are no joke.

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