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youre a douche.

bf neato piculated images.

i like the last one of you and your niece.

i wish i woulda spent alot more time with my nephew.

something always seemed more important than that little guy.

i regret not spending more time with him.


I give her full credit for saving my life.

If it weren't for her, I probably wouldn't have quit living the life I was living.

And would have probably ODed on dope and died in the gutters.


She is the most important thing in my life.

I spend as much time with her as I can.

And it is always well worth it.


There are things I used to do, not just drugs, just other self-destructive shit.. that I quit doing for her sake.

She would see me bruised and battered and ask me why I was always so cut up and beat up.

One time she made some remark about "being M*****"(me) when she was playing around, but she made motions to the effect of getting punched in the face.

That was when I knew my life was effecting her life.

She looks up to me too much and is always telling me I am the coolest person in the world.

She wants to be like me.

So I have to make myself better each day.

I don't want her selling herself short.


I have high hopes for her life.

And know she is going to be something amazing when she grows up.

I want to be part of that and to be able to live to see her mature.


I also want to be someone that she can be proud of.

Right now, she begs me to go to her school and volunteer.

I do that.

Field trips and read them stories and help around the classroom.

She is always so proud that I am her aunt.

And that all the kids love me so much but she is the one who gets to be with me always.

That is enough for now, but I want more for both of us.

I don't want the only thing she is proud of me for is my personality and my outer appearance.

I want her to see that anyone can achieve their goals in life.

Even if it takes a little longer than you expected.

And you have to jump a million hurdles in the process.


Kids are awesome.

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Guest shai_hulud

Last year, my friend was joking about tattooing "SCUMFUCK" on some guy's chin. At first, I thought it was a fucked up thing to even consider doing...but, the guy he wanted to tattoo turned out to be a racist, homophobic douchebag, and got kicked out of town for his antics.


So, it never happened, but if he had tattooed the guy, I would have paid my friend after the fact.


Facial tattoos are crucial. I'll never fight you, blood fart.


There's nothing more gangster than facial tattoos. Or Lots of finger tattoos. I used to call them "jobstoppers". But, things change. Almost anything goes out here.


And, I'm sorry Porcelain, but you really need to have a talk with your GF. I'm sure you don't go around calling shots in her life. However, if you do, it may be time to stop doing that. And have a talk with her.



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I don't actually consider my little dots "facial tattoos".

I mean, they are permanent and they are on my face.

But they are so tiny, I forget I have them.

People often remark on them though.

Asking if they are tattoos or some strange dark blue freckles.


I did all my finger/hand tattoos myself.

In my early teenage years.

I regret each and every one of them.

I have been trying to get someone to cover them up, but nobody will.

They think it looks tough.

I think it looks like shit.


People have made comments about my tattoos being "job stoppers"

Mainly the neck.

But it's not like that in Austin.

Everyone here is tattooed, literally.

People don't even look twice at you unless you got some serious sideshow shit going on.


I have a tattoo that says OUTLAW SCUMBAG.

On my ankle.

I passed out before I finished it.

Not that finishing it would make it look any better.

It's horrid.


On my other ankle I have


From when I had to cut my travels short to sit on house arrest for 10 months.


Too many mistakes.

Not enough cover ups.

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I don't eat animals.

I love cheese.


That's all.


I don't even really like cheese...and the girl next to me threw my cheese away.


I wasnt looking and she asked if I liked cheese....I thought she ment cheese on my french fries.



I hate this crutches crap...cant even get my own fucking lunch.

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I wonder if the guests follow closely on what goes on it here.

If they know all about us.

And what we do.


I have too much time to think about pointless shit.


twinky-cough up the loot for a green name, then you can change your name.

like everyone else did.

except me.

because Raven hates me.


I hate this waiting around for weed crap.

I can't even motivate to start working.

Deadly broke.

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If you want to look like street trash, take a pair of scissors and chop off random chunks of hair.

For the Chemo cut.

It's pretty classic scum.


I need to get my fade hooked up.

And some fancies shaved into it.


I had this shit going on.

But I think I want something more.

I miss the lightening bolts.

And the diamonds.

I want RAP STAR shaved into my hair.

But I don't know if my stylist can pull it off.



I happpened to this thread.

It's what I do.

I swoop in and take over.

Self-centered ,like what.

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