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Animal Liberation?

smooth bruce

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The fact that a human being is a human being. This is such a ridiculous argument.:lol:


I'm not sure if you realise but you're making a ridiculously stupid circular argument here.


"a human being is automatically more important than any other living creature because it is a human being"


if you can;t tell me what it is about being a human being that makes them more important then jsut say so and i will stop asking you...


and no i would save the baby and i have a long and fairly complicated reason why.

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I'm not sure if you realise but you're making a ridiculously stupid circular argument here.


"a human being is automatically more important than any other living creature because it is a human being"


if you can;t tell me what it is about being a human being that makes them more important then jsut say so and i will stop asking you...


and no i would save the baby and i have a long and fairly complicated reason why.


You would or wouldn't save the child?

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So if a dog and a little kid were hit by a bus and you can only save one. You'd save the dog?That's fucked up.


- What kinda dog?..

Like a little Chow or something..


- How old is this kid?


- What kinda bus?..

Grey hound?

City Transit?

School bus (if so is it the short bus?)


You need to be more specific.

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I wouldn't say it is wrong to kill animals full stop. I'd say it is wrong to kill animals for any reason other than our own survival, or to stop some human created imbalance in the animal kingdom (like rabbits all over Australia) in the interests of protecting biodiversity and native species.


The classical arguments are that it is wrong to kill animals because they have inherent value as living creatures, like we do. Or that it is wrong to kill animals because when a human commits violence on an animal it desensitizes him towards violence that he then may commit on humans .



Anyway i think the burden of proof is on you to provide reasons why it is ok to kill living, sentient creatures rather than on others to say why it isn;t.

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I wouldn't say it is wrong to kill animals full stop. I'd say it is wrong to kill animals for any reason other than our own survival, or to stop some human created imbalance in the animal kingdom (like rabbits all over Australia) in the interests of protecting biodiversity and native species.


I'm all for testing/killing (non endangered) animals if it will save/help people.


People > Animals


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Anyway i think the burden of proof is on you to provide reasons why it is ok to kill living, sentient creatures rather than on others to say why it isn;t.



thats easy. especially since you've put humans on the same plane as animals.


look at our bodies. look at our teeth and our digestive tracks. look at the animals with similar models. our teeth aren't those of the cud chewers. our intestines not those of the gorilla. our need of b12... evolution...



i support animal rights out of sympathy and a recognition that certain things are unnecessary. methods of processing, treatment of the creatures...


(to clarify--i'm not vegetarian. i eat meat daily. i don't actively buy organic or freerange. i simply recognize these things as probably the right thing to do, i also choose to not participate)

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What the fuck. Within the first couple of minutes of that video I felt like I had to throw up. I completely agree with people eating meat to live healthily, but is it necessary that we kill our prey in such an inhumane manner? That guy dropping the cinder block on the pigs head makes me want to beat his head in. Its really disturbing that he and others find nothing wrong with that sort of treatment.

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  • 2 weeks later...
its against the natural order of life....it fucks up the food chain...slaughter houses are fucked up..but a sirlon steak isnt.


are you fucking serious? against the "natural order of life"? that's the same kind of statement peole make when they go around bashing gays.


and to say that a slaughterhouse is fucked up, but the end result isn't... that's absolutely ridiculous. if you're going to eat the carcass, you damn well should be ok with where it comes from. to sit there and say "oh it was wrong how this animal was killed, but it's right to eat it" is absurd. and as far as the "food chain", there have ALWAYS been vegetarians, whether they be human or non-human. it has no effect on the food chain. because i don't eat meat, that means that somehow it's fucking up the food chain? how? is a lion going to not eat meat and die because i don't eat meat?


you make no sense at all.

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