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Ahh, thanks to oink for putting up with all my questions. Ordered an empty mini mop, a pocket OTR flowpen and a bottle of O-Ink....should be arriving soon. Big ups man, you got a customer for life.


And yes, word up on keeping your house clean. I have two cans in my house, the rest are in a U-Haul "Rent a motherfuckin closet" No tags at home, not even a blackbook anymore since I had to change my name (and who was I kiddin...I'm not an artist, I dont need a BBook right now)


And also, dont be leaving graffiti books and movies around your house....and setting your homepage to http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum........isnt the best idea either. If they raid your house and find caps...you can try to explain your way out of it....books, DVDs, computer evidence...the rent-a-closet key....you fucked up.


how about just going to the fact that when you're caught, you're caught GET OVER IT.

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i must be the glupen king cos ive had some emails about making them

so here it is




step 1 - unscrew the lid off the glue pen and empty that shit away but dont waste it put it into a jar for future use.


step 2 - the lid/nip consists of three parts, the screwy ringpiece, the circle of material and a sort of plug that wedges in behind it, just push down on the top and it shud pop out.


step 3 - throw away the bit of material as its not that great mine was to thick for the paint and left bad streaks


step 4 - get an old t shirt, or anything made of thin cotton (i used my old work shirt fuckin cunts!) and cut a whole about the size of a 2p (bout an inch wide)


step 5 - from seeing how the other bit of material was in place its simple just put the material over the bung and put it back up tight put it on the marker with ur chosen juice and vallah!


(this is how all the glue pens ive used have been constructed other models may vary, contents sold seperatly, please ask the carpet payers permission before you make the mod, skirmfirm industries will not be held responsible for any mad drippy handstyles that may result from the use of this item)

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But who the fuck has been Pming you about how to make it...its uh...pretty simple ;)


and Ketel2....kiss my ass pal. I've been raided twice. And because of how clean my house was of paint and other graffiti materials, they had no evidence against me and I am no longer a suspect.


They did ask about the cans, but because I had the foresight (something I think you lack) to buy a giant canvas and paint some "artsy" blocks and random shapes on it...I had an albi. When the cops show up at your door, be sure to point them to the stash of cans you keep in mom's garage. I dont know about anyone else, but I'm not gonna just fall over and let the cops run over me. I'ma do what I can to be able to stand.


And that oink mini mop, everyone should pick up one, just dont keep it in your pocket, because mine started to leak a little bit and now my thigh is black...

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anyone ever use the nyc mop is it worth the money



It's a good mop, but nothing more than an empty deodorant container with a felt nib.


If you want to save money, buy/rack Mitchum roll-on deodorant:

-use it on ya pits

-when it runs out pop the ball out

-fill it with ink

-stuff it with felt

-then catch some tags


For some odd reason I do like the smell of the felt he uses for the NYC mop though.

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im loven that dagram.




im pritty shure if you take the whole assamble off the roll on u can pop out the ball pushing inwards.i think the top twists off.


naw the top doesnt come off. Thats the first thing i always try b4 messin with a Base/ Carcas of something. Im its just common sence.



80% of the United States dont have Common Sence....


Why even call it COMMON????

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house paint and alcohol? its not that simple. i dont think anyone would think about buying something that was made with paint and one ingredient. we got that special flavor.



and i didnt say that to be an ass, i actually did like the diagram...even though it was simple, it was very detailed



sorry sorry, maybe its just the clash in humours across the pond, i was joking, typing with a smile on my face, being big headed haha maybe you just read in the wrong tone! :)

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