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as u can see i have nothin to tag in my room haha hates it when testin shit out


yeah, im going to home depot and getting one of those scrap cuts of plywood, and make a wall and paint it with some housepaint i found, just so i can test out mops, markers, and other shit. it gets annoying when you aint got anyplace to test stuff, and deff cant hit up something thats right in front of your house.


this reminds me, i cant believe my moms dont know i write, before i would mix ink in the kitchen, and then i would hit up my old baskeball hoop to test shit out, blackbook in church, caps all over my room, cans all up in my room, and all other types of shit. maybe she does and doesnt want to say shit.


haha, this is my 123 post.

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Try to think of what you will be writing on when you go out. I took plywood and covered it with about 8 different materials to represent what I would be writing on. Some inks only work well on some materials. Just adds a bit more to testing out and seeing what you will get.

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Co-signed all the way!!


The people that get caught are the people that aren't cautious and do stupid shit.

(not intended for everyone, but most)


i keep making this mistake over and over again :(


i must realise however much i enjoy it, running along the top of trains in the yard and taking a stereo in is just pure silly.

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Haha! Bringing a stereo into the trainyard with you? That's mad ill.


nah i was just jokin i dont wanna reveal wat gets me busted on here thats bait if my local force checks this.


But i invited someone to meet me at the scraps once to head into main yard


I hear some grimey london hip hop gettin nearer


Oh no i thought


then a girl pops her head out from under the coal train


followed by a out of his head Eel-Bsc with a stereo on his shoulder


Fucker was off his head and brought a bird and a boom box hahaha

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okay i just shut up and made one. the paint flows fine, the nib seems weak. but heres a tip. once ur done having fun dumping red bingo dye all over the sidewalk making it look like a fucking crime scene, make sure u wash that shit out. my silver ghetto krink is super ghetto now that it has random red speckles in it. :( WASH OUT UR BINGO DABBERS BEFORE MAKING INTO MARKER!! there i contributed for once

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Sorry, I don't know how to help you any further.


Bingo dabbers have alot of different nibs. Most are pretty decent, so I don't see why, or how for that matter, you would use a felt nib to replace it.


And did it ever go through your mind to wash out the red colored ink before you add/ mix silver to it? "Common sense" tells me that it would be a good idea to wash it out. It also tells me that you don't know what you are doing.

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Thomas Paine once wrote a work titled "Common Sense".




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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hahahha im glad u can all have a laugh at my ignorance. i just didnt think that a small amount of water would REALLY throw off something like 100ml of oil based paint. now i know. at least i tried to figure this shit out by myself to some extent. either way the marker did not work THAT great anyhow it did not get consistant solid lines. but it gets the point across. i was planning on rolling up a piece of chalk eraser and inserting it into the bingo dabber in place of the nib. as reccomended by a friend. what may be a good idea is to cut a small hole in the regulator... ive heard some people leave the regulator in in kiwi style mops and simply cut one of the 3 "thingies" on the regulator. hmmmmmmmm. only 1 way to find out. i wonder what it iss. common sense? haha./


*edit* upon google'ing Thomas Paine i got this



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