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Not very big.


You can make a large one... but a large

bottle of Kiwi shoe polish is the biggest round

nib that I know of. Anyone else??


Alternatively you can take any canister, plastic

bottle and mount a rolled up felt eraser strips

to create wide round marker. But I think kiwi is

your best bet. They don't look big, but when you

drop em with a good INK, not paint, you get big

bold lines that flow and drip.


Hope that helps.

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omg omg omg omg, GOLA i know exactly wht ur talking about, cuz like months ago i was watching 10 minute and i saw this guy hittin the train with this huge juicy mop, and i was like dang i gotta get me one of those. I could never find one or manage to make one, but as soon as i read ur post i was like man this guy just say 10 minute and he wants to make one. I always thought about makin a huge nib by sewing this felt together and the marker would be like a frozen orange juice concentrate container. peace

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I now know what you are talking about and yes it is HUGE!!

I am going to tease and try and find the product first before

I tell you what it is. A friend of mine had one those. It's not

a marker at all. That's your hint.

Be back in 15 with or without photos.

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Ok so the product was... I think... A car wax

applicator that had the liquid wax in a bottle

that doubled as a handle like on a gun. So

where the barrel of the gun would be, there

was instead a 3 and 1/2" diameter round

sponge applicator. You squeeze the wax into

the sponge and apply(not directly to forehead).


It's out there, and I have seen it with my own

eyes. In looking for this thing, I found THESE.

Never used them before, but they are big...

Might be worth taking a look at.


Sorry to tease, but also really want to know what

that thing was again. I will make some phone calls.

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what would be a good container for a mop with a smaller nib???


ill probably be picking up that mop from oinks site; but i was wondering if there was anything smaller......


the KR squeezies look dope...

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The one that you are going to get from Oink

is the same diameter as those on the Krinks

above. Just a slightly longer body.


The nibs might be a little different in how they

look, but I use the bottles shown above also,

the diameter of both markers pushes the limits

as to how small that type of nib/valve system

can get. I can wait for my Oink shipment to

arrive! But easy answers is they are about the


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Hey, I just came into mad of these perfect sized mops:


but the problem is they don't have a cap, if anyone can give me some advice on how to ghetto rig a cap that'd be appreciated


use a pill bottle and put electrical tape or Teflon tape on the maker to make it snug. (what i did wit my OTR) ........ or go to staples or were ever you bought or stole it from and either steel an other or just that cap

it should be easy to steel it. if your staples are like myn they dont have cameras.

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Get some 1" PVC, and two endcaps. Glue one endcap to one end of the PVC, and drill a hole in the other endcap with a 3/4" bit for a nib. Put in a nib from an eraser. The endcap with the nib slips right on the PVC, just use some electrical tape for a good seal. Spray paint it flat black, and you've got one awesome mop.

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