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That was my point thought, is that ineffability is only categorized as being of transcendence by certain sects of buddhism.


I completely agree about teachings and idolatry of messengers.


I just wanted to clarify what I think is a mis-perception of buddhism as a whole teaching from western perspective. Because it is "mystical" we easily dismiss the principles because of their supposed ineffability.


I have a great essay on the relationship between Koan's and dualistic logic/language. If you are interested.



Have you posted this somewhere? Duality or lack thereof intrigues me because of the influence of languages on the understanding of binary relationships. Supposedly, the ability to hold contradictory ideas in one's consciousness is aid by the structure of certain languages, especially in their use of pronouns in personal interactions. For instance, Japanese pronouns can only function in relationships to others rather than in isolation, like our "he," "she," "I." Defining ourselves in this way seems to encourage an assignment of being or not being. He is a he or not a he. My wife is learning Chinese, and she has learned that the word "yes" does not exist per say, but only in the context of the negative. Assignments are made with relationships between at least two but perhaps many objects that do not necessarily fall into a yes/no pattern.



So the words are there, the concepts are not necessarily more or less ineffable, but from a Western language perspective, the words may be difficult to come by.

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