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HEROES is back


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no she dont, get your perez hilton on or someshit your gossip is off...

i got sucked into this show, its not that good but i wanna see what happens, cant stand the charlie and the new spanish characters either but i cant front on them black tears...

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I think she's dating the younger brother, who would be her uncle in the show and I don't think he's quite yet thirty, but really who gives a shit. I don't even know the real-life name about most of these actors, I just love the show. This season hasn't blown me away, yet, but I can already start to feel myself becoming hooked.


I just think it's bullshit they are bringing Sylar back, especially so soon. I fucking loothe Sylar and since they let him live last season, when they inevitably bring him back it sucks that they have done so this quickly. I'd like to see the dude gone for a while, he was too much of an asshole, lunatic and was too stressfullly annoying.

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The mexican chick is annoying. Looks like she has replaced Nikki as the chick you love to hate in this series. Its always the chicks that cant control their powers.


I hope the Kensei storyline has a few more twists it seems to be running very predictably.

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I agree, so far I'm fucking bored to death with the Mexican shit and it totally does not fit. Hopefully they will integrate it much more than they did with the Nikki bullshit. I'm most interested in Petrilli and Clair's Dad and Suresh's plot to fuck over the company.


Though the black shit coming out of her eyes was pretty intense, even though it was sort of a bite off "The X-Files".

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So far the first three episodes have been pretty awesome, although I just hope they don't stretch certain shit (the Mexicans, Peter's amnesia, Hiro's trip to the past, anything having to do with Sylar) out too long. I think they should have killed Sylar off for good, I fucking hate him. He's too evil. I hope that all he does is suffer in this show because I hate seeing him kill poor, defenseless people. I hope that he doesn't regain any of his powers. I hope he dies a horrible death by like, episode 6.



I also think that the samurai-white guy might actually be the invisible bum that helped Peter out in the first season, because he can't be killed so maybe he is actually immortal, since in the first season the guy was talking about how many he has trained before Peter. It's a stretch, but it would be pretty cool. The shit with Mohander, the cop, and Clair's dad going undercover has potential, and tonight's episode with the painting at the end was awesome. I think Claire's new uber-douche boyfriend will try, and maybe succeed, in killing her dad.

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