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Heh, some undercover nearly killed me jumping the curb while I was doing a throw up. I talked and lied my way out of all his bullshit by telling him it was my 1st attempt and I wouldn't do it again. He let me go and told me if he found any more of my art he would come to my house and arrest me. I called up my friend and we drove around painting over my throw ups and pieces with some latex paint and a broom... the paint covered decent but you might be able to make out some letters. I was wondering if he could still try and put that shit on me.

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uhe probably woudnt bother because it would be a risk..considering he didnt follow protocol by letting you go

^absolutely right, he aint ever gonna mention yalls run in to the pigs or he'll get in trouble


I got off on that same shit, it was great, only the took my prints and all that and booked me, but no charges.....

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I called up my friend and we drove around painting over my throw ups and pieces with some latex paint and a broom... the paint covered decent but you might be able to make out some letters.[/b]


You actually did this? That is funny as hell. Maybe painting is not for you, go find another hobby.


Or grow some balls.

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i got busted awhile back...i wasnt even really doing anything...i was walking down the street and he rolled up on us. he questioned us serperately and asked abunch of dipshit questions. i answered some of the shit but basically told him to go fuck himself when he started trying to get me to rat on some friends of mine.


in the end he didnt even confiscate the "graffiti paraphernalia" i had on me. one of the cops kept saying "theyre high on something...you boys been smoking anything?" and the detective who had originally stopped us basically told the other cop to shut up. he gave us his speech about how we needed to stop what we were doing and if he ever caught us again blah blah blah...


i still write the same thing...still roll with the same guys.


honestly, even if the same cop saw whatever you write again he could only detain you and question you...and if they did try to charge you with anything it would never hold up in court. without hard evidence that it was actually you commiting the acts you were being charged with...they cant do shit. thats the beauty of being able to plead ignorance.

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hopefully you didnt bring any ID with you and you just told the undercover some bullshit..because if you did, you just buffed all your shit for no reason..and besides, the guys not gonna go around lookin for your shit then callin the police saying that you gave him false info about that being your first time

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Sorry, but you were born a worrying bitch. Go buff some more of your own stuff bitch.
thank you my point exactly,after i got arrested my first time for doing 6 throw ups in a 1 block radius the "detective" said that if he found anymore of my tags/throwups that i would be charged well next block over were a dozen or so more throwys i only got charged for the 6 and didnt even have to clean em up so dont be a bitch and worry just take it."im on what they call a 6 month probation...never mind probation call it a 6 month vacation"
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Dude like just go have one of your friends stick a funnel in your butt.... then shove handfuls of fire ants into the funnel..... dude like all the cops will never fuck with you then and stuff....

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If he lives in a small city with nothing going on, he should be smarter then he is because it is easier to get caught and when you do get caught (we all have) they will know you did everything. They might not be able to pin everything on you, but they will make you broke with lawyer fees while they try.

Buffing yourself is stupid and counterproductive. just because you buff it, doesn't mean they still won't try to get you on it.


Playing it smart and safe is the way to go.

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If he lives in a small city with nothing going on, he should be smarter then he is because it is easier to get caught and when you do get caught (we all have) they will know you did everything. They might not be able to pin everything on you, but they will make you broke with lawyer fees while they try.

Buffing yourself is stupid and counterproductive. just because you buff it, doesn't mean they still won't try to get you on it.


Playing it smart and safe is the way to go.



I remember when I was young and stupid, we went bombing in a small town near where I lived and ended up getting caught. They spent two days driving all over that town finding EVERY SINGLE tag we had caught, and pinned all of them on us. That shit sucked.


Always best to stay out of small towns with no graff if you can help it.

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Heh, some undercover nearly killed me jumping the curb while I was doing a throw up. I talked and lied my way out of all his bullshit by telling him it was my 1st attempt and I wouldn't do it again. He let me go and told me if he found any more of my art he would come to my house and arrest me. I called up my friend and we drove around painting over my throw ups and pieces with some latex paint and a broom... the paint covered decent but you might be able to make out some letters. I was wondering if he could still try and put that shit on me.



It maybe to late for you mate if he has all ready got photos on file ready to dig up.

If you been hitting up for a while now he may have access to all your records of your work.

Do a tidy up at home get rid of your flicks off computer and anything on paper .

Good luck.

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