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Everything posted by 1+2

  1. If you wanna save the videos to your Hard drive http://www.ftvteen.com/downloadtools.php
  2. Bump and +rep.. that shit is awesome.
  3. Incase you wanna see it:D Quality of Life (2007) FULL MOVIE www.bedroommedia.com/videos.php?id=8909
  4. I bought the flowmaster from Home Depot and mixed it a little thick and that shit was a mess. Gonna try it 13 thinner like suggested.
  5. 1+2


    you guys are so hardcore, i wish i was born as tough and careless as you. ;)
  6. 1+2


    Heh, some undercover nearly killed me jumping the curb while I was doing a throw up. I talked and lied my way out of all his bullshit by telling him it was my 1st attempt and I wouldn't do it again. He let me go and told me if he found any more of my art he would come to my house and arrest me. I called up my friend and we drove around painting over my throw ups and pieces with some latex paint and a broom... the paint covered decent but you might be able to make out some letters. I was wondering if he could still try and put that shit on me.
  7. I know I just read pages 1-30 (Took like 4 hours) and it started getting so lame, people coming and asking the same questions like 12oz is your personal tutor. Pisses me the fuck off.
  8. http://youtube.com/watch?v=8O6tMpnwBbI
  9. I totally agree on how you feel about the lack of development for graffiti markers. But like everything else in life, if you want it done right you gotta do it yourself.
  10. Well at the beginning they're just talking to the guy and listening to him ramble on then one guy asks if he tagged on the piece and points to this shitty tag (tag pic here) and the guys says he did it. not even a second after he says yeah to doing the tag he gets punched in the face and falls to the ground. then they dude jumps on him and punches him another 15 times, kicks him a few and sends him on his way. He comes back with a weapon and they find another piece he went over so they take his weapon and kick him in the face about 30 times until he bleeds from his eye.
  11. Check out this ill milk ink mop this milk stains so hard and beats every buff known to man. Drips like crazy.
  12. That paint looks nice, sick colors.
  13. Sick Oink got the red ded! :)
  14. that maui looks nice. mad drippy, love it.
  15. I'd like to see some pics too and also where did you find it?
  16. I concur, DED inside blue is insane. I prefer Oink black over DED outside but both are really really good.
  17. Sastershop.com update Theyre legit, I got my Krink refill and they gave me a free T-shirt. Definitely would buy from again.
  18. That black looks sick, where can I grab some online?
  19. Xylol is Xylene but all I know is if you mix Hydrophloric Acid (Acid Etch) with Lacquer Thinner it will create a toxic smoke. I wouldn't mix them unless I was 100% sure.
  20. I was curious about that. I saw some pics and I really wasn't too impressed.
  21. Whats the best red out? Home made or buyable, Im looking for some hard staining blood red shit.
  22. Well Oink is saying I got scammed and DED is saying I didn't :P Only time will tell! I hope I didn't get scammed. @Oink: I was going to throw the Krink in an empty mop I got from you!
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