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The God Code


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Hey all.


I recently downloaded an interview with Gregg Braden on Coast to Coast, George Noory.


To make it short... Scientists including Braden have developed a mythical method for decoding DNA & Gnomes... Into a readable dialog.


The DNA code has messages like 'All that is was made' and 'God internally within us.'


They can convert any carbon based life into a code, which then can be translated into English text!


It seems quite too insane, or even planned but when he presented his method... The other scientists from all over the place, could not deny the proof.


His site does sell books... But I reckon you could even ask him for the actual proof, and he would be happy to give it out for free.


His site:




What would it mean to discover an ancient language—a literal message—coded into the DNA of life itself? What we once believed of our past is about to change…


A message has been found within the molecules of life; deep within the DNA in each cell of our bodies. Through a remarkable discovery linking ancient alphabets to the elements of life, our genetic code now reads as a text message of healing and peace! The code in our cells includes the ancient name of God, and offers concrete evidence that we are an intentional species, related to one another and life itself, in the most intimate way imaginable.


In this compelling work, Gregg Braden will share the life-changing discovery that led him from a successful career in Aerospace and Defense, to an extensive12-year study of the most honored traditions of humankind.

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There is nothing new under the sun, yet they want to make it seem like they got all the answers...

No negitive feedback or anything.

But the science and math they so-called calculate is just getting them another grant and investment on their team. But its not helping man out at all. This whole GOD in Thy Self is true though. Yet I also Cee these scientists on some Bible Prophecies only probably commisioned by the vatican them selves. Lets cee em compare all the books of different faiths and get a universal answer instead of a bias one that will have sheep people flocking to cop a book. for real. Its a bias discovery...

Just my oppinion. No need to take it.

good post and link for all the mystery seekers though kid.

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There is nothing new under the sun, yet they want to make it seem like they got all the answers...

No negitive feedback or anything.

But the science and math they so-called calculate is just getting them another grant and investment on their team. But its not helping man out at all. This whole GOD in Thy Self is true though. Yet I also Cee these scientists on some Bible Prophecies only probably commisioned by the vatican them selves. Lets cee em compare all the books of different faiths and get a universal answer instead of a bias one that will have sheep people flocking to cop a book. for real. Its a bias discovery...

Just my oppinion. No need to take it.

good post and link for all the mystery seekers though kid.



Well, Greggs main point is that the ancients had the answers to DNA. Of course nothing is new!


This had hardly anything to do with the bible... Its to do with what everythings DNA says.

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No doubt...

Isn't it funny how they try and bring back ancient knowledge when the future fate of the world gets dummer each day?

I wonder if they gonna open up DNA spots anywhere, where they can start readings like psychics and palm readers. Sounds like a cash in deal for them scientists...

Plus, it'll only help government and the official pigs and bloodsuckers of the poor. It wont help the average human stock at all.

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Yo, you right though.... How they gonna translate it to english?

The Fuck You Part though, I aint taking it personal. :rolleyes:

This DNA shit iz Blasphemous though.

They can ezily decode the shit to say that anyone is a terrorist and some one else is a pure bredded what ever superiority they wish to be (with a lil extra cash) with the executive orders of this dumb and racist president in charge, and classify the world if people buy into this shit. And Paganism will be on more of a rise than ever....

A horrible future will come of this if people actually believe this..

Call me what ever, I aint falling for this....

Ancient? We've been here since day one.:cool:

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you can translate anything into anything else should you choose to. that is the beauty of language.


Not that I'm giving recognition to the article , but you can't effectively translate anything into anything. Anyone who speaks multiple languages knows that it's extremely difficult to convey certain things from one language to another. It can be done, don't get me wrong, but there is always something lost from the original intent. Certain phrases in certain languages have cultural connontations that a person from a different culture just won't pick up on unless explained extensively.

Like, if I said to you,


"What up , money? I'm about to run up on this herb'n run his pockets and merk that fruity ass nigga. Dude got kool aid pumpin' through his veins, son. Word, he got mad cake. I'm gonna vick that faggot."


Translate that!

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The point is that all translation takes a belief on the part of translator that what they are appreciating as translated is in fact correctly done so.


Basically I was saying translation is a choice. And if one so chooses they can translate anything into anything else.



As for your qoute.


best believe i speak the common tongue.

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It's not just translation, it's the whole code mapping that's the big issue here. You can take pretty much any array of symbols/characters, these could be placed at random or they can follow a set of rules (like how written language has a set of rules that determine the positions of letters to make words, sentences, etc.), and then map these in such a way that unforeseen patterns emerge. These patterns may appear to be phrased predictions and prophesies when placed in the proper context.


I first heard of this when that thing about the Bible Code came out. It all seemed pretty legit, until some dudes did the exact same thing with Moby Dick and other works of literature and found equally profound "prophesies" encoded in the literature.


Then again, some people here would be inclined to believe that Moby Dick is also some sort of divine book because of this.

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It's not just translation, it's the whole code mapping that's the big issue here. You can take pretty much any array of symbols/characters, these could be placed at random or they can follow a set of rules (like how written language has a set of rules that determine the positions of letters to make words, sentences, etc.), and then map these in such a way that unforeseen patterns emerge. These patterns may appear to be phrased predictions and prophesies when placed in the proper context.


I first heard of this when that thing about the Bible Code came out. It all seemed pretty legit, until some dudes did the exact same thing with Moby Dick and other works of literature and found equally profound "prophesies" encoded in the literature.


Then again, some people here would be inclined to believe that Moby Dick is also some sort of divine book because of this.



the bible code was pretty cool.


i don't know what to think of the gene code. that's why i've been pretty silent

on the subject.

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well that is translation is it not mams?


any distinction of equating identities between two languages is a translation. regardless of what the symbol is.



it is the syntax of a language which defines its structure, but to align such between varying syntactic structures is to make a translation.



we are agreeing i think.

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i've seen a comedy skit where htye use his stupid way of encoding crap to say absolutely anything its gold


i also enjoyed the way you called Genomes Gnomes otu_gnome.jpg


I knew I screwed up somewhere.


The God Code could be all shit. But still, very interesting.

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I first heard of this when that thing about the Bible Code came out. It all seemed pretty legit, until some dudes did the exact same thing with Moby Dick and other works of literature and found equally profound "prophesies" encoded in the literature.


Then again, some people here would be inclined to believe that Moby Dick is also some sort of divine book because of this.


I got the first book as a present when i was 13. When I read it the first time I was like, "WOAH!" but then I read it again and realised there where too many jumps and not enough consistency.

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you have absolutely no real answer.




sit the fuck down and let the big kids talk.






Wtf? I post links to topics. I am not Gregg Braden you know. I am not someone who knows everything. In a way... everyone has the answer.


for fup sake, I say these days you can't say anything without people getting all upset, asking questions!!! Geeeeeeez.

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I got the first book as a present when i was 13. When I read it the first time I was like, "WOAH!" but then I read it again and realised there where too many jumps and not enough consistency.



and when did you realize you're a jew and don't believe in jesus?






just kidding, man. i don't mind if you're godless and destined to burn in

the pits of hell for not believing in jesus.








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"Hold on. You have to slow down. You're losing it. You have to take a breath. Listen to yourself. You're connecting a computer bug I had with a computer bug you might have had and some religious hogwash. You want to find the number 216 in the world, you will be able to find it everywhere. 216 steps from a mere street corner to your front door. 216 seconds you spend riding on the elevator. When your mind becomes obsessed with anything, you will filter everything else out and find that thing everywhere."



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and when did you realize you're a jew and don't believe in jesus?






just kidding, man. i don't mind if you're godless and destined to burn in

the pits of hell for not believing in jesus.









I could take that a step futher.

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and when did you realize you're a jew and don't believe in jesus?






just kidding, man. i don't mind if you're godless and destined to burn in

the pits of hell for not believing in jesus.








I could take that a step further....Muhammad

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This does remind me of the Bible Code and Kabbalah. DNA however is even broader in scope than the Bible Code or Kabbalah so the Infinite Monkey Theorem applies even moreso. If you look hard enough you see patterns everywhere in nature, Fibonacci Numbers, the Golden Mean, etc. In fact there is already an entire branch of science devoted to seeing patterns in seemingly random chaos, it's called Chaos Theory, or Systems Theory, or Emergence. Finding patterns that elucidate english language phrases from DNA does not surprise me in the slightest since the amount of DNA in the world is staggering. It's sort of a novelty however if you ask me. The real work is being done in Chaos Theory and Systems Theory.






chaos theory bangs it.



especially when you see correlates in philosophy of mind. I have gone into this in other threads, and i am a little too buzzed to do it right now, but it's awesome either way.

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