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Whats in a name? : name history


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Yo just a question ... is there a thread here or somewhere i could find a list of the big names, ie a who's who of graff from the beginning till now? I'm still fairly new to this and i want to get my history down so i can give mad respect where its due. A list would be dope.


Also, is there anyone that writes STANE? My school (college) might be opening a legal wall, and i don't want to use my real name on it for various reasons. So if you write STANE let me know i'll think of something else. What do y'all do when it comes to legal walls? One name for everything, or a fake name? let me know thanks peace

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Wow thanks spruce lee....I will def. stay away from stane. Thats why i asked. Hmm maybe i'll just use my name, but see i have a throwie and some tags somewhat near the wall and i don't want the fuzz getting suspicious.


Thanks guys


Money, if your not willing to take the risk that the cops might find out your tagging, you shouldn't be tagging...


BUT, if you want to use Stane, you might as well...basically every name you can think of has been used by someone somewhere, so just write what you want to...as long as you don't take something from a VERY big graff figure...like JA or IZ or some shit

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Money, if your not willing to take the risk that the cops might find out your tagging, you shouldn't be tagging...


I'm willing to take the risk. Otherwise i never would have gotten into graf in the first place. I just don't want to be stupid and get busted when i could have kept a head on my shoulders and been fine.


Haha a bloody tampon throw? That sounds mad fucked. But funny at the same time.


I guess i'll just scope things out, if the wall seems chill, i write my real name, If its sketchy, i wrtie whatever i want. Problem solved.

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I'm willing to take the risk. Otherwise i never would have gotten into graf in the first place. I just don't want to be stupid and get busted when i could have kept a head on my shoulders and been fine.


Haha a bloody tampon throw? That sounds mad fucked. But funny at the same time.


I guess i'll just scope things out, if the wall seems chill, i write my real name, If its sketchy, i wrtie whatever i want. Problem solved.



Yeah my bad, I sounded hella holier-than-though in that post...thats not how I meant it...


What I meant was, if you dont want to take the risk, don't, but if you want ups, take it...either way good luck

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Thanks so much guys! I'm gonna write my full name, age, address, and cell phone number on everything i can! IT sounds great!




oh and if your gonna do a bogus post, at least make it funnny peoples!!! Learn from people like smooth-nuts and sk8r6 because they seem to have the art down.



later peoplesessssss

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haha no i hear ya, i mean the bs post art, they've actually written things i've laughed at. I've seen some of skaters hand, its nothing to write home about tho prolly better then mine. I've never seen smooths stuff, he prolly doesn't write for all i know. But they're both banned now, so whats it matter.


On a side note, anyone have a current list of whos banned and why?


I know oink and jonubo, smooth, sk8r, wont, rouge


i know oink and jonubo were sellin their stuff, what did the rest do tho?

I wasn't payin attention for a while sry

All tho i will say i personally never had a problem with what they were doin, but then again its not my forum, so w/e

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yo i wish people would just let this die, i was young and stupid(er) when i made this. But then that is the power of the internet...the stupid live on forever....hence mojo....But yeah since i started this thread, i have 1. Learned my history much, much better 2. Realized i don't care what i write on a legal wall its a LEGAL wall and 3. After parts 1 and 2, went back to drawing like crazy and rocking straight letters, perfecting my hand etc... You wouldn't believe how much better that made all my stuff in just a matter of weeks... so yeah thats where i'm at so there is no need for this thread unless you want a free post. Do what you want homies, its a free country, pczzz

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